

Hi Mummies and Daddies..hehe I am bringing my boy for a trial lesson this coming saturday in Kindermusik...kinda excited cos this is the first time he is attending such classes...really hope he will enjoy it :Dancing_wub:

Anyone attending or attended classes there?


Hi vodkager...will update u tomolo nite..the trial lesson is tomolo at 530pm.. hope my boy enjoys himself.. really looking forward to bring him there.. his first lesson!!


Hi Mummies, my boy attended his first lesson yesterday. He is the youngest in his class. The other babies can walk already. My boy abit he is not too used to the new environment.

I think I wont sign him up first...will wait till he can walk..cos if he cant walk..i have to carry him ard to do all the activities...hehe...and i think he din learn much as he is too young to concentrate...

I find the lessons OK only...will try some other schools to make comparison...:tlaugh:


anyone here bring their bb to kindermusik , bb is less than 4 mth old? I went to the web to tk a look (lesson for newborn to 18mth) at the video but it seem the bbies all can already sit or walk. My bb still very small but i want to expose him earlier.. Myself is educator for young children so I have start playing nursery song every morning for an hour to play / to communicate with him.. But frankly is tiring hee.. so would like to "outsource" heh heh.. but not sure so young bring him to kindermusik is it waste of $$...


Active Member
hi there, i brought my girl there. my conclusion - it is wasting your money if you bring them too early though you can bring from 6m months onwards. i brought her when she is about 8 months. she was curious with other kids. i think it helped her to start walking because she kept looking at them :)
somehow she developed an incline for music which im happy about it.

i recommend teacher shauna. she is good...

hope this helps.
my gal just turned 8mths, bringing her this wkend for a trial class, hope she likes it. at home when we on her mini mobile music, she will shake her body, so funny.