Maid Levy and other issues


1. Maid Salary & Loan - You have to pay their loan amount. For new maid, usually 3k+. Then the next 10 months, or less, depending on their monthly pay, you dont't have to pay the full amount. Just pay them $10. Which means, eg., their loan is $3k. Their monthly is $350. First 8 months, you only pay your maid $10. 9th month, you pay your maid $70. Then 10th month onwards, you pay their full monthly, which is $350.

2. Maid Levy - Quote from MOM website.

Levy Concession
You can apply for a levy concession for up to two FDWs if you satisfy the following conditions A, B, C or D:

Condition A

(i) The employer or spouse has a child who is a Singapore Citizen below 12 years old living with him/her; or

(ii) The employer or spouse has a grandchild who is a Singapore Citizen below 12 years old living with him/her.

Condition B

(i) The employer or co-residing spouse is a Singapore Citizen aged 65 years old and above; or

(ii) The employer or spouse is a Singapore Citizen and the other party is a Singapore Permanent Resident aged 65 years old or above, both of whom live at the same registered address as in the Identity Card (NRIC).

Condition C

(i) The employer or spouse has a parent, parent-in-law, grandparent or grandparent-in-law who is a Singapore Citizen aged 65 years old or above, living with him/her at the same registered address as in the NRIC; or

(ii) The employer or spouse is a Singapore Citizen and has a parent, parent-in-law, grandparent or grandparent-in-law who is a Singapore Permanent Resident aged 65 years old or above, living with him/her at the same registered address as in the NRIC.

Condition D

From 15 September 2007, the FDW levy concession will be extended to FDW's employers with disability or who have family members with disability and require a full-time caregiver's assistance in Activities of Daily Living.

For more information on the eligibility criteria and application procedures, please visit the Centre of Enabled Living (CEL) website.

Please note:

For Conditions A(i) and B: - The employer is not required to apply for the levy concession as long as he/she provides the full details of all family members (living in the same household) in the Work Permit application.

For Conditions A(ii) and C(ii): - as long as the details of all family members (living in the same household) are provided in the FDW WP application, and the FDW application was made on/after 1 January 2006, the employer need not apply separately for the levy concession. But if the FDW application was made before 1 January 2006, please apply separately for the levy concession and declare the details of all family members (living in the same household) in the levy concession application.

For Condition C(i): - as long as the details of all family members (living in the same household) are provided in the FDW WP application, and the FDW application was made on/after 1 August 2004, the employer need not apply separately for the levy concession. But if the FDW application was made before 1 August 2004, please apply separately for the levy concession and declare the details of all family members (living in the same household) in the levy concession application.

Please allow up to two weeks for the application to be processed. The outcome will be mailed to the employer.

Please note that the foreign worker levy will be reviewed annually and adjusted if necessary.
By right, your agency should be able to advice you all the correct information. If you need a better agency, which reasonable agent fee, just PM me. I can let you have my maid's agent's contact.

For her necessary needs, like pad, shampoo, etc, it up to you to decide if you want to provide them or not. Some maid actually brought their own shampoo, etc.
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Active Member
adoncia: thanks thanks!! very very helpful info..

but hor, how to calculate pay how much huh?? meaning the $3000 is lyk "salary-in-advance" ???
we decide on 1 agent .. cuz cheapest.. now i just wanna find out what m i suppose to do/ pay (both monthly and 1 time)...
Your maid agent should start by showing you bio data of the maids. The agent should also explain to you about the payment of the maids loan. Whether its upfront payment or they allow you to do installment basis.

If everything upfront, I think you had better check carefully. What you normally gotta pay is agent fee, maid's medical insurance, and the loan. You also gotta check with them if lets say you need to replace maid, what is the free replacement time that they give you bcoz some dun give you free, they charge you for every single thing.

If installment, then usually its just the agent fee and medical insurance.

Thats why I suggest for you to call up a few agents to ask. Some may tell you, they charge only maybe $188 for agent fee. When on the actual day itself, they tell you other things.

By right, if you have spoken to your agent already, he or she should have informed you this already and even tell you what to do.

And b4 employing a maid, you need to take a test online as well.


Active Member
Your maid agent should start by showing you bio data of the maids. The agent should also explain to you about the payment of the maids loan. Whether its upfront payment or they allow you to do installment basis.

If everything upfront, I think you had better check carefully. What you normally gotta pay is agent fee, maid's medical insurance, and the loan. You also gotta check with them if lets say you need to replace maid, what is the free replacement time that they give you bcoz some dont give you free, they charge you for every single thing.

If installment, then usually its just the agent fee and medical insurance.

Thats why I suggest for you to call up a few agents to ask. Some may tell you, they charge only maybe $188 for agent fee. When on the actual day itself, they tell you other things.

By right, if you have spoken to your agent already, he or she should have informed you this already and even tell you what to do.

And before employing a maid, you need to take a test online as well.
~my aunt just employ a maid from this agent.. so the agent gave me a discount and charge me only $100 for the agent fee..
~the medical insurance of for the maid can be paid with post dated cheque, directly to the insurance company..
~then the maid loan is not cfm yet (cuz have not choose the maid mahz), he told me it ranges from $2100-$2800..
~for replacement of maid is no charge.. but the previous maid must at least work for us for 2months, then can replace..
~i did the test for my aunt, the course is quite ez.. but my mother in law employed maid before.. so she dont need do the test..

lyk tat de agent ok mahz??
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adoncia: thanks thanks!! very very helpful info..

but , how to calculate pay how much huh?? meaning the $3000 is lyk "salary-in-advance" ???
np np... ;)
You mean the advance amount? That's the loan amount. How much to pay depends. New maid usually need about S$3k+ to start. If you get transferred maid, then the loan will be lesser. Only your agent can tell you how much to pay. Yup, it's like salary in advance like that.


Active Member
np np... ;)
You mean the advance amount? That's the loan amount. How much to pay depends. New maid usually need about S$3k+ to start. If you get transferred maid, then the loan will be lesser. Only your agent can tell you how much to pay. Yup, it's like salary in advance like that.
i mean how u calculate the first how many months pay how much n subsequent month pay how much??


Well-Known Member
the $5k i'm talking bout is the medical insurance..
the security bond is the one that insure us if in any case the maid runs off izzit???

*first time researching bout this thingy.. very blur~~*

so you mean as long as under same household (aka address) got below 12years old or/and 65years old = levy is $170 lahz?? icic.. okok..

then monthly need pay what?? maid expenses, her pay, levy only??
Nope the security bond is not to insure u~ The govt will "eat" tat $$$ if ur maid runs off~ bcoz it is ur responsible to look after ur maid so if ur maid is lost u will be penalty for it n same goes for sending the maid back hm~ When u cancel her WP u haf to send her hm by providing the air tix for her n if u didn't do so, the govt will "eat" ur $$ too.

The $$ i am referring to the security bond :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
below 7?? i thought below 12??

i quite confuse.. cuz mother in law call 1 agency, then they sasy levy not subsidised.. i enquire from another, they sae levy subsidised~~ so i think ask you guys.. haha..
another important requirement to hire maid is tat the person who hire the maid must have annual income of 30k wor~ in case u duno~


Well-Known Member
o ya~~ the upfront.. i keep hearing this, but dont understand also..
it depends how much the maid loan frm the agency~ Like wat stonston mentioned tat it either agency require u to pay upfront in full or by installment which is all depending on the agency.

For me, luckily the agency is open by my hubby's relatives so we dun need to pay upfront in full which we pay them whenever my maid is getting her pay~ She wont be having any money for 8mths bcoz of the loan she owed ~


Active Member
Nope the security bond is not to insure you~ The govt will "eat" that $$$ if your maid runs off~ bcoz it is your responsible to look after your maid so if your maid is lost you will be penalty for it n same goes for sending the maid back hm~ When you cancel her WP you have to send her hm by providing the air tix for her n if you didn't do so, the govt will "eat" your $$ too.

The $$ i am referring to the security bond :tlaugh:
if she runs away, but found within the month or so lehz??
the air tix part i noe.. but juz need to send her back to the capital of her hometown or muz send until her village??

another important requirement to hire maid is that the person who hire the maid must have annual income of 30k ~ in case you dont know~
at least 30k rite? the employer+spouse income rite?

it depends how much the maid loan frm the agency~ Like what stonston mentioned that it either agency require you to pay upfront in full or by installment which is all depending on the agency.

For me, luckily the agency is open by my hubby's relatives so we dont need to pay upfront in full which we pay them whenever my maid is getting her pay~ She wont be having any money for 8mths bcoz of the loan she owed ~
o.0... my agent oso let us pay the upfront monthly via PDC for dunno how many months.. lyk $330 every month.. den $20 for the *no off day* pay, is paid directly to the maid..


Well-Known Member
if she runs away, but found within the month or so lehz??
the air tix part i know.. but just need to send her back to the capital of her hometown or must send until her village??

at least 30k rite? the employer+spouse income rite?

o.0... my agent also let us pay the upfront monthly via PDC for dont know how many months.. lyk $330 every month.. then $20 for the *no off day* pay, is paid directly to the maid..
Should your Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) go missing, you should cancel her Work Permit (WP) as soon as possible.

Work Permit has Not Expired at the Time of Cancellation

If your FDW's WP has not expired at the time of cancellation, you will be given a grace period of one month from the date of the WP cancellation to locate the missing worker for repatriation.
If your FDW is not repatriated by the end of the one-month grace period, your security deposit will be forfeited.

If your FDW is found before the security bond is forfeited, you are to arrange for her repatriation. You will need to apply for a Special Pass to facilitate the departure of your FDW from Singapore

Work Permit has Already Expired at the Time of Cancellation

If your FDW's WP has already expired at the time of cancellation, the security deposit will be forfeited.
If you find your FDW after the forfeiture of security deposit, you and your FDW have to proceed to Work Pass Division with the following documents:
  • FDW's passport; and
  • Work Permit card.
The Work Pass Division will issue a referral letter. You have to bring this referral letter and your FDW to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for repatriation.

Refund of the Security Deposit

You can submit an application for refund of forfeited security deposit to Controller of Immigration for consideration if you have found the FDW or have assisted the Authorities to locate the FDW for repatriation. This must be within three months from the date of the Demand Letter to the Bank or Insurance Company for payment of the security deposit.

2ndly she need to be send back to her hometown or place of origin within her home country.

Employer + spouse if i am nt wrong muz b 36k ~


New Member
For my case, i paid an up front of $588.00 which consist of $388.00(agent fee) and $200.00 for the insurance. i don't have to pay 5k upfront as i think the insurance act as a guarantor for me.(if i am not wrong) i would need to pay the insurance 5k in the event if the maid runs away or whatever.

as my maid had borrow a loan of $2,970.00, therefore, i issued 9 post dated cheques of $340.00 to the agency and pay my maid a $10.00 every month for 9 months. after which, my maid will get her full pay of $350.00 for the remaining 15 months.

as my mother in law is above 65 years old, we employed the maid under my husband name and we do enjoy the concession levy of $170.00 per month and claim twice the total foreign domestic worker levy paid in the previous year even the maid is not under my name.

for more details, visit Foreign maid levy relief

hopes the above helps!
yes correct. the insurance premium we paid act as a guarantor, so if anything happens, we do not need to fork out $5000.00. The insurance company will pay for us.