My daughter (4mths) has difficulty in sucking


As above, mummies pls give me some advice. My daughter of 4 mths has difficulty in sucking her milk bottle. Frm birth she has difficulty in latching hence i did nt gif her BM after her full mth celebration. PD says she will gradually learn how to suck as she grows older. But now she's already 4 mths and still don't know how to suck. Everytime when we put the milk bottle in her mouth, she will lick and play around the teats instead of sucking like normal baby. Its rly a very hard task to get her to drink her milk. Usually can drink for 1hr and most of the time she will vomit out all the milk as my mum would get frustrated and forcing her to drink till she vomit. Any advice for me? Is anyone experiencing the same problem like me?


As above, mummies pls give me some advice. My daughter of 4 mths has difficulty in sucking her milk bottle. Frm birth she has difficulty in latching hence i did not give her breast milk after her full month celebration. pediatrician says she will gradually learn how to suck as she grows older. But now she's already 4 mths and still dont't know how to suck. Everytime when we put the milk bottle in her mouth, she will lick and play around the teats instead of sucking like normal baby. Its rly a very hard task to get her to drink her milk. Usually can drink for 1hr and most of the time she will vomit out all the milk as my mum would get frustrated and forcing her to drink till she vomit. Any advice for me? Is anyone experiencing the same problem like me?

u try giving her pacifier? she dont like it also?


Active Member
Do you give her the milk too often that she's no hungry so dun wanna drink jus playing with tit?
Or water too cold? Some babies are fussy want it exact temperature.
Or teat not suitable for her?


Well-Known Member
As above, mummies pls give me some advice. My daughter of 4 mths has difficulty in sucking her milk bottle. Frm birth she has difficulty in latching hence i did not give her breast milk after her full month celebration. pediatrician says she will gradually learn how to suck as she grows older. But now she's already 4 mths and still dont't know how to suck. Everytime when we put the milk bottle in her mouth, she will lick and play around the teats instead of sucking like normal baby. Its rly a very hard task to get her to drink her milk. Usually can drink for 1hr and most of the time she will vomit out all the milk as my mum would get frustrated and forcing her to drink till she vomit. Any advice for me? Is anyone experiencing the same problem like me?
If she still refuses to drink fr bottle then maybe just give her milk in those sippy cups.Some of them has spouts as soft n flexible as the bottle nipple.

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
I believe that drinking milk should be a pleasant experience for baby, as it provides more than food, it includes love and comfort as well. My son is fully-breastfed and rejected drinking expressed milk from bottle at about 4 mths. This is very common among breastfed babies. The solution is to try cup or spoon feeding. We succeeded with cup-feeding. Anyway, it is good to start cup-training for bottle-fed babies fr 6 mths, so if you try cup-feeding now, there is no need to wean baby from bottle later.

Read the details of our experience at Mummy's Reviews


Hi all. Thanks for the advice. From birth, she already started rejecting when i try to breastfeed her. Hence i only gave her expressed breast milk for a mth den she totally rely on formula milk. Initially i thought she doesnt know hw to suck the milk (doctor also advice that as she grows older she will learn hw to suck). But now she's already 4mths coming 5mths soon and yet she still have difficulty in sucking. She's only having difficulty in sucking at the initial stage when u put the milk bottle into her mouth. She will lick for very long until she realise tat she need to suck hence she will drink her milk. Sometimes if she's too hungry she will cry for very long instead of sucking as i think she's frustrated that she cant drink. Does any mummies experience that too? I've tried to google n find out the cause. Its all bad news..Its either she's short tongue, cleft lips etc. Im so worried.


Do you give her the milk too often that she's no hungry so dont wanna drink just playing with tit?
Or water too cold? Some babies are fussy want it exact temperature.
Or teat not suitable for her?

Hmm...i usually gif her 3hrs per feeding. Maybe the teats nt suitable i'll try to change her teats. I've been using avent, far still having prob...


Hi all. Thanks for the advice. From birth, she already started rejecting when i try to breastfeed her. Hence i only gave her expressed breast milk for a month then she totally rely on formula milk. Initially i thought she doesnt know hw to suck the milk (doctor also advice that as she grows older she will learn hw to suck). But now she's already 4mths coming 5mths soon and yet she still have difficulty in sucking. She's only having difficulty in sucking at the initial stage when you put the milk bottle into her mouth. She will lick for very long until she realise that she need to suck hence she will drink her milk. Sometimes if she's too hungry she will cry for very long instead of sucking as i think she's frustrated that she cant drink. Does any mummies experience that too? I've tried to google n find out the cause. Its all bad news..Its either she's short tongue, cleft lips etc. Im so worried.
You planning to bring her to another PD for 2nd opinion? Maybe you can share during the cross examination your findings on the internet.

One of my friends baby has a cleft lip. Her baby was ok after a minor surgery.


If she still refuses to drink fr bottle then maybe just give her milk in those sippy cups.Some of them has spouts as soft n flexible as the bottle nipple.
Where do i get those sippy cups? How those it look like?

Sidetrack abit...Wow u still look so great after giving birth to 3 kids...
envy...hw did u slim dwn? i've been trying hard but still v fat...:embarrassed:


New Member
As above, mummies pls give me some advice. My daughter of 4 mths has difficulty in sucking her milk bottle. Frm birth she has difficulty in latching hence i did not give her breast milk after her full month celebration. pediatrician says she will gradually learn how to suck as she grows older. But now she's already 4 mths and still dont't know how to suck. Everytime when we put the milk bottle in her mouth, she will lick and play around the teats instead of sucking like normal baby. Its rly a very hard task to get her to drink her milk. Usually can drink for 1hr and most of the time she will vomit out all the milk as my mum would get frustrated and forcing her to drink till she vomit. Any advice for me? Is anyone experiencing the same problem like me?
my son faced difficulty to suck when he was nb. he doesn't know how to suck at all and have to depend on dripping each of his feeding time and he has stiff jaw due to vacuum extract. overall it was so complicated when comes to feeding time. he took more than an hour just to finish just 2 oz of milk! just imagine that, if 4 oz?.... Anyway, all back to normal when he is 7 months and now at 20 months even with his a bit stiff lower jaw, he can suck, bite and eat well. his pediatrician said it will takes at least 2 years for his jaw to be corrected by itself over the period. so, dont worry, your baby will be ok, just that you have to spend more time to monitoring your baby's progress and development. anything amiss, get advice from your pediatrician immediately.:twink: