No breast milk?! :(


Dear Mummies... Today is already the 9th day after giving birth to my baby and yet I still have not feel any "漲奶“ (discomfort in the breasts) problem and after all the massaging and squeezing, my daily output have not exceed 20 cc... The nurse had advised that usually if after 10 days still no milk means probably really dont have and most likely due to the mother's body condition "體質關係". Does this mean that I have no breast milk for my baby? I've been so upset and cried for 3 days ... I feel like a failing (失敗) mum.. :( How do I know if I really cant produce anymore milk? I'm so disheartened that I feel like giving up.... :(

Would appreciate any advice or share with me if you have any similar experience... thank you very much... :(:(:(


Hi Sarobabe,

Don't be disheartened by the general rules. Try to watch a comedy or listen to relaxing music and dun try so hard to pump milk. When your body is stressed, milk will be disrupted. 15 mins before u start to pump milk, try to use a warm (not hot towel) to open the milk ducts. You can also drink papaya fish bone soup, I know that helps alot for most mums!

Try again till beyond 10 days and see if your milk ducts will miraclous "open" and milk will be out.....!!!

Jiayou and dun give up!!!


Hi MoMoMum.. thanks for the encouragement... wat i am doing now is i just add watever i can squeeze out daily into the FM and feed baby.. I read in other forums that some milk comes only during 6-8 weeks after birth? Will try to persist till really nothing comes out anymore.. still praying very hard.. :(

Hi Sarobabe,

Don't be disheartened by the general rules. Try to watch a comedy or listen to relaxing music and dun try so hard to pump milk. When your body is stressed, milk will be disrupted. 15 mins before u start to pump milk, try to use a warm (not hot towel) to open the milk ducts. You can also drink papaya fish bone soup, I know that helps alot for most mums!

Try again till beyond 10 days and see if your milk ducts will miraclous "open" and milk will be out.....!!!

Jiayou and dun give up!!!


Hi Sarobabe, it's great you are determined to breastfeed. Is there a Lactation Consultant or a Breastfeeding Counsellor you can contact? Or even a doctor who supports breastfeeding?

Otherwise try contacting the Singapore breastfeeding support group, or you can also try the Australian Breastfeeding Association. Even though it's Australian you can try emailing them here:

Australian Breastfeeding Association - Breastfeeding Helpline Service

I've called them before several times and the counsellors are wonderful and understanding.

Keep latching on as often as possible to keep baby stimulating the breasts. Babies are best at getting milk to come in rather than pumps.

I really hope your milk will come in soon! If not, don't be disheartened as there are cases where women just aren't able to breastfeed. Take it easy on yourself and know that you have tried your best :)


Hi ast0212, thanks for the advise and encouragement, I've wrote them an email cos Im in Taiwan and I dun think there's a Lactation Consultant or a Breastfeeding Counsellor here.. I just feel very upset and disheartened :(

Hi Sarobabe, it's great you are determined to breastfeed. Is there a Lactation Consultant or a Breastfeeding Counsellor you can contact? Or even a doctor who supports breastfeeding?

Otherwise try contacting the Singapore breastfeeding support group, or you can also try the Australian Breastfeeding Association. Even though it's Australian you can try emailing them here:

Australian Breastfeeding Association - Breastfeeding Helpline Service

I've called them before several times and the counsellors are wonderful and understanding.

Keep latching on as often as possible to keep baby stimulating the breasts. Babies are best at getting milk to come in rather than pumps.

I really hope your milk will come in soon! If not, don't be disheartened as there are cases where women just aren't able to breastfeed. Take it easy on yourself and know that you have tried your best :)


Hi ast0212, thanks for the advise and encouragement, I've wrote them an email cos Im in Taiwan and I dun think there's a Lactation Consultant or a Breastfeeding Counsellor here.. I just feel very upset and disheartened :(
I really hope they will reply to you soon!

Just a thought, did you check with your doctor/gynae/midwives whether you have any retaining placenta? Sometimes that would cause milk not to come in if there is some placenta left in the uterus. It can be very dangerous for you as well. Get them to check your thyroid levels if haven't already, that's another thing that can affect supply.

All the best :)


Yes. the doctor did the check before I was discharged and confirmed that everything was cleared... will wait and see how ba... thanks for everything.. :)

I really hope they will reply to you soon!

Just a thought, did you check with your doctor/gynae/midwives whether you have any retaining placenta? Sometimes that would cause milk not to come in if there is some placenta left in the uterus. It can be very dangerous for you as well. Get them to check your thyroid levels if haven't already, that's another thing that can affect supply.

All the best :)


There r some tonic that Chinese brew to increase milk supply. I'm also a vegetarian and my mother in law has recipes for those. I can send them to u or at least their names so that the 做月子中心 can help u brew. My taiwanese fren raved abt this 月子中心 lol. U muz share with me whether they r gd. If u want more info abt the tonic etc, I'll pm u my email address, u can contact me. Some of my frens also take fenugreek pills to increase milk supply.

I juz delivered n baby n me still in hospital coz of his jaundice. Will contact u when I'm back home. It's better to let baby keep sucking on ur breast to stimulate milk production. So far, I think pump is only effective at reducing the engorged feeling but baby's sucking is still the best stimulant. Don't b affected by negative comments. I'm sure in Taiwan, there r also gd Breastfeeding consultants. Dun give up! :)


New Member
Dear Mummies... Today is already the 9th day after giving birth to my baby and yet I still have not feel any "漲奶“ (discomfort in the breasts) problem and after all the massaging and squeezing, my daily output have not exceed 20 cc... The nurse had advised that usually if after 10 days still no milk means probably really dont have and most likely due to the mother's body condition "體質關係". Does this mean that I have no breast milk for my baby? I've been so upset and cried for 3 days ... I feel like a failing (失敗) mum.. :( How do I know if I really cant produce anymore milk? I'm so disheartened that I feel like giving up.... :(

Would appreciate any advice or share with me if you have any similar experience... thank you very much... :(:(:(
Hello sarobabe,

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just like you I don't have enuf milk also. My baby jz gave up latching because she gets frustrated when she can't get anything. Felt so guilty and useless cos I can't even nourished my small child. My dear Sofia is my first baby and I so wanted to breastfeed her til I have milk but if there's really nOthing, what can we do. Don't be so upset. Breastfeeding is not the only way how we can show our love to our baby. I hope eventually you'll have ur milk. My baby is turning 2 mos tom and my milk supply is still not enuf but I've learn to accept that fact and became easy to myself.

Good luck and don't stress up :)

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
Latching on 8-12 times round the clock is the best way to get the milk coming in.
Plus ensure you've taught baby the PERFECT latch. This ensures he can get the milk. To learn the correct way to latch, watch YouTube video or get lactation consultant / experienced bf mummy to help.

If you're feeding EBM or FM now, use cup / syringe / spoon to prevent nipple confusion. Drinking from bottle teat is very easy, so some babies start to reject latching on. Without latching on in early weeks, it's very hard to get the milk supply up.

I didn't use the pump until about 4-6 weeks. Just kept latching and latching until baby and I learnt how to do it correctly. Practice makes perfect. The effort paid off and I breastfed for 18 months. All the best!


New Member
Hi I also encountered the same issue at the beginning, but faithfully pump day and night even the output as little as 30-60ml per session of 2-3hourly.
Have plenty of fluid, enough rest and sleep, take supplement.
Now 10 months on the road, can even pump until have extra to keep in the fridge.
Don't lose heart dear..


New Member
Hi I also encountered the same issue at the beginning, but faithfully pump day and night even the output as little as 30-60ml per session of 2-3hourly.
Have plenty of fluid, enough rest and sleep, take supplement.
Now 10 months on the road, can even pump until have extra to keep in the fridge.
Don't lose heart dear..
Hi bensum

Do u still latch. I pump every 4 hrs. Can't afford to pump 2-3hrs cos I don't have anybody to take care of my baby.

mummy jay


Do you latch your baby directly? My milk supply always goes down when I dont latch on...I heard that some mummies don't respond well to pump and just need to latch on to increase milk production.


New Member

Do you latch your baby directly? My milk supply always goes down when I dont latch on...I heard that some mummies don't respond well to pump and just need to latch on to increase milk production.
Hi mummy jay,

My baby never like latching on. I think because of the frustration of not getting enuf. She cries after a few minutes of latching. Until she jz spits it out. I'm exclusively pumping and noticed that my milk is drying up. Used to get 80-100ml. Now only getting 50-60. Done all the recommendations by mummies here but to no avail. It's not that I'm giving up but it's kinda frustrating at times :(


I think latching is the best stimulant. I think my pump cannot drain my breast as well as my baby. It can only relieve some engorgement before I offer my breast to baby. Maybe u can try getting baby to latch on again? See a lactation consultant for help? Ask her to see how u latch on and see whether she can help u improve the latching? U may think that she is frustrated coz not getting enough milk but maybe it could be other reasons.

Hi mummy jay,

My baby never like latching on. I think because of the frustration of not getting enuf. She cries after a few minutes of latching. Until she jz spits it out. I'm exclusively pumping and noticed that my milk is drying up. Used to get 80-100ml. Now only getting 50-60. Done all the recommendations by mummies here but to no avail. It's not that I'm giving up but it's kinda frustrating at times :(


New Member
I think latching is the best stimulant. I think my pump cannot drain my breast as well as my baby. It can only relieve some engorgement before I offer my breast to baby. Maybe u can try getting baby to latch on again? See a lactation consultant for help? Ask her to see how u latch on and see whether she can help u improve the latching? U may think that she is frustrated coz not getting enough milk but maybe it could be other reasons.
Hi lyra,

I do offer once in a while but she's acting like she's gonna vomit. I Felt bad that I'm gonna miss the bonding thru latching but i have come to terms not to be too hard on myself. My milk is very inconsistent. Sometimes I feel like giving up up i always thimk that something is better than nothing. I am still looking for options though. Will cook fishbone soup tomorrow, i hope it will help.


New Member
Hi mummy

I only latch in early morning before i go out.. baby is willing to suck as he is hungry, sure not much intake more for bonding & stimulant for the milk to come, he is impatient too, 5 min only face away. Then when reach office I quickly pump before start work as the remaining is higher in fat, and good to empty breast so the next pumping will be full again.
Each time I have time to latch : morning/weekend, I will try to pump more after that.
Hang on there.


I am facing the same problem. This is my 4th,going 5th week after I deliver. But my flow is still very little. I am not sure if I am latching on correctly as sometime don't feel pain, but if bb struggle and she move her latch then I feel pain over my nipple. Then I will detach and latch again. But the main thing is that I dun hear her swallow. That's the main thing that I think she isn't drink/latching properly. And she keep dozing off whn latching and needs a lot of stimulation. I am pumping abt 30-50 mls now. Its been like this for almost 3 wks. Tried fenugreek/domperidone,brewer yeast and hot compress. Drank papaya soup and all already but still almost the same. I am pumping 3hrly in the day and 4hrly at night. I am wondering should i give up after 6weeks since there isn't really much. I am supplementing her with FM.

Seen the LC and she juz say pump and latch. Haiz. I dun know wat I should do. Initially I was berry upset why i wasn't able to bf like all other mothers. But now I sort of like got easy with myself and say I will juz give her waterer I could thou I would really love to bf her as long as I could. I hope I could establish full bm thru exclusive pumping as latching her on really tires me out plus I gotta latch and pump later.. and seeing so little milk out juz saddens me. Every drop is so precious.


I am facing the same problem. This is my 4th,going 5th week after I deliver. But my flow is still very little. I am not sure if I am latching on correctly as sometime don't feel pain, but if bb struggle and she move her latch then I feel pain over my nipple. Then I will detach and latch again. But the main thing is that I dun hear her swallow. That's the main thing that I think she isn't drink/latching properly. And she keep dozing off whn latching and needs a lot of stimulation. I am pumping abt 30-50 mls now. Its been like this for almost 3 wks. Tried fenugreek/domperidone,brewer yeast and hot compress. Drank papaya soup and all already but still almost the same. I am pumping 3hrly in the day and 4hrly at night. I am wondering should i give up after 6weeks since there isn't really much. I am supplementing her with FM.

Seen the LC and she juz say pump and latch. Haiz. I dun know wat I should do. Initially I was berry upset why i wasn't able to bf like all other mothers. But now I sort of like got easy with myself and say I will juz give her waterer I could thou I would really love to bf her as long as I could. I hope I could establish full bm thru exclusive pumping as latching her on really tires me out plus I gotta latch and pump later.. and seeing so little milk out juz saddens me. Every drop is so precious.
30 to 50 ml is not bad at 4th week! Mine was like 20 for the 3 weeks, improved to 100 at 4th week, then dropped to 10, 20 at 5th and 6th week, now slowly climbling back to 50 or 60ml, and that's after pumping for ONE HOUR! Ya, the typical and important advice is latch and pump regularly. Don't give up! no matter how little you think your milk is, little better than nothing! The antibodies and nutrients are still there. Meanwhile, she can get the calories she needs from fm. I read somewhere if milk supply is little, priority is to latch instead of pump. or pumping alot of wasting through the funnels, as well as left in the bottle.
Continute to pump after latching to empty the breast and establish the milk supply.
What keeps me going is that TMC's breastfeeding textbook says, most mothers have enough milk for TWINs. We only have one! And nothing wrong with partial fm and bm. Best of both world and we still get to rest!