No breast milk?! :(


gif, may i know did ur supply increase at the end? btw how old is ur baby already?
The last few days I stabilized at about 60 after not latching or pumping for 4 hrs. Need to buck up on hot drinks to increase further! I met a bf mum today who told me her supply was efficient only at 3rd mth! My baby is 7 wks, so I am hoping!


hot drinks help??!! i am trying to drink 3L of water at least everyday.. hoping to see effect soon.. 60mls is good. mine still fluctuate alot.. sometimes 20,30 sometines 50/60. sonetimes 100!!! dun know wat i do oso.. 3months is a long long time!! by then i go bck work soon. then dun have much time to store and let her drink more liao. luckily my work plc ia pretty bf friendly(i work in kkh and they promote bf.. heehee..) but still gotta take time off to pump and rush bck to work.. then stress sure supply will drop again...:(


juz for laughter: my mun told me not to eat spicy stuff as it will pass to baby thru my breast.milk. and baby will refuses to drink..i dun really believe it and went for jap dinner yest. had tonnes of sashimi bcoz i crave for it for like 9months!! and of course alot of wasabi along with it. so aftet i came bck and start pump and got a 100 mls.. but whn feeding my girl, she struggle and struggle.. and keep like sticking her tongue and reject the bottle.. lol.. guess it might be true she tastes wasabi.. in the end she still finish my ebm bcoz she's too hungry.. lol.. evil mummy..;)


hot drinks help??!! i am trying to drink 3L of water at least everyday.. hoping to see effect soon.. 60mls is good. mine still fluctuate alot.. sometimes 20,30 sometines 50/60. sonetimes 100!!! dun know wat i do oso.. 3months is a long long time!! by then i go bck work soon. then dun have much time to store and let her drink more liao. luckily my work plc ia pretty bf friendly(i work in kkh and they promote bf.. heehee..) but still gotta take time off to pump and rush bck to work.. then stress sure supply will drop again...:(
Yup, having hot drinks, putting hot towel or heat pad, seems to promote the let down, thus more milk pumped. My fren said sometimes not no milk, just no let down cos we not relaxed enough.. Ya, I think gg back to work will not b easy for bf, some pple I know took no pay leave for 2 mths just so that they can have 6 mths of bm! What a sacrifice!

Not bad Diaz, she have sashimi so young. Mine had Mao Shan Wang durian n chilli crab. Haha


New Member
Hi mummies,

Just wanna share a bit of my own experience, initially i had very little breast milk too. I was doing exclusive pumping because my bm came in late and i was afraid baby is not getting enough. So i pumped every 2 hours per day (yes, even at night)..and drank lots of water, papaya and fish soup and ate rice like there is no tomorrow. I literally had to go toilet every hour because i drank so much water and soup! But it did make an improvement in my bm supply, as i was able to produce 800ml-1L of bm per day at 1+month. And then i switched to direct bf because im alone at home and baby doesnt want to be put by himself at the crib thus i cant do any pumping. But direct bf seems to help even better because at baby's check up at 2 month old, ped said baby has gained weight too fast!

So dont be disheartened and try every possible combinations to increase bm supply. As long as baby is producing enough wet nappies (6-8 per day) and gaining weight it should be okay :) Oh btw Im avoiding cold shower as I read in a lot of articles that cold compress works for over-supply mummies. And I've read a lot too that supplementing with formula only decrease milk supply because the body thought that baby dont need that much milk although he/she actually does.

Oh and another thing, one of my SIL was hand expressing instead of pumping because the milk seems to flow better when she did so. :) sorry for being so long, just wanna share experience because i was really stressed out too initially...even skyped with my cousin in Australia just to talk abt bf-ing and latching on positions. Jiayou everyone!

andieluv2: lucky you to be able to eat wasabi :) my baby has acid reflux so my diet has been severely limited to just baked salmon and vegies lol

bamboo boy

New Member
Ya its true. What we eat will be transferred through our breastfeeding. If we take yomeishu, same will happen. Baby will be drunk. Haha


had been really busy.this.few.days.and missed.a.couple.of pump.session.recently..went gym yest and was so tired.till.i totally.zonk out.and.miss 1 session juz now. now quickly wake up to pump.:mad: guilty. gotta.get.bck on my pumping liao. i do after that but u feel bery tiring bcoz almost after i.gotta.pump again liao as.i.usually.pump for like 1hr thou they recommend 30mins.


New Member
Hi mummies, black bean with green papaya soup works for me. I could do 90-120ml for every 3-4 hrs,200-220ml on every 6 hours. Went to lactation consultant in KKH where they told me to prolong the interval from 4 hours to 6 hours at my 3rd month to prepare of going bk to work( do it in gradual mode. Where you could latch on before u leave for work, then, pump during lunch and then latch bk on reaching home. My gal had full BM till 7 months old.


juz a stupid question: may i know ur nxt pumping time is 3-4hra.starts from the time u start.pumping or finish pumping? bcoz usually i at evey 3, 6,9,12 round the clock. but if i pump at 3pm for 1 hr till 4. nxy session will be juz 2hrs.later...
wat do u usually?
For me, I pumped for approximately 20min every 3 hrs for the first 3 months. My baby was almost latching on exclusively then. After I realised it's making me very tired to do so much expressing, I stretched the timing from 3 hours gradually till 5-6 hours now that I'm back at work.

My baby is on exclusive breastmilk for nearly 6 months now.

I believe that you should gauge how much you're producing versus how much the baby is drinking to determine how often to pump.

I guess it's stressful for most of us at first. But breastfeeding should get easier as time goes by!


if i pump every 3 hr, i can only pump 30-50ml. if.i pump every 5-6hrs, i will get 100 mls. currently.on.partial with.formula supplement.