Peeling skin at diaper area


Hi mummys,

I'm a first time mummy.. Just discovered some skin peeling at the diaper area. There's no red spots like diaper rash.. so wondering if it's some kind of diaper rash (not the usual red spot ones) or is it something else. Can someone help if they know pls?? Thanks!!


Hi mummys,

I'm a first time mummy.. Just discovered some skin peeling at the diaper area. There's no red spots like diaper rash.. so wondering if it's some kind of diaper rash (not the usual red spot ones) or is it something else. Can someone help if they know pls?? Thanks!!
Sounds like the condition tt my gal has last time... Its more of skin peeling from abrasion than a rash..

That time we took her to the pediatrician and she prescribed antiseptic wash and cream for that area..took abt 2 weeks to heal completely..before tt we were using wet wipes but since then, have changed to washing and cleaning her butt area with cotton wool and water..

It's better to take your gal/boy to the doc as soon as possible coz it could turn v serious and become v painful..

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
No red spots, but is there a redness around the area? if it is then could be due to will go off. Normally for me just put drapolene as it will also ease the pain...


No red spots, but is there a redness around the area? if it is then could be due to will go off. Normally for me just put drapolene as it will also ease the pain...
Thanks both for the advices! It just seemed like skin peeling. Maybe slight redness at those peeled off area. Other than that, no redness. Is it due to wet wipes, diapers or I'm not gentle enough when cleaning him up? I discovered this after I used Huggies newborn diapers. I wonder if it was too small thus causing this or is it the Huggies Pure wipes that I used.. I've switched to small size of Huggies ever since or use Mamypoko.


if its near the diaper tabs then you'll most likely have to change brands.
Toby was using drypers then skin near tabs started to peel.
Found out its because of the securing tabs (plastic), changed to huggies (cloth fabric tabs) no more peeling. Hope this helps


Thanks both for the advices! It just seemed like skin peeling. Maybe slight redness at those peeled off area. Other than that, no redness. Is it due to wet wipes, diapers or I'm not gentle enough when cleaning him up? I discovered this after I used Huggies newborn diapers. I wonder if it was too small thus causing this or is it the Huggies Pure wipes that I used.. I've switched to small size of Huggies ever since or use Mamypoko.
Mayb is we use too much force to wipe. My gal poos a lot n i always hav to use wipe alot. Now i find better to use super wet cotton wool to let water drip down n wipe rather than using it semi dry. This way no need wipe so hard. Hope u know wat i mean.

Coincidentally i was also using drypers when this happen but changed to mamy poko coz its more absorbant.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Thanks both for the advices! It just seemed like skin peeling. Maybe slight redness at those peeled off area. Other than that, no redness. Is it due to wet wipes, diapers or I'm not gentle enough when cleaning him up? I discovered this after I used Huggies newborn diapers. I wonder if it was too small thus causing this or is it the Huggies Pure wipes that I used.. I've switched to small size of Huggies ever since or use Mamypoko.
How old is ur bb?


Thanks all! The area's ok already. :Dancing_wub:
My boy's 2 months old today but is preemie, EDD was 8 August. I wonder when he will start waking up at 4hrs interval.. last few nights he whinning... made me kind of tired.
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