Ppl touching your belly?


Active Member
I'm fine with hubby touching my tummy cuz I'm the one who ask him to feel the baby's movement.
But I will feel uncomfortable if he touch my belly button. I may even get angry... just don't like the feeling.


Active Member
i don mind ppl touching my tummy and usually they will ask b4 touching wan cuz i feel that they are happy for me and its a blessing if ppl touching my tummy. i like to touch preg lady tummy too (only if i know the gal) and i also will ask b4 touching wan. i usually touch my own tummy everyday. hee...


i dont mind people touching my belly but the warm hands do bring discomfort sometimes ><~
but i find it irritating when they start tapping the belly!! especially the daddy.. so annoying..


actually i'm ok for ppl to touch my belly but must be female.. coz I find happy and blissful so I'm ok with it. :shyxxx:


I saw some maternity shirts somewhere that had quirky "hands off" or "don't touch" prints on them. Maybe that would help :001_302: