Ppl touching your belly?


last time i don like touch preggy women , after since i pregrent , i happy if ppl touching my tummy , cos everything my friend touch my tummy they pray , i feel secure too :)


i dont mind people touch my belly as long as know them, my friend last week lunch touch my belly say get some luck for me, then afternoon he sms me said he in kk hospital, said my baby power! LOL

i ask him what happen he said one of his colleague faint then need ambulance and he just accompany her since cant reach the husband, and said first time in his life sit in ambulance!

i guess pregnant means lucky to many people and by touching the belly you will get some luck too, thats why people like to touch pregnant woman's belly.



today met my Bangkok office colleague and she actually bend down and kissed my belly, and said bless baby everything will be fine :shyxxx:


I feel ok that strangers touch my tummy cos next questions they ask will be 'how many months?' or 'boy or girl?' :001_302:


I think ppl tend to want to touch when your belly is BIG. Some ppl believe that by touching, you will have luck (buy 4d or toto):001_302:


Haha I heard both b4.. During Chinese new year , some ppl like to touch my tummy or ask me stand / sit beside them for baby's luck lol.. They said it's juz like having a baby or kid who gives u luck too.. My friends like to touch pregnant friends' tummy n carry their newborns cuz they believe like tat they will be pregnant v soon oso haha..


Active Member
Haha I heard both b4.. During Chinese new year , some ppl like to touch my tummy or ask me stand / sit beside them for baby's luck lol.. They said it's juz like having a baby or kid who gives u luck too.. My friends like to touch pregnant friends' tummy n carry their newborns cuz they believe like tat they will be pregnant v soon oso haha..
Whenever my hubby play majong, he will touch my belly and say 'baby power!' haha!

Make a pregnancy ticker


Haha I only rem both CNY I'm pregnant, my hubby play mahjong oso win when I'm beside him haha.. My mom buy 4d toto oso find my baby for numbers at times lol..


= ( Dunno is it me or what.. but nowadays if pple touch my belly or about to touch my belly, i feel a pull back motion in my tummy or a jerking feeling.. even if hubby touch also have.. weird = (