Pregnancy Rashes anyone?


hi all

i am now at my 21st week, everything is so far so good, my weight not gaining much, only 2 kgs, prior to pregnany, i am 49kgs, now is 51kg, now can feel baby's quickening in my stomach every night, although not very big movement, but i think he makes an effort to remind me that he is there :).

Have gone through the detailed scan last thursday, baby is growing well, measurements are ok, will continue to monitoring my baby growth during the next scanning. Too bad can't see the baby face this round cause baby's position is not right for Gynae to see his face, so got to wait for 4 weeks later.

i read magazines and books, all advised pregnant mother should try to sleep on left side, cause it is good for our blood circulation and also good for baby, not too sure anyone has heard of this? To me, i try to follow this after my 15th week, but too bad sometimes it is very hard for me to have a sound sleep cause my usual sleeping position before pregnancy is turn to right side or sleep on stomach. So i ask my hubby to help me, whenever he saw me sleep at the wrong side, he helps to remind me or turn me to the left....

About 20th week, i start to have rashes on my both legs, initially i thought is skin sensitive to certain food, like prawn, so i stop eating prawn. But the itchness and rashes still come back, during my recent visit to my gynae, i ask him about that, he said that could be due to the hormone change and he also say i shld count myself lucky as some mothers have it all over their body, my God, i can't imagine how torture/painful they are...Not sure do you have the same experience as me?

Chinese new year is here, i am wish all the mothers have a happy new year!


i didnt hv any rashes but my coll has v serious rashes. the more she scratch, the worse it gets. cant sleep 'cause vvv itchy. n it spreads when u scratch it.

for me, though i didnt kena those rashes, i kena it months aft delivery. doc said it's eczema, due to hormonal change n that my boy might get it aft 6 month old. but luckily he didnt.

doc ask me to avoid all seafood (esp prawn, lobster, crab) and ALL CITRUS stuff (e.g. orange, tomato,...) i suspect mayb 'cause i eat too much of orange and tomato during pregnancy. mayb overdose. that's y body cannot take it. :p anyway, no medical evidence on that la.

mayb u want to try avoid all seafood n citrus stuff n c how. also, keep the rashes moisturised. if u can keep it covered, that would b good. also try not to scratch.

as for lying on left side for blood circulation n bb, i read abt it too. but sometimes dun feel comfy sleeping that way. so i dun really care. as long as i can sleep comfortably, can alr. dun force urself to sleep in certain position. if u can sleep on left, then sleep. if not, jus change to right. but whenever u can, try to sleep on left 1st. not comfy then change position. put more pillows to support ur back n betw ur knees. will b more comfy.


me me me.. i had rash when i was at my 2nd trimester. terrible itchy rash on my feet and hands only. so terrible that my sleep was also affected.

doctor says nothing much he could do. he gave me so cream to apply and also pill that makes me sleep better at night. super drowsy formulae.

now at my 3rd trimester, itch not that bad but feet very dry and peeling now... every since the rash develop, i cover my legs all the time.. wear stockings to work and wear socks at home after i apply the cream ;p try not to scratch if you can.. the angry looking scars takes a long while to heal. i got a few of them already... :(

for lying position, i think best to seek doctor's advice. but i did read that lying on left is better. i also never bother, so long me and my baby are comfortable. but interestingly whenever i sleep on my right the little one inside me will kick real hard.


me me me.. i had rash when i was at my 2nd trimester. terrible itchy rash on my feet and hands only. so terrible that my sleep was also affected.

doctor says nothing much he could do. he gave me so cream to apply and also pill that makes me sleep better at night. super drowsy formulae.

now at my 3rd trimester, itch not that bad but feet very dry and peeling now... every since the rash develop, i cover my legs all the time.. wear stockings to work and wear socks at home after i apply the cream ;p try not to scratch if you can.. the angry looking scars takes a long while to heal. i got a few of them already... :(

for lying position, i think best to seek doctor's advice. but i did read that lying on left is better. i also never bother, so long me and my baby are comfortable. but interestingly whenever i sleep on my right the little one inside me will kick real hard.
As for me, I got rashes from d beginning of my pregnancy. Its on my hands & legs only. Very itchy @ first but its much betta now.:Dancing_wub:


Hi, Me too, got some rashes on my tummy despite how much lotion i've applied twice a day. Sometimes, my tummy feel so tight, like it is about to burst open, I quickly go and apply lotion and talk to baby or lay down a bit.

For rashes, better to get the cream from gyanae, as regular GP, they will give a normal cream ie. more for anti-histamin that contain steriod, hence best to re-check with them before you apply generously.

Sleep is also getting lesser despite gynane said this is a pregnany-moon period. For me, the left side works. But it is only after several tossing and turning that I finally settle on the left. But, I felt that my I some how seem to sleep or tuck in my tummy more when I sleep on the left, more like a 30 degree sleep with bolster rather than 45 degree. I've got to check with my gynane on my next visit.


New Member
Hey alll, me too.. got some rashes on my feet and tummy. I found that its the Calcium and iron that i hve taken causing the rashes. Doctor find it weird that the sub tablet will cause the i have to taken the pills only on alternate days :(.
BTW, when i have rashes i applied CHINA Vinegar. Although it smells but it help the itch and no medication needed ...


Well-Known Member
I did haf rashes during my 1st trimester n it was due to the antibiotics tat i took during my preg as i was down wif bad throat infection so all i did is stop the medications n waited patiently for it to go away for 3wks time.


New Member
I had rashes on my whole body @ my 9 was so itchy until i cannot take it & rushed to KK 24hrs Clinic.. I was warded for 3 days in KK & 1 week of MC.. my face & my lips was swollen..
My Gynae suspect food allergy or eczema and arranged me to go National Skin Centre.
My rashes is due to homo change & previous record.. i had Hives (Acute urticaria) & it become worst... food allergy is one of the reason
I was given chlorpheniramine(yellow colour tablet to relief cold) & calamol lotion to control & relief my itchness..
i took this medicine for a week.. all my rashes, itchness & hives.. everything gone..
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Well-Known Member
I had rashes on my whole body @ my 9 was so itchy until i cannot take it & rushed to KK 24hrs Clinic.. I was warded for 3 days in KK & 1 week of MC.. my face & my lips was swollen..
My Gynae suspect food allergy or eczema and arranged me to go National Skin Centre.
My rashes is due to homo change & previous record.. i had Hives (Acute urticaria) & it become worst... food allergy is one of the reason
I was given chlorpheniramine(yellow colour tablet to relief cold) & calamol lotion to control & relief my itchness..
i took this medicine for a week.. all my rashes, itchness & hives.. everything gone..
wow urs sound serious tat even need to b warded~ i didnt knw rashes will need to b warded so serious~


While typing, I am scratching my back with a ruler coz it is so itchy:) My colleagues who walked past will remind me to stop scratching but really can't control. So got rashes all over neck, body, legs. When at home, i apply calendular cream for relief. I hope this itchiness will go away soon
hi i also have rashes at abt 9 wk o my pregnancy, it got worst during CNY mayb i had loads o seafd. hehe scratch till whole tummy swollen.
went to gynae, gynae recommended me to national skin centre,but don wanna wait at NSC so i went to mount Elizabeth instead n saw a dermatologist.

Guess wat applied e lotion and oilment prescribed n e itch goes away e very same day. nw onli left w dark black ugly scars ard my tummy area.
by e way my consultation is less than 5 mins, consultation$150 and medications $200 so end up paying $350 for 5 mins visit to dermatologist.

Damn ex but thank god tat e medication do help to stop e itchness and rashes.
hi there

i had rashes but at mid preg. uses physiogel cream free sample from gyne. dont worry should be okie. did u eat crab? that time i ate n this happen

Ms Preggy

New Member
Due to my historia of eczema,it activates Actively durin my 6wks of preggy.And of because steroid jabs prohibited during pregnancy,all i could did was to apply rashes lotion over my arms,legs,thighs..
Till when i'm on my 9wks,that i went to meet skin specialist and medication given.Since then all swells seems well..

Oooo..the unbearable :shyxxx:


I only start to have my rashes starting of my third trimester. And itch alot and I scratch alot too and the rashes spread (Back, leg, buttock), especially nite time difficult to sleep, put cream still itch, but heard after baby come out, the rashes will disappear, hope so. Hee..

I aso find itch is unbearable, but pain still can..

Ms Preggy

New Member
I only start to have my rashes starting of my third trimester. And itch alot and I scratch alot too and the rashes spread (Back, leg, buttock), especially nite time difficult to sleep, put cream still itch, but heard after baby come out, the rashes will disappear, hope so. Hee..

I aso find itch is unbearable, but pain still can..
Like my skin specialist said,rashes will goes off once we deliver.Still,isn't that too long??..fuuuuh!:nah:


i also have terrible rashes.....
dunno why my butt got alot of stretch marks and the itchiness is frm the stretch marks
than more i scratch the more redder it becomes =(
now my stretch marks are all like blood clots so ugly i need help!
tried putting calamine lotion but its still itchy....



hi all

i am now at my 21st week, everything is so far so good, my weight not gaining much, only 2 kgs, prior to pregnany, i am 49kgs, now is 51kg, now can feel baby's quickening in my stomach every night, although not very big movement, but i think he makes an effort to remind me that he is there :).

Have gone through the detailed scan last thursday, baby is growing well, measurements are ok, will continue to monitoring my baby growth during the next scanning. Too bad can't see the baby face this round cause baby's position is not right for Gynae to see his face, so got to wait for 4 weeks later.

i read magazines and books, all advised pregnant mother should try to sleep on left side, cause it is good for our blood circulation and also good for baby, not too sure anyone has heard of this? To me, i try to follow this after my 15th week, but too bad sometimes it is very hard for me to have a sound sleep cause my usual sleeping position before pregnancy is turn to right side or sleep on stomach. So i ask my hubby to help me, whenever he saw me sleep at the wrong side, he helps to remind me or turn me to the left....

About 20th week, i start to have rashes on my both legs, initially i thought is skin sensitive to certain food, like prawn, so i stop eating prawn. But the itchness and rashes still come back, during my recent visit to my gynae, i ask him about that, he said that could be due to the hormone change and he also say i shld count myself lucky as some mothers have it all over their body, my God, i can't imagine how torture/painful they are...Not sure do you have the same experience as me?

Chinese new year is here, i am wish all the mothers have a happy new year!


Active Member
having rashes at my chest area and upper bk area onl after 3rd trim.
veri troubled by it.
i apply cream to it oso useless.=(


the rashes you all got are itchy. i got rashes once pregnant too but not itchy at all. but it grows all over my body. now on my breast also. :embarrassed:
so ugly to have marks on my breast. can see if wear v neck, not v low.

so mine is not due to pregnancy? i guess i suddenl;y develop all kinds of allergy,