Pregnant, in dilema and may loose my job


New Member
Dear all,

I need some advice. I am currently working, but due to some changes in the office, I am asked to leave and look for a transfer to another department within the company. At the midst of looking, I found out I am pregnant and without a transfer yet.

Am worried that due to my pregnancy, I will not be able to secure another position within the company. I have yet to tell anyone in the office yet as I am only 5 weeks long. I am afraid that after disclosing my pregnancy, no department will want to take me in, as i will be away on maternity in 9 months time with possibility that I may not want to come back within the 4 months period.

Anyone with similar experience? Really need some guidance especially on the HR matter...
I think I read in MOM guidelines somewhere that a company is not allowed to fire you just because you are pregnant. For time being just try to secure a place in a different department, you won't be showing til like 5 months pregnant if its your first. So don't tell anyone about the pregnancy yet.
good luck.


New Member
Hi Honeylicious,

Thanks. I am aware that the company is not allowed to dismiss you just because you are pregnant, but they are somehow allow to do so with compensation.
None the less, if I don't inform them, and I am dismissed, the company is not liable to pay me the compensation at all.
Hence, not letting them know is not really an option.

I have just met up with my HR officer, and they have advice me to inform my manager and any potential job posting of my pregnancy for a fair judgement.

Everything just happen so fast and though we have planned on having this baby, but the job part was unplanned. I was caught a little off guard when I was told to find opportunities elsewhere with the reason that the office is changing and my role will no longer be suitable for the new change.

I felt like I have been jolted just for being the most dispensable person in the office.


Hi peggy,

I think you should let your HR knows. Because we are obliged to let them know we are pregnant. They cannot just dismiss you because you are pregnant. Hopefully you and your co can work things out :)


Hi! company can ask you to leave if your pregnancy is below 3mths. Its only after three months then they are not allowed to terminate or ask u to leave...


@ nrl : I think the company can ask her to leave if she is pregnant and not with the company for 3 months. They cannot ask her to leave if she is with them for more than 3 months and just got pregnant.
Eg : If i'm in my company for 2 years, and I found out I got pregnant and break the news to them when I'm at 3 months preggy, they are not allowed to dismiss me. Only if I'm with the company for less than 3 months. Usually they will dismiss.


New Member
Hmmm. I've been with my company for more than 3yrs!
its an unfortunate turn of event that my role is being reviewed and they decided to change it.

Ive spoken to my hr and will be speaking to my boss tmrw on this.
To leave is my last choice as I like working in my company and the benefits are good. It's just a matter of getting a transfer now :(