Question on breast feeding


my baby is 7 day old today, and my milk supply have already come in, i have lot of milk even after latching my baby gal.

Can i know that cos i am using avent VIA cup it can take 180 ML of milk, can i mix different batch of milk together??


Well-Known Member
my baby is 7 day old today, and my milk supply have already come in, i have lot of milk even after latching my baby gal.

Can i know that cos i am using avent VIA cup it can take 180 ML of milk, can i mix different batch of milk together??
tt time i didnt mix immediately. what i did was if i pump 100ml now, and 50ml later. the 100ml was alrdy in the frigde and it's cold alrdy so i dun mix the 50ml with the cold BM. i put in another container and store seperately and when ds wanns drink, by the time both BM are alrdy cold, so i will pour them tgt and heat it up. cos i heard tt cannot mix BM tgt if they are diffe temp.. =)


Well-Known Member
my baby is 7 day old today, and my milk supply have already come in, i have lot of milk even after latching my baby gal.

Can i know that cos i am using avent VIA cup it can take 180 ML of milk, can i mix different batch of milk together??
once i pump i'll put in a bottle then in the fridge... 2nd pump i put in another bottle then in the fridge... end of the day when all cold same temperture then i pour together...


Yes... Cool down the 2nd batch first before mixing with first batch.

Try to gently shake/stir the 2nd batch container to mix the oils together with the milk before pouring into the first batch. The oil is the good stuff.


Active Member
what other mummies say above is correct. to add on, why cannot mix EBM of different temperatures together is bcos the warmer EBM will 'contaminate' the chilled EBM and give room for bacteria activity to start if the two EBMs of different temperatures are mixed together.


Can i ask how u mummy store EBM? cos i am having lot of supply.

another one is after i express out the milk, breast feed abit pain, is it normal?


I think your nipples need a while to firm up. I guess the word is sore instead of pain?

Try to adjust your pump to a suction that is not too strong. Otherwise it would make your nipples more sore.

I store either in breastmilk bags or the small Avent bottles with a cap.


Active Member
Can i ask how you mummy store EBM? cos i am having lot of supply.

another one is after i express out the milk, breast feed abit pain, is it normal?
when you mean storage, u mean storage for the use within the next 2 days or for future use (longer than 2 days?)

For me, i use milk trays to freeze them in 1 oz bars and then put them in the freezer. Some mummies use milk bags, glass bottles, or via cups.

when i first started using breast pump, i felt pain cuz i had turned the suction on too high. after i adjusted i no longer feel pain


Is it engorgement? Did ur breast still feel hard after feedng? Or it might b blocked ducts? Try to apply hot compress to relieve the pain. For storage like adelynn I also using milk trays then I store them using lansinoh milk bags


my Baby now is 13 day old and i have alot of milk supply when i pump out manually, can see see 3-4 duct have milk flowing out very fast.

when i latch my gal on she will onli suck for 10 min then she will stop and did not empty the breast fully.

is it ok for my gal to suck for onli 10 min?

and she will not burp most of the time no matter how hard i tried. she sometime will vomit out milk and her stomach gt lot of wind, have already given her grip water, wat else i can do?


Active Member
my Baby now is 13 day old and i have alot of milk supply when i pump out manually, can see see 3-4 duct have milk flowing out very fast.

when i latch my gal on she will onli suck for 10 min then she will stop and did not empty the breast fully.

is it ok for my gal to suck for onli 10 min?

and she will not burp most of the time no matter how hard i tried. she sometime will vomit out milk and her stomach gt lot of wind, have already given her grip water, what else i can do?

newborns at that age have limited stomach capacity to take in milk. does your gal cry after the 10 min of nursing? if she looks satisfied, then it probably means her latch is correct and she is already full for the time being, until she needs the next feed in 1 to 2 hours time. if she cries after the 10min and wants to suckle again, it might mean that the latch is not all correct, which is affecting the amt of milkflow or speed of milkflow to her and causing her to 'give up suckling' after 10 mins.

also give yourself some time for the milk supple to stabilise. pump out the excess after each nursing to avoid engorgement.


newborns at that age have limited stomach capacity to take in milk. does your gal cry after the 10 min of nursing? if she looks satisfied, then it probably means her latch is correct and she is already full for the time being, until she needs the next feed in 1 to 2 hours time. if she cries after the 10min and wants to suckle again, it might mean that the latch is not all correct, which is affecting the amt of milkflow or speed of milkflow to her and causing her to 'give up suckling' after 10 mins.

also give yourself some time for the milk supple to stabilise. pump out the excess after each nursing to avoid engorgement.
Thank you cmeilim, my gal did not cry after the 10 min sucking, so mean i am correct in the latching, she alway don wan to wake up after 2 hour of sleep, she alway so sleepy, therefore i am worry that she wan to sleeo instead of drinking milk


Active Member
Thank you cmeilim, my gal did not cry after the 10 min sucking, so mean i am correct in the latching, she alway dont want to wake up after 2 hour of sleep, she alway so sleepy, therefore i am worry that she want to sleeo instead of drinking milk

u mean yr gal will suckle for 10 min and then fall asleep?

yr gal is still very very young. some newborns tend to quite sleepy. but unless they are jaundiced (jaundiced babies tend to be sleepier), falling asleep at the breast while nursing could also be a sign that somehow the milk is not reaching them as fast enough to sustain their interest and attention. hence they droop off to sleep, lulled by the warmth and smell of their mothers. milkflow could be affected by the latch position. you could thus be experiencing a lot a lot of milk cos the milk is not being efficiently cleared by your gal. try to keep her awake by stroking her cheek or ear. use breast compression while nursing to aid in faster milkflow.


you mean yr gal will suckle for 10 min and then fall asleep?

yr gal is still very very young. some newborns tend to quite sleepy. but unless they are jaundiced (jaundiced babies tend to be sleepier), falling asleep at the breast while nursing could also be a sign that somehow the milk is not reaching them as fast enough to sustain their interest and attention. hence they droop off to sleep, lulled by the warmth and smell of their mothers. milkflow could be affected by the latch position. you could thus be experiencing a lot a lot of milk cos the milk is not being efficiently cleared by your gal. try to keep her awake by stroking her cheek or ear. use breast compression while nursing to aid in faster milkflow.

i have try the breast compression but my gal will choke so i am thinking is it the milk flowing too fast ?

so time when she suck on her own she will also choke without me compressing the breast


Active Member
hmm...then shouldnt be milk flow problem but just that your baby gal is already full. dun worry too much. just monitor her daily poos and pees, as well as overall weight gain. if she poos 3-5 times and pees 6-10 times a day, and she doubles her weight by 3 months old, then she's doing fine. => you might be one of the few moms who are blessed with abundant milk supply, so it's a happy situation. =)


hmm...then shouldnt be milk flow problem but just that your baby gal is already full. dont worry too much. just monitor her daily poos and pees, as well as overall weight gain. if she poos 3-5 times and pees 6-10 times a day, and she doubles her weight by 3 months old, then she's doing fine. => you might be one of the few moms who are blessed with abundant milk supply, so it's a happy situation. =)

baby poo about 5 time everyday, and today she latch on onli for 5-6 minute, worry tat she not having enough milk but she so comfortable sleeping, she should be full right?


baby poo about 5 time everyday, and today she latch on onli for 5-6 minute, worry that she not having enough milk but she so comfortable sleeping, she should be full right?
up till date my baby also latch on less then 10mins each time..if i force her to drink more she will cry... but so far she has been gaining weight well... My pd always tell me.."you got to trust the baby"


since yesterday baby drinking pattern change again, it change to 5minute every 1 hour, and she will vomit out milk once to twice a day for the past 3 day..... it really alot when she vomit out, it like two big mouthfull