Re : Mommies age of 30 and above


New Member
Hi Qookie! Thanks for sharing. I have my son on a pacifier because I didn't want him to suck on his fingers (he gag in his own fingers - me headache sigh lol) And he is still wearing mittens at night because he scratches himself , which I have no idea how to stop him except to let him learn from pain. Already he scratched his scalp & corner of his eye till bled a little... Back to point, I dun want him to suck on fingers especially with mittens on (get cold hands). Do u let your baby suck her fingers? Mine will cry if he doesn't get to suck. Maybe.... I might try your suggestion. A night without mittens and jus let him suck on his fingers.


My daughter's PD told us not to let her wear mittens past 2-3 months. Babies will want to explore with their hands and it's important that they do. What she said was to regularly trim her nails. That worked, even though a couple of times, she did scratch her face. But i guess, babies learn. Haha. Eventually.

If i see my baby sucking her fingers, i'll tell her 'no no'. But i do see her sucking them when she's asleep. I guess it's either that, or her dirty looking pacifier that keeps dropping out of her mouth that i have to sterilize many times a day.

Some parents prefer their babies sucking on their pacifiers. Because they can remove the pacifier, but not the baby's fingers (joke!). I'll rather her suck on her fingers because it gives her (and us) an uninterrupted night's sleep.

Does your son sleep with air-con? Hence the need for mittens?


New Member
Hi Qookie! I did exactly as u did, on the no-no part. And I've been doing it for over a month now. Guess my boy inherits his stubbornness from daddy & mommy well. Hahaha... I am seriously considering letting him suck his fingers, in hope he gets good sleep and learn to soothe himself back to sleep whenever he awakes at night.

Besides to prevent him from scratching himself, I let him wear mittens also due to the reason that he sleeps in air conditioned room. But there, if he wets his mittens, it's kinda redundant.

by the way Qookie, may I ask how old is your girl?


New Member
Wow Qookie, guess "the worst is over"?? Probably till "terrible twos" reaches. Hahaha... Thanks again for sharing your experiences. ;)
Hi mummies, this coming January I will be conducting Letterland Phonics Workshop for parents. Basically, it's a sharing session on how parents can use Letterland to teach phonics to their children at home. I am trained in Early Childhood Education and trained in Letterland too. I have many years of experience in teaching preschoolers phonics using Letterland.

For those who are keen, please email me at and I will forward you more details.

In addition, do let me know what are some other workshops that you would be keen to attend? Besides Letterland Phonics, I am considering other workshop topics such as creative writing, reading, etc. Thanks!
