Soft Drinks....


When do mommies start to let Ur DD's/DS's drink soft Drinks.....

my DD is turning 17mths but i have nv let her tried any Soft drinks yet cos i'm scared tat she will cough more often...

But now when she saw me drinking she will point and say something tat only she will understand, haha....:001_302:


May never. Sugar content too high, can cause tooth decay. Carbonated stuff can dissolve one of your internal organs(as per info from my sis who is studying F&N).

However, if one day he is old enogh to go out & try, that's up to him liao.......we bring him water wherever we go.:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Carbonated stuff can dissolve one of your internal organs
This is very true. Because carbonated drinks will have high contents of carbonic acid, which like any acid, can melt away anything when in strong concentrations.

For most soft drinks, they also have artificial flavouring which usually makes kids hyperactive.

They also have high sugar content which encouraged bacteria growth. Not only do the sugar encourage decaying of teeth, the carbonic acid also will eat away at the tooth enamel, making the teeth more vulnerable to decay.

The chemical preservatives used are also not good for the body.

If next time really no choice have to give (maybe due to circumstances), I would choice 100plus or H20 over the other flavours available.

Mavis, as you discovered, they follow our example. So maybe this is good reason to cut down on soft drinks for urself? :p
Encourage juices instead if ur kiddo has a sweet tooth. But remember to also encourage brushin teeth n rinsing mouth :p


I dont suppose u allow u kids to drink the whole cup/can. A few sips doesnt matter in my case - diluted n not icy cold


one can of coke or any other soft drink contains 7 teaspoons of:elvis: sugar

just for ur infos la