Starting with porridge at 6 months?


Nope pls dont feel that way.
you go to medical hall cause the rice they have in my opion is more cleaner.Buy broken rice.Buy spinach.
5 tbs broken rice washed till water is clear.Put in pan add 1 glass of water and boil on low fire.Cut 3 stalks spinach wash and put into blender with 5 tbs water.blend.Once you see porridge has been cooked add in spinach puree and cook for 8 mins.for first few days make the porrdge slightly watery then you can slowly in days make it thicker.

You can make porridge with squash,potatoes,sweet potatoes(natural sweetness)Brocolli,carrots,apples,pears.If you wanna you can add ikan bilis to the rice you are boiling so there is taste(sorry my baby veg for now so i dont do it) when the rice cooks remove the ikan bilis.the porridge will have the taste.
I even steam the carrots and veg mention above and mash them for him to eat with the porridge or by themselves.
you can blend the veg for 1.5mths more or when your baby gums start hardening.

ok so vinder, exp at 2pm is her milk time den i give her milk at e usual amt den follow by e porridge? wouldnt it b too full for her?? cos like mabel say in e up post that shldnt replace milk to solid.. :err:


When outside and you wanna feed her or its her feeding time put her down on her pram making her face you so she does not see any one else and will feed.Otherwise bring her to the nursing room.Tried and tested with my sons.

As 4 the juice maybe you should go one at a time first porridge then juice.My son till 2 day has juice diluted with water.

Dont be so afriad till you have tried you will never know.But since your baby is like my 2nd one during mealtimes you must put her down not let anyone pick or attend to her till she has eaten be firmm with her/them .

really ur 2nd son also like this?? This is my first baby n im experiencing this type of things.. so scared.. now she doesnt wan bottle feed at all!.. ur 2nd son like this also?


Active Member
Thanks all for your reply.. now edlycia milk & cereal feed are like this .. Pls tell me if im doin it wrong.. :embarrassed:

(plus minus)

3am - 120ML
6-7am 120ML
10am - Cereal + 30ml puree + 90ML milk or less
1pm - 90ML
3pm - 90ML
5pm - 90ML
7pm - 90ML
9pm - 90ML
11pm - 90ML

and contiune...

sometimes she will drink up to 120ML in e day but when we are out, she can go milkless for hours..
Hi felz sorry i have been 2 busy these 2 days anyway could i suggest this cycle-
3 am-milk
1pm-porrridge/rice cereal only 4 tbs to start(slowly increase to a rice bowl)/water
and continue your milk feeds .Do this for abt 2 weeks and always give her rice/cereal only for afternoons.After u see that she is able to adjust,then u subsitute your 7 pm feeds to 6pm for rice cereal first(easier to digest.2 heavy baby will have problems sleeping/gas etc.)then slowly cahange it 2 porridge.I feel that 1 thing we have to remember is baby needs the food change to keep up with growing energy levels.You can then increse her 9 pm feed to 120ml.Baby milk is important but the food that u prepare can have the same vit and minerals 2.
;And felz not only my 2nd one is like this my elder one was like that 2.He is 22 mths.After his 7 pm dinner he drinks 360ml before sleeping at 9 pm.
All this i can only advise u from what i have been doing.My babies take plenty of spinach,carrots,pumpkin,brocolli and sweet potatoes.Hey as long as your baby is healty and eats right thats whats important.l


how much cereal do you intro at 6mth? 1teaspoon is it too little? I see the instructions on the tin (nestle) it says 4 tablespoon to 200ml milk...

As of yesterday louis sleeping/eating pattern is like this (just intro egg yolk) - between 8am to 4pm was feed at my in laws place:

5am - 180ml or Latch (slept 5-6am)
8am - 180ml (slept 2.5hrs)
11.30am - 160ml+1teaspoon cereal+hardboiled egg yolk (half) (slept 1.5hrs)
4pm -180ml (noticed the interval is 4.5hrs after last feed???)
7.30pm -180ml (slept after milk)
11.30 - give 180 but only take 120ml (dreamfeed)
wake up at 2.45am and refuse to go back and sleep
3.45am - 180ml (went back to sleep at 4am)

still sleeping as of now - 5.15am.. (mummy zombie typing)

Is he eating enough (1tsp of cereal-shd i add more)? Is he sleeping too much/too early? He is still always waking up about 2-3am... :( Do you think he's really hungry? Sometimes when i carry him, he will be like dozing off. But when I put him down, he will start wailing again. ZZZzzzZzz