toddler milk formula


the only time Baber has greenish poo was when i was still breastfeeding him

ermmm i think u shd concentrate on his diarrhea and stomach flu symptoms first, den once its ok already den u give him back his usual FM.

if u really want to try other FMs, wait till his symptoms are all gone before u introduce otherwise how would u noe whether it is suitable or not?


New Member
the only time Baber has greenish poo was when i was still breastfeeding him

ermmm i think you should concentrate on his diarrhea and stomach flu symptoms first, then once its ok already then you give him back his usual FM.

if you really want to try other FMs, wait till his symptoms are all gone before you introduce otherwise how would you know whether it is suitable or not?
right now i should go back to Isomil again?


Well-Known Member
if he is doing fine taking in isomil, yes contd isomil til his tummy is "stable".
n NO, since u haven't give him barley b4. DO NOT GIVE. stop introducing new food since your son is having a diarrhea, u want it to get worst????
he will hv even more watery stools. OMG.

and yes, teething WILL cause loose stools. when pin was teething, she had loose stools for a couple of days.
firstly, u shld try to find out WHY he is having loose stools. the food he eat? teething?
since he has been on MAMIL 2 for quite some time alr, it is definately not the FM that is causing that.
and pls dont go and introduce other FM to him til his diarrhea is cleared. if not, you r jst making things worst for your child.


your baby's main source of food is formula or u oso giving him semi solids/solids?

if so i guess temporarily u shd stick to Isomil first, until the next 1-2 days time u monitor if his diarrhea has subsided totally. Den slowly switch to the new formula u want to give to him. I would prefer u to dilute the new formula first den monitor the poo, den if its normal poo, den full swing.

tats wad i did for Baber last time. Dilute his usual formula and monitor, once clear i give back the normal amount.

But i have not changed his formula since birth.
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New Member
i just brought him to see a doctor also say might be stomach flu, also given medicine to stop the diarrhoea also ask to switch to Isomil first until he recover then slowly switch to stage 3 formula milk.

i am so worried my son will reject Isomil - soybased formula milk, luckily he drink 210ml out of 240ml.
Gentle but urgent advice to mummies:

Please learn to read labels when discerning whether to feed your child (and yourself) certain things. A lot of marketing out there, but there are a few key ingredients you should look out for and cut down as much as possible.

As a rule of thumb, the ingredients that are listed first are highest in quantity. So you can gauge roughly how much the product is worth the price and whether it is responsible to consumers or not! Many of our major & 'respected' brands actually contain less-than-desirable ingredients.

1. Corn syrup (esp. high-fructose corn syrup, common in oreos, biscuits)
- not a naturally-occuring substance. Cannot be digested/used by our bodies.

2. Sucrose (sugar)

3. Soy protein isolate (PLEASE, PLEASE AVOID this as much as possible, especially for children)

Do you know why they have to add sugars and so many other 'nutrients' & ingredients into the formula?
Because soy protein isolate is an industrial waste product & chemically produced by-product.

It's as good as chalk and contains no nutritional value whatsoever!

What it does contain, is a lot of nitrates (which are carcinogenic or cancer-causing) and other toxic chemicals.

PLEASE. Avoid it and dont't feed it to your children.

4. Ferrous sulphate (aka Iron), calcium carbonate (aka Calcium), etc.
These are chemically synthesised 'vitamins' and not easily absorbed by our bodies. May cause kidney stones if over-consumed/body cannot break it down fast enough.

Plant-based vitamins are always the best. You can try Vitamin House at Square 2 (Novena). I visited them and their stuff is from Korea and more natural/plant-based. Calcium in pills are derived from seaweed.

For the sake of your children's health, do take the time to look at product labels. It is easy and quick once you get the hang of it.


Well-Known Member
To add on, maltodextrin which is a component of corn starch. I remember reading the label of Pediasure and was shocked to see that corn maltodextrin and sugar were one of the top 3 ingredients and that vitamins made up only 0.5% of the milk!


New Member
Yeah it's really sad that companies can be so irresponsible and the general public isn't even aware of it! Partly I guess is the industrial boom - everything cheaper + faster = better... that was their priority back then...

if we would slow down & care a little more - gain a little more insight & perspective into how food, health, business & marketing works... we can really make informed decisions that will benefit them & their families & friends.

unfortunately most decide they haven't got the time and the doctors will fix everything with more chemical drugs... ! which ironically cost twice as much and they have to suffer thru it, too.


Well-Known Member
Have any mums tried enfagrow original? Does your baby poo daily drinking it? :)
Both my kids take Enfa series. Currently, Iggy's taking 2 feeds of it + 2 feeds of fresh milk daily and he has no problems poo-ing. :001_302: