Toddler With SMELLY FEET

My 15month boy had smelly feet... When we took off the shoes & sock is so stink that cn kill an elephant @@"

How to get rid of the smell In his Shoes ??

I sunshine it no use... wash No use @@"

Now gt to let him wear open front Slipper if nt all ppl in bus or market will vomit..

Need advice On this issue !!


I should think that your son has sweaty feet, thus the sweat in his shoes stinks as there is no ventilation. Hmm... there are some balls or something tt helps get rid of odour in shoes right? maybe can try that?

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Yes I also think that it is due to the sweat on his feet, like wat augboyz says buy some of those balls to put in the shoe but I think you can put some powder on his feet?

Sweaty feet ???? Hmmm even he wear sock also have tat smell @@" place those ball alrd.. No use @@"

Juz order a powder from a mummy. Hope this works !!

Thank for the comment & feedback :tlaugh:



the powder is really work??
my girl also have the same problem..
so everytimes when ur son wearing shoes must put the powder??

Hi, YES i did try on my son feet.. Is work well & it good... Lesser n lesser smell..
I pour the powder twice a week.. & i pour little bit only.. Then i shake the shoes. Do not need to pour the powder every time they wear... it not expensiv as well lo..

U can try ... If u wan i can mail u a little bit to let u try b4 u purchase ??


the powder is really work??
my girl also have the same problem..
so everytimes when ur son wearing shoes must put the powder??

i'm sooo glad to tell you the powder does work!!! Soooo amazing. Used it for 3 days only a lot better and now its like gone!

Thanks for introducing me to it!


i'm sooo glad to tell you the powder does work!!! Soooo amazing. Used it for 3 days only a lot better and now its like gone!

Thanks for introducing me to it!
U are most welcome... Im stil using the powder on my son shoes .... can use for quite long I even pour some in my hubb joggin shoes ^^ !!!

I use for some of my shoes too actually, especially if i'm expected to be walkng a lot...just in case.

U are most welcome... Im stil using the powder on my son shoes .... can use for quite long I even pour some in my hubb joggin shoes ^^ !!!

Grats to hear that is works for ur toddles..

Other mummy if u have the same problem can purchase & try Out ^^

my son feet stinks even if he wear slippers/sandals!><

will tis powder works on slippers/sandals?

U can try sprinker abit on the slipper or sandals.. Stink worst when he wear cover shoes ?? But stink when he wear sandals abit werid lei.. Cos is open air hw come will stink?? If u wan i can mail u abit to try first b4 u purchase.

But is work for my toddles & Kaykay wan ^^


Active Member
U can try sprinker abit on the slipper or sandals.. Stink worst when he wear cover shoes ?? But stink when he wear sandals abit werid lei.. Cos is open air hw come will stink?? If u wan i can mail u abit to try first b4 u purchase.

But is work for my toddles & Kaykay wan ^^
i not sure oso a.When he was younger,i always let him wear covered shoes.When he get older,starts walking,i bought him sandals/slippers,still will stink after wearing.>.<

Tried washing his feet after he come bk from outside.
I oso dun understand y his feet stinks even wear sandals/slippers coz is airy ma.

Lucky i bump into tis thread,shall buy and try!><

Hahazz i guess they sweat on the feet ba... My son use to wear cover shoes., Then slowly we notice is damn stink & appear to found tat the powder work... Ya u shall contact the seller Then try... Is nt ex but is really WORKS ^^

Glad that i can share someting tat can works ^^

i not sure oso a.When he was younger,i always let him wear covered shoes.When he get older,starts walking,i bought him sandals/slippers,still will stink after wearing.>.<

Tried washing his feet after he come bk from outside.
I oso dun understand y his feet stinks even wear sandals/slippers coz is airy ma.

Lucky i bump into tis thread,shall buy and try!><