Typical Visit to Gynae


hahaha. mine also like that!
That sounds awfully like Dr KT Tan at Kandang Kerbau Hospital! o_O

Me enter the consultation room.
Dr Tan: "Hi how are you, is everything okay...?
Dr Tan: Alright, if nothing of major concern, let's scan the baby okay...?
Dr Tan: See, baby moving.. baby heartbeat's good.. baby's doing fine...
Dr Tan: Okay, still have your vitamins and fish oil? Continue taking okay? Alright then I will see you next time...
Me: Thank you doctor, bye bye.

Chop Chop curry pok but I am pretty comfortable with her so far :blaugh:
:tlaugh: yaya, mine also Doc KT Tan...

Same, if nothing major, everything less then 10min! I'm also very comfortable with her. This 2nd pregnancy will be deliver by her again.


My gynae is Dr.Paul Tseng from TLC Clinic @ Thomson Medical...Typical monthly visits with him will last around 10-15mins but he's quite thorough..

He will greet me and hubby with a very cheerful demeanour...Once we sat down he will ask how am i doing where i will update him of any symptoms...During my last visit,i told him i was constipated and he laughed and said.."Ohhhh myyyy...!!!"...He then told me to eat more fruits and drink more water...If there are any other symptoms,i will give him the full updates for the past 4 weeks..

After which he will always say..."OK...Lets see how baby is doing...!!" And throughout the scan,he will go through throuroughly with me and hubby on what's on the screen like the baby's position,baby's length from crown to rump,look at baby's flickering heartbeat,listen to baby's heartbeat and also remind us of the EDD..

Then we will sit down again where he will update us on the baby's progress and then it will be our turn to ask him questions we have in mind..He will always end the visit by saying..."Great...In that case,i shall see you again in 4 weeks time..!!"

So far me and hubby are very comfortable with Dr.Paul..And we never fail to glance at the plastic bananas (i think the bananas illustrates a man's penile erection..!!) that he has behind his desk...!!! We will leave his office laughing..!!! :shyxxx: