URGENT! Needed on Sunday 9/8/09 - Flyer Distributor


Well-Known Member
Hi mummies,

If you are looking for a one time job for tomorrow to earn a quick buck, please SMS me at 8183 2426. First person to SMS & confirm will get the job :)

I'm looking for flyer distributor (one only).
Location: Punggol/Sengkang (Start with Punggol Plaza, coffeeshops in Punggol, once you are done, go over to SK MRT)

Time: 8am -> Meet up at my place in Punggol (walking distance from MRT) to collect the flyers (please bring an empty backpack), I'll get hb to fetch you to Punggol Plaza & show you where to go after that. You can go off once you finish distributing all the flyers given to you (if you manage to get a good spot & catch the right crowd, you should be able to finish in around 4-5 hours)

Pay: $55 (you will be paid $25 when you collect the flyers & balance will be paid to you when you finish, do call me when almost finishing & I'll go find you at SK). You will need to bear the cost of taking MRT/bus from Punggol to SK.

I'm looking for someone honest who will not throw away my flyers. Checks will be done. If you prove to be good, there'll be future opportunities :)