young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Well-Known Member
salam to u ol..
hmm..friday the 13th was relli a bad day for me..the hospital called me up saying tat ma father was in a relli critical condition n they dun tink tat he'll b able to survive..
so ol the relatives came down to pay their visit..n yg ma bro n n hb went der tok bacekan yaasiin for ma dad..
setelah lame kite tunggu for miracle to happen..but it juz din happen..
ma dad passed away juz afta midnite passed..
so arwah ma dad dikebumikan pada hari ahad lepas zohor..

i cume dpt doakan semoga segala dosanya diampun & rohnya dicucuri rahmat.. AMIN..! org yg keempat yg i sayang da meninggalkan dunia untuk selamanya.. :wecry:
Sori to heard that..
salam takziah uat u sekeluarga...


Hi all,cucundaku selamat dilahirkan on 14th mar @ 4.21pm.Alhamdulillah,berkat doa u all semua,i gt a cute and perfect grandson and my dd is well.Now kak rose bz ckit jaga dd since she decide to come back here after birth.Nak rawat dia,nak teach her the ropes to take cr of bb,penat gak but fun.First time I saw my gs,I fell in love wit him.Insyaallah,will post a pic soon.First thing my dd ckp to me after birth..."ma,aein tak nk branak agi ah"...hmmm...wait and see.To lis,takziah,dun tink too much k.Redha and relakan pemergiannya walaupun payah.Moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.Amiin.


Active Member
innalillah... salams takziah utk u and ur family, lis.. Redha dgn permergian ur dad k dear... at least he won't hav to suffer from all d pain. Moga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya.. AMIN...


takziah for lis.. sume yg datang mesti pergi.. kiter yg masih ade derma2 la surah2 yg patut biar sejok kat dalam tu..

kak rose, congrats ehh.. yr dd say dier tak nak branak lagi~? hehehe.. tt's wat i say too.. but e next time she gets pregnant again, tak tercakap ape2 dah nnt.. heheh..

well guys.. these few days been ??? for me.. but ntah eh.. cam high spirit sikit.. heheh.. life is juz a steppin stone to wat gonna happen nex..


Well-Known Member
Hi all,cucundaku selamat dilahirkan on 14th mar @ 4.21pm.Alhamdulillah,berkat doa u all semua,i gt a cute and perfect grandson and my dd is well.Now kak rose bz ckit jaga dd since she decide to come back here after birth.Nak rawat dia,nak teach her the ropes to take cr of bb,penat gak but fun.First time I saw my gs,I fell in love wit him.Insyaallah,will post a pic soon.First thing my dd ckp to me after birth..."ma,aein tak nk branak agi ah"...hmmm...wait and see.To lis,takziah,dun tink too much k.Redha and relakan pemergiannya walaupun payah.Moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.Amiin.
congrat nenek muda...hehe...
same 2 me lah,first i told my mum must wait long2 to have another cucu...hehe


Active Member
hi ahpen's wife...welcome on board:001_302:

to kak rose congrats on the arrival of your prince charming...heheheh...

and salam takziah buat lis sekeluarga...semoga roh arwahnya dicucuri rahmat...


New Member
hi semua..i'm a newbie here..hoping to find new friends too especially ard my age..btw i'm a full time SAHM with 2 kids


New Member
babygrl.. u lagi power.. 24 wit 2 kids already..

hehheh.. i 25, 2 girls..

hehe..tak caya in this age i'm already a mother of 2..whenever i go out, i got alot of comments..they told me that im look so young to became a mother..hehehe :001_302:


hehe..tak caya in this age i'm already a mother of 2..whenever i go out, i got alot of comments..they told me that im look so young to became a mother..hehehe :001_302:
Hi babygerl...

I'm turnin 24 tis aug. PPl tink dat my daughter is my niece...:err:


Well-Known Member
yela..same jek la ngan i..i'm turning 20 tiz yr..w one son..

klau klua ingat ma son either ma adek or anak sedare..hahaX..! coz i'm v small size..mcm budak primary school pon ade.. :eek: khakhakha..!! tpi kadang2 rase bingit gitu..haiZ..ape leh buat..


Well-Known Member
hi babygerl....

walcome on board..

Anw mummies,

have anyone of u pernah dgr pasal bb swimming hydrotheraphy??

Thought nak take my son go there n try it....


New Member
yela..same jek la ngan i..i'm turning 20 tiz yr..w one son..

klau klua ingat ma son either ma adek or anak sedare..hahaX..! coz i'm v small size..mcm budak primary school pon ade.. :eek: khakhakha..!! tpi kadang2 rase bingit gitu..haiZ..ape leh buat..

is it? hehe..i'm pun small built nye org..people mistake me 16 yrs old :err:hahaha...tu da takpe..ada some makcik2 ni kan blh tegur me and my hubby adik beradik..tu lagi nonsense..walau mcm ne kan i dont give a damn to it..haha..


Well-Known Member
Howdy! Howz all the mommies here. My routine is back to normal now that school term starts. Hari2 first to wake up at 5.30am and last to turn in by 1am. Hai, bila lagi public holiday ni, kena check calendar! :embarrassed:


New Member
hi all...
very very new here.
am not so young =) and a mummy of a 4-yr-old princess and soon to be delivering a prince in July this yr, insya Allah.

salamz to all.

note: i am looking for a 2nd hand playpen for the prince. any recommendations? WTS section too many lah.. :001_302:
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