young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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New Member
Howdy! Howz all the mommies here. My routine is back to normal now that school term starts. Hari2 first to wake up at 5.30am and last to turn in by 1am. Hai, bila lagi public holiday ni, kena check calendar! :embarrassed:

sis, i baik2..wah..paginye u bangun..can't imagine bila my son who is going to pri 1 in 3 yrs time sei..confirm kelam kabut..haha..i'm have my difficulty as my hubby is a seafarer and always belayar..sdgkan sekarang pun da kelam kabut..nasib baik lah MIL ada tolong i cikit2 :Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
hi all...
very very new here.
am not so young =) and a mummy of a 4-yr-old princess and soon to be delivering a prince in July this yr, insya Allah.

salamz to all.

note: i am looking for a 2nd hand playpen for the prince. any recommendations? WTS section too many lah.. :001_302:
first of ol..welcum abroad arlinz..!! n congrats to ur new comer too..!! hehe..
niwae,u nk beli play pen ke baby cot..? klau baby cot,i ade IKEA's in blue color..made of solid wood..ade 2 level of hts..from infant to toddler (0-3yrs old) tip top condition coz used less than a mth..e2 pon jarang pkai..

IKEA | Children | Children's furniture | Children's beds & mattresses | HERMELIN cot

u can PM me if u keen..

hmm..i tkya tunggu budak holiday ke tidak..everyday pon i kene bgn pkol 5-5.30am..coz nk msk pagi tok hb bwk bekal gi keje..den buat breakfast tok die..hmm..afta tat do the housechores in the tat by noon,i tkya nk kelam kabut.. hehehe ~~~ leh main2 ngan ma son n surf net..


Well-Known Member
sis, what is swimming hydrotherapy? i tak pernah dengar pun abt this..hehe

Not quite sure....
wat in brochure said that is an ideal way to develop stronger body but also a better brain...

ade small bathtub den drg kasi ur son/daughter neck float........

the place at harbour front & punggol plaza


Well-Known Member
oh that hydrotherapy thingy... have seen bb masuk kat dalam benda tub tu, cute tau.

But nak kasi stronger body and main air, masuk je kat dalam pool with buoy. Naturally and slowly bb pandai 'berkayuh' kat dalam pool.Boleh jugak kan ? Then the brain dept, ada banyak lagi methods for development.....thatz my pendapat lah. (Aksen, terror je saya ni :001_302:)

Macam2 for bb these days. Looks like they are having a day at the spa, macam orang tua.


New Member
first of ol..welcum abroad arlinz..!! n congrats to ur new comer too..!! hehe..
niwae,u nk beli play pen ke baby cot..? klau baby cot,i ade IKEA's in blue color..made of solid wood..ade 2 level of hts..from infant to toddler (0-3yrs old) tip top condition coz used less than a mth..e2 pon jarang pkai..

IKEA | Children | Children's furniture | Children's beds & mattresses | HERMELIN cot

u can PM me if u keen..
hi lis.. thanks for the reply. i carik playpen jer. yg ada adjustable height gak. i already have a baby cot but its a tad too bulky to put it in the living room.


haiz...smua muda muda sey..i m 29..3 kids.The first is 10 yrs,2nd is 7 yrs and the last 1 is 1 mth plus...and i dah tutup kedai..susah sikit bila dah aged..wen pregnant ade yg tak kena....


Well-Known Member
This morning woke up with a headache. Pagi2 dah telan panadol. My dd lah kul 4am meragam, entah apasal plak. And i got like 3+ hours of sleep.

hani: Wow, u have another older kid. Ingat dua aje. Alah, baru 29, still can have one more hani :001_302: (just joking!) First one, boy or girl ?

arabjr: Where r u ? Amacam with your aerobics workout ? My joggings (3wks +) have seen some spare tyres shed off from my body. Sikit aje turun but boleh ah. If multiply that for 6 mths, the kilos could get much lower. But i guess, bulan puasa masuk nanti jogging pun kemana.

lizz : Busy ke ? What's your decision in taking up PT jobs ? Jadi ke ?


Well-Known Member
oh that hydrotherapy thingy... have seen bb masuk kat dalam benda tub tu, cute tau.

But nak kasi stronger body and main air, masuk je kat dalam pool with buoy. Naturally and slowly bb pandai 'berkayuh' kat dalam pool.Boleh jugak kan ? Then the brain dept, ada banyak lagi methods for development.....thatz my pendapat lah. (Aksen, terror je saya ni :001_302:)

Macam2 for bb these days. Looks like they are having a day at the spa, macam orang tua.
skg ne mcm2 utk bb....
will try this wkend....


Well-Known Member
ello mummies smuer...

i ade bende nk tanye cket..nk mintak pendapat u ol..

misal kate u ol gadoh ngan hb..den die marah2..~~ say even if he's in the wrong..u ol buat ape..? u ol menjawab alek,as in to tell him tat he is in the wrong ke...u ol buat bodoh jek..diam kan diri..biarkn die menang...??? :err:


Well-Known Member
Berderau sekejap darah bila terbaca one forummer posted abt her C-sec fresh stitches snapped. So ngeri and all of a sudden rasa ngilu semacam, even though mine were all natural delivery. :err: Usually, brapa lama C-sec delivery wound boleh baik and life gets back to normal ? Can't imagine myself going thru C-sec coz i am so lasak person.


hi babygerl....

walcome on board..

Anw mummies,

have anyone of u pernah dgr pasal bb swimming hydrotheraphy??

Thought nak take my son go there n try it....
i sent my bb for swimming hydrotheraphy...alhamdulillah he didnt cry. in fact, he loves it... btw, its not cheap


Berderau sekejap darah bila terbaca one forummer posted abt her C-sec fresh stitches snapped. So ngeri and all of a sudden rasa ngilu semacam, even though mine were all natural delivery. :err: Usually, brapa lama C-sec delivery wound boleh baik and life gets back to normal ? Can't imagine myself going thru C-sec coz i am so lasak person.

I had c-section and it takes 10 weeks approx to heal both internally and externally. But alhamdulilah, i was active and it was never a hinders my movement, dat time pulak i jaga my baby sorang2 as mum is working n MIL ada own activities. Hubby pon tolong2. Hehe even the nurses n docs was shocked that the next day after c-section, i leh jalan n see my girl at neonatal ICU at the lower floor. Allah tu berkuasa, knowing that nobody can help me..He gave me the strength...



e other day i went interview, i waited for the boss the recep tu tanye i skola mane? dier ingat i fresh grad baru kluar skola..

i cakap i da keje nak look for another.. dier punye muker tak le maintain.. terperanjat berok.. hahahah..

haizzz.. sometimes i ask myself.. patut kah aku kawin muder2 dulu..


hi all...
very very new here.
am not so young =) and a mummy of a 4-yr-old princess and soon to be delivering a prince in July this yr, insya Allah.

salamz to all.

note: i am looking for a 2nd hand playpen for the prince. any recommendations? WTS section too many lah.. :001_302:
arlin, u get mine suda.. i nak let go with latex mattres.. sell u cheap2..
playpen takya mahal2 cos budak tu tido till abt 6 mths then nak kene tukar toddler bed.. ni my girl da besar so wanna get her toddler mattress.. tido bawah biar golek2 tak jatoh..


ello mummies smuer...

i ade bende nk tanye cket..nk mintak pendapat u ol..

misal kate u ol gadoh ngan hb..den die marah2..~~ say even if he's in the wrong..u ol buat ape..? u ol menjawab alek,as in to tell him tat he is in the wrong ke...u ol buat bodoh jek..diam kan diri..biarkn die menang...??? :err:
ahhh~~ baru la tau crite..

i n hb slalu gadoh.. tapi biler anak da 2 ni ade slack sikit.. i guess i hav many other things to do then juz gado2..

one thing to note: if u think yr hb ego high.. u wait till he cool down then u say nicely la.. pujuk2 then indirectly say tt ' ei~(manje2).. tadi gado tu u sala tau.. ' then buat klakar2 la.. hahaha

well, it does work la.. cos u stoke both sides of his ego.. so i guess not a prob..


This morning woke up with a headache. Pagi2 dah telan panadol. My dd lah kul 4am meragam, entah apasal plak. And i got like 3+ hours of sleep.

hani: Wow, u have another older kid. Ingat dua aje. Alah, baru 29, still can have one more hani :001_302: (just joking!) First one, boy or girl ?

arabjr: Where r u ? Amacam with your aerobics workout ? My joggings (3wks +) have seen some spare tyres shed off from my body. Sikit aje turun but boleh ah. If multiply that for 6 mths, the kilos could get much lower. But i guess, bulan puasa masuk nanti jogging pun kemana.

lizz : Busy ke ? What's your decision in taking up PT jobs ? Jadi ke ?
kalo n dikira kan....2 la cos the eldest not staying with me anymore..ikut daddy rite now she is 10 yrs...the 2nd 1 is a boy...and the last ni girl...

ENFLOR...i pun c sect-yg tak bestnye..sakit pun tak terkata la...lain pulak kalo natural cepat baik..

masa dah lepas beranak(c-sect)..they ask you to buy belly binders la,sock for the legs..sock tu kena pakai for 2 weeks jadi tak blood clod...yg binders tu...nak tahan perut yg sagging..lagi2 jahit masih fresh..

urat pulak nak kena tunggu 1 week..baru bole..alhamdulilah mine 7 weeks dah baik internal/external..makan nak kena jaga mil asyik lantak i minum pati haruan n makan ulat gamat(sea cucumber)

Lis-for me..kalo my hb pok pet pok pet..i buat dek je..nanti dia diam..lelaki ni ego dia tinggi mcm mount everest..tak pernah nak mengalah..diaorang je btl,kita ni smua salah..and 1 important thing..THEY NEVER SAYS SORRY!!!!


anywae mummies...

I m sellin away DUMEX DULAC INFANT FORMULA MILK(brand new,just bought) @$8..bought @$12.00

PAMPERS PUREEN DRY 5(open already)


Well-Known Member
ello mummies smuer...

i ade bende nk tanye cket..nk mintak pendapat u ol..

misal kate u ol gadoh ngan hb..den die marah2..~~ say even if he's in the wrong..u ol buat ape..? u ol menjawab alek,as in to tell him tat he is in the wrong ke...u ol buat bodoh jek..diam kan diri..biarkn die menang...??? :err:
Biase lah lelaki ne ego....
As for me,i diam kan jek..let him win...
Malas nak pot pet pot pet....
Klau dia dah penat bising,mesti dia diam punye....


New Member
helo ladies.. so happenin... ada jugak thread for malay mum.... iM a FTWM wif a 3 mth old boy... salam perkenalan u all... :Dancing_tongue:

Hi all....nice to meet u 24 dis yr...gonna be a first mum.. EDD is on August 18 2009..most prob will be in it gonna be hard? :Dancing_wub:
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