young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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New Member
hi semua..lama tak masuk gara2 satu perkara ampai sekarang masi marah..tiap kali lau ingat ni perkara mcm nak bagi org tu 1 penumbuk


Assalamualaikum semua..

Juz a little update on my pregnancy sejak the last time i masuk sini..:001_302::001_302:
I went for my 2nd gynae appt on the 20th April..Alhamdulilah..Nampak baby da besar sket...And my gynae kasi i dengar my baby's heartbeat..Air mata terus keluar as soon as i heard it..

Ada orang cakap tak bagus kalau asyik nangis jer..Nanti baby cengeng..But i cant help it la..goin thru 3 miscarriages which always ended at 5 weeks pregnant and now finally getting to hear my baby's strong heartbeat..Mestilah EMOTIONAL...!!!:shyxxx:


New Member
wah..danger..garang btol..? ape da jadi..?? hee..~~

thanks to my adik ipar lah that's why i tgh marah ni..nak blg ni cete pun mcm complicated coz it involve both of my adik ipar..if you all nak tau, i'm staying with my in law..and i'm the 1st menantu in the house..last week, have 2 incident happened..firstly was i masuk baju2 dia dlm dryer..mana lah i tau dia tak nak baju2 dia masuk dlm dryer..he can tell me per..dlm baik dia panggil i bodoh..i was inside my room n i can hear everything he said..

tu dah takper..another incident on that day jugak, my other adik ipar lose his psp..i suspect was his brother nye kwn amek coz he was the ONLY 1 sitting at the again i kene dituduh yg i amek..i was in the room that time and i heard it everything..bkn tu jer he even tuduh my son amek him is a joke but not to me and my hubby..i sms my hubby and told him everything..dia kata patotlah menjak2 ni dia asyik mimpi dia gaduh dgn bapa dia..rupanya psl hubby da bingit..dia kata mentang2 my hubby takda, adik dia naik kepala..mana tak i masi marah until now..


Well-Known Member
thanks to my adik ipar lah that's why i tgh marah ni..nak blg ni cete pun mcm complicated coz it involve both of my adik ipar..if you all nak tau, i'm staying with my in law..and i'm the 1st menantu in the house..last week, have 2 incident happened..firstly was i masuk baju2 dia dlm dryer..mana lah i tau dia tak nak baju2 dia masuk dlm dryer..he can tell me per..dlm baik dia panggil i bodoh..i was inside my room n i can hear everything he said..

tu dah takper..another incident on that day jugak, my other adik ipar lose his psp..i suspect was his brother nye kwn amek coz he was the ONLY 1 sitting at the again i kene dituduh yg i amek..i was in the room that time and i heard it everything..bkn tu jer he even tuduh my son amek him is a joke but not to me and my hubby..i sms my hubby and told him everything..dia kata patotlah menjak2 ni dia asyik mimpi dia gaduh dgn bapa dia..rupanya psl hubby da bingit..dia kata mentang2 my hubby takda, adik dia naik kepala..mana tak i masi marah until now.. kesah..psl ipar duai.. hmm.. nie common la.. alah..buat ape nk pk2 kn sgt..buat bodoh jek la.. klau da memang u tau diri u tak buat salah.. ape yg nk di hiraukn.. buat pekak telinga jek la.. kate menantu/ipar ajek.. standard la.. mesti ade jek yg tk kene.. yg paling best, klau tknk kene tuduh sembarangan.. den get our own hse.. e2 paling afdal.. so org tkle nk ckp kite sembarangan.. btol tk ape i ckp..? da la.. jgn marah2 sgt.. klau kite asyik2 pk2 kn.. yg stress kite.. nanti bdn kite sendiri yg saket.. juz take it as a lesson to b learnt.. jgn masok campor ngan hal drg.. biar drg buat kain bju drg sendiri..


Well-Known Member
Assalamualaikum semua..

Juz a little update on my pregnancy sejak the last time i masuk sini..:001_302::001_302:
I went for my 2nd gynae appt on the 20th April..Alhamdulilah..Nampak baby da besar sket...And my gynae kasi i dengar my baby's heartbeat..Air mata terus keluar as soon as i heard it..

Ada orang cakap tak bagus kalau asyik nangis jer..Nanti baby cengeng..But i cant help it la..goin thru 3 miscarriages which always ended at 5 weeks pregnant and now finally getting to hear my baby's strong heartbeat..Mestilah EMOTIONAL...!!!:shyxxx:
alah..klau nangis cket2 tkpe la.. jgn slalu.. nanti mcm org tue ckp, nanti ank cengeng.. but dunno how true it is la..


New Member
Yes i agree too... lagi baik ada rumah sendiri so at least tak dituduh sembarangan... btw, hi malay mummy, im fiza not new here but seronok at least ada jugak malay mums giving their views here and in malay tooo...

stay cool everyone...


Well-Known Member
selamat dtg fiza.. so intro urself abit more..? anak brape..? umor brape..? tinggal mane..?? hehe..~~ bnyk soalan aku.. :shyxxx:


New Member kesah..psl ipar duai.. hmm.. nie common la.. alah..buat ape nk pk2 kn sgt..buat bodoh jek la.. klau da memang u tau diri u tak buat salah.. ape yg nk di hiraukn.. buat pekak telinga jek la.. kate menantu/ipar ajek.. standard la.. mesti ade jek yg tk kene.. yg paling best, klau tknk kene tuduh sembarangan.. den get our own hse.. e2 paling afdal.. so org tkle nk ckp kite sembarangan.. btol tk ape i ckp..? da la.. jgn marah2 sgt.. klau kite asyik2 pk2 kn.. yg stress kite.. nanti bdn kite sendiri yg saket.. juz take it as a lesson to b learnt.. jgn masok campor ngan hal drg.. biar drg buat kain bju drg sendiri..

i'm waiting for my hubby to come back from overseas aru boleh cari rumah..the reason y i tak cari rumah pun psl my hubby selalu the house will mostly empty..just me and the kids..lau duduk with his parents, my hubby at least tak worry about me and the kids as someone is looking after us..but no matter what nak cari rumah jgk lah..da time for us to move out


New Member
hi mummies, im fiza a FTWM, got a 7-year old son, in P1 not planning for another one yet till we got our own house too.. as for myself, im stying with my parents plus 2 sibling but alhamdulillah so far no problems since we been staying together for around 8 years... kita tak cari rumah after marriage cos my hubby worked like 16hrs per day and also he tak stay with me most of the time, he stayed with his bro which is nearer to his workplace (boon lay) and i stayed with my mum at bedok reservoir... so we only meet during weekends or free time... after birth of my son and also my parents look after him and dotes on him alot, we still quite comfortable with staying with my parents that we continue to stay together... now we so-called in searching for place since my son pun getting older and needs space for himself... looking for somewhere near my parents so that my parents will not have separation anxiety of losing their grandson... hehehe... and btw im 31 years old this year...


New Member
hi fiza... welcome to the forum. =)

ladies... i nak tanya if anyone can recommend tukang urut yg power2 for masa lepas bersalin tu... my previous tukang urut dah tinggal pat JB so susah to contact her now.

any recommendations? i nak survey2 before deciding ni.

T.I.A ladies


Assalamualaikum semua..

Juz a little update on my pregnancy sejak the last time i masuk sini..:001_302::001_302:
I went for my 2nd gynae appt on the 20th April..Alhamdulilah..Nampak baby da besar sket...And my gynae kasi i dengar my baby's heartbeat..Air mata terus keluar as soon as i heard it..

Ada orang cakap tak bagus kalau asyik nangis jer..Nanti baby cengeng..But i cant help it la..goin thru 3 miscarriages which always ended at 5 weeks pregnant and now finally getting to hear my baby's strong heartbeat..Mestilah EMOTIONAL...!!!:shyxxx:
Hi izanyzam!

Congrats on hearing e heartbeat. I can understand why u teared, dulu i pon teared bila heard my gal's heartbeat for e 1st time.

Tadi i had my 1st check up at kkh. According to baby's size, i'm 10 weeks along. So my EDD shifted slightly earlier...17 nov 09. I tak dgr heartbeat but they showed me the beating heart from e scan. E baby waved at me n hubby! It was cute, dulu with my gal, during 1st scan, she very still haha.


Well-Known Member
Yoo hoo, i'm back and juz finished reading several posts frm u ladies.

lis: u conduct baking lessons lah ? dua-tiga jenis macam kueh pun boleh pa. I'll sign up if it fits my schedule. Amacam ? Biz jugak tuh.

izanyzam : tak salah u nak express whatever in regards to your bb. As long as it reflects positive feelings that's good for your well-being too.

nora : who is your gynae frm kkh ?

bbgerl : Ni case kena bully. Do they behave like this to you b4 your hb ? Yg bagusnya jgn kasi muka. Like what lis said, let them handle their own things. If they don't even appreciate your act as a SIL mithali, then they don't deserve your attention. Just do things for your kids and your PILs. Tell then straight up that from now they are on their own. Abih u tak bilang the other adik ipar that setakat PSP tu, abang dia boleh belikan u and your anak 10 PSP. Tak mainlah second hand PSP! Eish, if i were u those will be my words to them. If my BILs or SILs like that aisey, perang mulut laser aje lah.

U all follow cerita fighting spiders tak ? Just watched the epi for the first time yest. Bagus jugak cerita dia. My kids tengok sampai mulut ternganga.


Hi izanyzam!

Congrats on hearing e heartbeat. I can understand why u teared, dulu i pon teared bila heard my gal's heartbeat for e 1st time.

Tadi i had my 1st check up at kkh. According to baby's size, i'm 10 weeks along. So my EDD shifted slightly earlier...17 nov 09. I tak dgr heartbeat but they showed me the beating heart from e scan. E baby waved at me n hubby! It was cute, dulu with my gal, during 1st scan, she very still haha.
Hi Nora...!!! Besh nyer dapat tengok yr baby lambai pat you and hubby..!! Yup it was a nice feeling getting to hear my baby's heartbeat..And according to my baby's size,i nyer EDD pulak kene delay...Im only about 9 weeks...So my EDD will be on the 27th Nov..!!!:Dancing_wub:


Yoo hoo, i'm back and juz finished reading several posts frm u ladies.

izanyzam : tak salah u nak express whatever in regards to your bb. As long as it reflects positive feelings that's good for your well-being too.
Hi EnFlor...Yup i agree...For me this is my way of expressing my thanks and gratefullness to Allah swt for sending this little angel to me and hubby.. :wong19:


Yoo hoo, i'm back and juz finished reading several posts frm u ladies.

lis: u conduct baking lessons lah ? dua-tiga jenis macam kueh pun boleh pa. I'll sign up if it fits my schedule. Amacam ? Biz jugak tuh.

izanyzam : tak salah u nak express whatever in regards to your bb. As long as it reflects positive feelings that's good for your well-being too.

nora : who is your gynae frm kkh ?

bbgerl : Ni case kena bully. Do they behave like this to you b4 your hb ? Yg bagusnya jgn kasi muka. Like what lis said, let them handle their own things. If they don't even appreciate your act as a SIL mithali, then they don't deserve your attention. Just do things for your kids and your PILs. Tell then straight up that from now they are on their own. Abih u tak bilang the other adik ipar that setakat PSP tu, abang dia boleh belikan u and your anak 10 PSP. Tak mainlah second hand PSP! Eish, if i were u those will be my words to them. If my BILs or SILs like that aisey, perang mulut laser aje lah.

U all follow cerita fighting spiders tak ? Just watched the epi for the first time yest. Bagus jugak cerita dia. My kids tengok sampai mulut ternganga.

Enflor... I takde specific gynea as I don't choose a particular specialist. With my 1st pregnancy pon sama.


Hi Nora...!!! Besh nyer dapat tengok yr baby lambai pat you and hubby..!! Yup it was a nice feeling getting to hear my baby's heartbeat..And according to my baby's size,i nyer EDD pulak kene delay...Im only about 9 weeks...So my EDD will be on the 27th Nov..!!!:Dancing_wub:
Ic... with my gal dulu pon, EDD kena delay. Btw u opt for downs test? I tak but hubby just wants to get the downs blood test je.. we ll c hw it goes...

Smlm i mimpi i took this bus home from work n there was a sch boy, cam pri 4 gitu. He was seated nx to me n was so interested to talk to me. He said muka i manis haha. And we talked n clecked well, it was a long bus ride. N e mimpi ended there. Could i b havin a boy? hehe...just trying to link e dream.


Well-Known Member
Yoo hoo, i'm back and juz finished reading several posts frm u ladies.

lis: u conduct baking lessons lah ? dua-tiga jenis macam kueh pun boleh pa. I'll sign up if it fits my schedule. Amacam ? Biz jugak tuh.

bbgerl : Ni case kena bully. Do they behave like this to you b4 your hb ? Yg bagusnya jgn kasi muka. Like what lis said, let them handle their own things. If they don't even appreciate your act as a SIL mithali, then they don't deserve your attention. Just do things for your kids and your PILs. Tell then straight up that from now they are on their own. Abih u tak bilang the other adik ipar that setakat PSP tu, abang dia boleh belikan u and your anak 10 PSP. Tak mainlah second hand PSP! Eish, if i were u those will be my words to them. If my BILs or SILs like that aisey, perang mulut laser aje lah.

U all follow cerita fighting spiders tak ? Just watched the epi for the first time yest. Bagus jugak cerita dia. My kids tengok sampai mulut ternganga.

erm..baking class ehk..?? haha.. good idea tu.. tpi maybe not now la.. coz i nie bukan nye expert sgt.. hehe.. :001_302: tunggu nanti bile i nk buat kuih ,tkya tgk buku lagi.. den bru i bukak baking class.. haha... ~~ :tlaugh:

minggu nie i tk tgk fighting spiders.. asyik miss ajek.. haha.. sebok melayan si kecik nie..

niwae babygerl.. u ckp u tk beli umah sbb ur hb is owaes away from hm..? n he'll get worried w u staying on ur own w ur kids..?? i tink tat's not a good thinking.. u patot pk positive.. u n ur hb must b independent.. jgn depend ngan org tue lagi.. dok umah sendiri.. coz kite da ade family sendiri.. so it's best to show ppl tat we're no pushover.. especially to our own siblings(ipar duai) termasok la makcik pakcik ke.. yg penting hb mesti trust u.. mcm i.. i decide to get ma own hse.. coz i tknk smp ma BIL to start tuduh2 i amek brg die.. n i pon tknk smp i tuduh2 die yg bukan2.. nanti salah tuduh org,kite yg berdosa.. den i pon tknk dudok ngan ma parents sbb i tknk kene tuduh ngan stepfather lagi.. die tu.. asal brg die ilang.. atau tk dpt carik.. die pk i yg amek.. so i get out of the hse.. lagi bos.. org tkle tuduh2 lagi..

n best part is.. tym i tinggal ngan ma parents.. i yg kene buat keje umah.. smp kn pinggan mangkok sendiri lepas da mkn pon tk tau nk gi cuci sendiri.. tk tau nk lap meja lepas mkn.. n alot more.. it's as thou they treat me mcm drg nye maid.. i n hb bingit la.. so we decide to get our own plc.. jadi org tkle nk suroh2 kite.. klau kite tknk buat keje umah pon.. sape nk marah.. nie umah kite sendiri.. btol tk ape i ckp..? so it's best u n ur hb start thinking of getting ur own plc.. lagi convenient.. :Dancing_wub:


New Member
Ic... with my gal dulu pon, EDD kena delay. Btw u opt for downs test? I tak but hubby just wants to get the downs blood test je.. we ll c hw it goes...

Smlm i mimpi i took this bus home from work n there was a sch boy, cam pri 4 gitu. He was seated nx to me n was so interested to talk to me. He said muka i manis haha. And we talked n clecked well, it was a long bus ride. N e mimpi ended there. Could i b havin a boy? hehe...just trying to link e dream.

sis, org tua kata lau mimpi boy kdg2 terbalik..kdg2 betul..haha..when im pregnant with my 2nd kid, my hubby dpt that dream, dia nmpk our boy was playing with this little girl..byk kali jugak lah he dream abt this..plk tu when he knows im pregnant with our 2nd kid, my hubby tak nak tau the gender..we went for the scan lah..cuma we told the doc suruh rahsiakan gender dia..

my hubby dgn penuh semangat kata this time must be a when the days come, doc told us that we had a hubby pe lagi..happy :tlaugh:


New Member
erm..baking class ehk..?? haha.. good idea tu.. tpi maybe not now la.. coz i nie bukan nye expert sgt.. hehe.. :001_302: tunggu nanti bile i nk buat kuih ,tkya tgk buku lagi.. den bru i bukak baking class.. haha... ~~ :tlaugh:

minggu nie i tk tgk fighting spiders.. asyik miss ajek.. haha.. sebok melayan si kecik nie..

niwae babygerl.. u ckp u tk beli umah sbb ur hb is owaes away from hm..? n he'll get worried w u staying on ur own w ur kids..?? i tink tat's not a good thinking.. u patot pk positive.. u n ur hb must b independent.. jgn depend ngan org tue lagi.. dok umah sendiri.. coz kite da ade family sendiri.. so it's best to show ppl tat we're no pushover.. especially to our own siblings(ipar duai) termasok la makcik pakcik ke.. yg penting hb mesti trust u.. mcm i.. i decide to get ma own hse.. coz i tknk smp ma BIL to start tuduh2 i amek brg die.. n i pon tknk smp i tuduh2 die yg bukan2.. nanti salah tuduh org,kite yg berdosa.. den i pon tknk dudok ngan ma parents sbb i tknk kene tuduh ngan stepfather lagi.. die tu.. asal brg die ilang.. atau tk dpt carik.. die pk i yg amek.. so i get out of the hse.. lagi bos.. org tkle tuduh2 lagi..

n best part is.. tym i tinggal ngan ma parents.. i yg kene buat keje umah.. smp kn pinggan mangkok sendiri lepas da mkn pon tk tau nk gi cuci sendiri.. tk tau nk lap meja lepas mkn.. n alot more.. it's as thou they treat me mcm drg nye maid.. i n hb bingit la.. so we decide to get our own plc.. jadi org tkle nk suroh2 kite.. klau kite tknk buat keje umah pon.. sape nk marah.. nie umah kite sendiri.. btol tk ape i ckp..? so it's best u n ur hb start thinking of getting ur own plc.. lagi convenient.. :Dancing_wub:

don't worry..this time i'm going to find a house sampai dapat..da time for my family to be independent :Dancing_wub:
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