young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Dim sum halal makan place jauh sebelah sana plak. Bila masa lah nak gi. NurIrfan, if you dah makan kat sana and find it worth it, do share your views here. Will paksa my hb to bring me there then.

Ok now, i am looking around to get my SIL her wedding cake. Dunno if i should get a tier cake or just a cake for her wedding at tepak sireh. Tepak Sireh kasi pulut kuning, no wedding cakes. Agak2 yang makan pun anak2 buah yang kecik2, probably for 100 mouth. With a budget of less than $300. Any recommendations ? My SIL tak nak cupcakes as she'll have those at her Austrl wedding reception.

Tak reti lah nak buat order for wedding cake. During my wedding semua termasuk dalam my wedding package including our 3-tier cake.

:err: I was truly shocked to learn that Norfasarie's cake cost more than $1500 and Nurul Aini's cake cost $1000. Haiz, mahal mahal pun, bila makan, benda anu tuh keluar jugak kan.

Sure,i stay near no excuse lah tk g hunt that dim sum kan...heheheh

u nk 3 tier cake or normal one?

WOw:117:,mahal nyer cake dia...Recently,my cousin tunang,dia nyer cake abt $150...Very Nice....Bt klau cake mcm tu normally can icing dia jek tebal n worth it beli mahal....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replying NurIrfan. Ok, i dah survey....barulah tahu mahal2 wedding cakes ni hah. Yup, the icing that u mentioned, tebal2 keras2 budak2 tak suka punya. Tak practical coz my SIL niat is to cut the cake and treat the little ones.

I thought nak buat cam gini. Order 2 normal cakes about 2 to 2.5 kg each. That could cost abt $200. So if i wanna do like 2-tier style. Decorate fresh floweres sendiri. Mana nak cari tempat alas bertingkat tu. Any lobang?

Where is the place that your cuzin ordered her cake ? PM me if you know of any details.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replying NurIrfan. Ok, i dah survey....barulah tahu mahal2 wedding cakes ni hah. Yup, the icing that u mentioned, tebal2 keras2 budak2 tak suka punya. Tak practical coz my SIL niat is to cut the cake and treat the little ones.

I thought nak buat cam gini. Order 2 normal cakes about 2 to 2.5 kg each. That could cost abt $200. So if i wanna do like 2-tier style. Decorate fresh floweres sendiri. Mana nak cari tempat alas bertingkat tu. Any lobang?

Where is the place that your cuzin ordered her cake ? PM me if you know of any details.
U can go to geylang cari the alas bertingkat or bakery shop....
She ordered at prima deli.....For my case,i want sumthing different so i ordered ice cream cake frm swensen..bila nak cut aru kluar kan


My view..
Agree w Enflor tat cake mahal2 buat apa... sigh.. i talkin fr experience...
My cake ada la 3 tier close to $500 from tis reputable company(tu pun aft discount, kalo tak more!).. At d end of the day, terpikir kebenda i buy so expensive...
Bile abis majlis, org semua sayang to cut and in the end i stuck w a 3 tier cake!! Tu pun kena force org yg remain to cut and bring back.. Bila org mkn, comment 'Aduh mak... Manis ye!!'.. Haiz... Menyesal tak sudah... Maklum icing cake kan... Sure got pujian nice etc, but kita order cake kan sal nk kasi org mkn.. Menbazir ada la...
Recently went to cousins' weddins.. One order Prima Deli cake... Not bad n cheap! Strongly recommmend the co... One order from Polar Bear but 1 tier ye la... Tu pun sedap.. So full of choc.. Bdk2 rebut to eat... Tu yg best....


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nur Irfan and Fitri for the insight. Almaklumlah, isu kawin2 ni, , my knowledge now dah zero.

Ok, will survey Prima Deli and some normal but well-known bakeries. Tak yah high-class2 nya, asal icing tak tebal, orang tua and budak2 boleh makan.

I checked from the internet, there is such thing as we can order the tier trays. Dah mintak quote rental fee but blum receive reply. Will also survey kat kedai yang Nur Irfan mentioned.

Alahai, my SIL...nasib baiklah dia jauh kat negeri orang, kalau dia kat sini, i cuci tangan ajelah.

Sowie, mums. Off track sikit hah, story bab kawin2 ni. KAlau nak start cerita abt kids, babies and motherhood, you may continue. :001_302:


helo ladies.. so happenin... ada jugak thread for malay mum.... iM a FTWM wif a 3 mth old boy... salam perkenalan u all... :Dancing_tongue:
Hi, im new to this thread .. not so young lady. Have 2 children - one girl aged 6 yrs and a baby boy just turned 6 mths. Which part of the western area are you in? Jurong; or the Bukit's area?


Well-Known Member
ello..welcum aboard..rite now i'm still in jurong..but soOn hopefully will b shifting to the north side plak..

u tgl ane..? umor brape..?



im livin in Jurong West St 25.. U? My son da 7 mths old.. u workin? btw Welcome!

Hi, im new to this thread .. not so young lady. Have 2 children - one girl aged 6 yrs and a baby boy just turned 6 mths. Which part of the western area are you in? Jurong; or the Bukit's area?


elo mummies2 sekelian.. Da nk masuk new yr seh.. Alhamdulilah.. Panjang jugak umur kita2.. hehehehe

Nk ask ni, u all ada prob w ur kid nt eatin tak? My son da 7 mth old.. Susah tul nk kasi brown rice or cereal.. Yg lucu ye if we give rice, dia nk lak.. rice we lenyek2 kan la.. boleh ke tak eh? perut dia org leh take it tak? i pun seram nk give actualli... but susah la nk force mkn.. kdg2 play cheat put cereal in milk.. kakakaka


Well-Known Member
Welcome to newly joined mums. Rajin-rajin jengok sini ok.

Fitri, kalau rice dah lenyek boleh kan ? It is soft (mcm bubur)....tapi takkan lah your bb habiskan satu mangkuk or pinggan. I am sure setakat a few sudu only. Am i right ?

Asal dia kenyang. U try campur cereal with variety of food each day. Let bb tastebud explore rasa rasa yang lain.


Well-Known Member
elo mummies2 sekelian.. Da nk masuk new yr seh.. Alhamdulilah.. Panjang jugak umur kita2.. hehehehe

Nk ask ni, u all ada prob w ur kid nt eatin tak? My son da 7 mth old.. Susah tul nk kasi brown rice or cereal.. Yg lucu ye if we give rice, dia nk lak.. rice we lenyek2 kan la.. boleh ke tak eh? perut dia org leh take it tak? i pun seram nk give actualli... but susah la nk force mkn.. kdg2 play cheat put cereal in milk.. kakakaka

boleh semua budak same..n not ol like to eat cereal..da bgus tu ank u tk mkn cereal n he prefer la duit u..hehe..! :001_302:
tpi fact la..since die suke makan nasi..u buat la bubur tok die(tpi jgn terlalu hancur sangat bubur nye,kasi kasar2 cket)..takot die tak suke makanan yg 'lembek2'..den maybe u can rebus together w tat it'll b sweet cket..natural the same tym he'll get the nutrients also..
den u sangar ikan bilis sampai garing..den u tumbuk sampai hancur..u can mix w the bubur..he'll get iron oso..!!

juz like ma son..die tak suke makan cereal..or aniting tat's soft..nanti buang alek..but aniting tat adults eat,he'll save la duit i..tak payah nk buang duit gi beli kotak2 cereal..hehe..tpi yang penat tu la..nak kene slalu masak n perah otak nk kasi die makan ape.. :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
I need help lah from all mummies here...

My son,i think kena kurap susu (wat my MIL ckp lah)
So,ade tak any medication/oil or watever yg bleh hilang kan....


Well-Known Member
kurap susu yang kena kat muka tu kan ? Just wanna confirm before i proceed sharing with you what my boys went thru'
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