Cheap Alternatives to Breastfeeding Pads and Tops

I have been trawling the forums and I realised many mothers comparing notes about breastfeeding pads, their costs as well as those of breastfeeding tops. These can cost a tidy sum of money and for those of us who...

Overcoming a Miscarriage- a personal journey shared

GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS Earlier this year, my hubby and I decided it was time to try for a new addition to our family. I stopped taking The Pill and I conceived very soon after. It was unexpected. The month...

How to avoid war with your toddler

I guess many of us have days where we feel that, as parents, we are entering a war zone every other day- this is especially so when the kids are going through their terrible 2s or terrifying 3s. During this...

When Preschoolers Learn About Value of Money

By the time your kid reaches preschool age, he must have seen money countless times. You also may have been facing difficulty in imparting the knowledge of value of money to him. There could be hundreds of questions in...

Solutions to Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is easily identified. If you noticed, your child may often push, shout, or even vie for your attention. Being self-centered, they would often think that things seldom go their way and often utter the phrase ‘That’s not...

Parenting Mistake by Having a Favorite Child

We know you can’t help it. You loved your younger child more. He seems to capture your heart, make jokes and entertain everyone. He speaks adorably and you feel like you want to give the whole world to him....

Is It True That Subsequent Birth Are Always Easier?

It is common remarks that people pass about subsequent birth are usually easier and faster to go through. To some extend, I believe it is true because scientifically if the cervix has been dilated before, it does not take...

Indoor Activities for School Holidays!

Yes, we all know it’s school holidays. We are trying our best to keep the kids occupied. But are you constantly out of idea on how to manage them when they tell you ‘Mummy, I have nothing to do?’...

Drinking Plain Water – Understanding Required Water Intake and Tricking the Kids to Drink!

Water Intake According to Body Weight As an adult, the general rule is 8 glasses of water per day. What’s about little kids? Ever wonder how much water your child needs a day? Or do you monitor at all? The...

Dental Care for Little Children

Never underestimate the importance of good brushing for young children. Negligence can lead to painful decay which will cause you and your child immense anxiety. So start young and allow them to develop good habit.  You can start brushing for...