Be prepared!


As you are approaching your delivery date, one of the important items to prepare is a bag to bring along with you while you go into hospital for delivery.

Do not wait till the last moment to pack this bag because you really will never know when the baby will arrive!

Mummy’s Clothes

if you are thinking of bringing along your pre-pregnancy styled clothes, forget it! Your tummy won’t be very much smaller even after the baby is delivered! (Something I didn’t expect when I delivered my child! )
bring along something that you can conveniently breastfeed with.(including nursing bras) This would come in useful when you are changed out from the hospital garb and waiting to be discharged and suddenly baby needs to be fed.
bring something warm for both mummy and daddy. These can come in useful when the wait gets long and often it can get really cold.

Mummy’s Toiletries
If you are not picky and particular, I would say the toiletries that the hospital provided were decent. So if you would like to pack light, you can leave your toothbrushes, toothpaste, maternity pads, etc at home.

Baby’s Clothes
For the newborn, you may like to bring a set of clothes that have buttons in front instead of a full bodysuit romper. I personally made the mistake of bring that and it was a really challenge getting the baby in and out of it since he was still so fragile.
Instead of a cap/hat, I personally prefer a hooded towel or blanket since its much easier to put on and slip off. A cap/hat for a baby that is only a couple of days old, may not be the most comfortable thing.
do not forget the all important mittens and socks to keep your little one warm at all tiimes!

If you are intending to register the birth of your child at the hospital, do remember to bring along your marriage certificate as well as the NRIC of both parents. With these documents on hand, you have save the hassle of making an additional trip to register your child.

On a lighter note, bring along your camera to capture all the “firsts” of your little precious!