Preparing Your Child for Primary School Admission


My daughter’s preschool teacher happened to pick the topic ‘Preparing Your Child for Primary Education’ and she interviewed us for her write-up. My initial response was, ‘I had not done much to prepare her’. But as the interview went on, I was surprised to find out myself about the excitement and I am glad to share with you.
As my daughter’s preschool is not academically aligned, so, like many parents, we would think that the classes covered will be insufficient to prepare them for primary 1. To prepare my daughter for primary 1, my husband and I had regularly tutored her on English, Mathematics and Chinese at home. To our surprise, our school of choice, North Vista Primary teaches Higher Chinese at Primary 1. We hope that her standard would match the requirement so that she would not be left behind.
Life Skills
In my opinion, a primary 1 student ought to be able to tell the time. This enables him or her to expect the length of each lesson, recess and time for dismissal. They will also learn to be punctual for school or school bus arrival.
Next, they should learn about basic money calculation so that they can purchase the food themselves and know the amount of change they will get in return.
Finally, a P1 student must be able to take care of their own valuables including money, textbooks, stationeries, food containers and etc. They must be independent to pack their own bag completely before heading home. As for North Vista Primary, they even carry a netbook at P2 so they must be very careful with their own belongings.
School Food
My daughter and I were happy and excited to find out that North Vista Primary listed at their website all the food available with respective prices at individual stalls. She spotted some food that she likes and looked forward to having them in P1. You may also find out by visiting the school of your choice by spending some time at the canteen. The prices will help you to budget pocket money for your child too.
Getting Around
As we are aware, primary school buildings are very much bigger than most of the preschools. Our children will take some time to familiarize with the buildings and its classroom and facilities. Do prepare to bring your child to the school and get orientated. The teachers will also engage them on ‘buddy system’ to ease them into getting around the school.
Emotional Confidence
We can understand why some P1 students are anxious about first day of school. Some may even breakdown. Simply give them confidence that someone can that be trusted will fetch them after school. They will also make new friends easily and learn to enjoy school activities with all the caliber teachers.
As a parent, we should eliminate any anxiety. Be well prepared for them so that we can expect a smooth transition from preschool to primary!

Justina Wang


  1. Just to share: there is a tuition centre in Chinatown area that offers both enrichment cllasses and tuition classes for young children. Furthermore, they more than 20 yrs of experience. Maybe can try sending your kids there for his or her learning needs. Quite a lot of courses available but they are thought in small groups

    Good luck.