How do I Love Thee? Romance after the I Do’s


Some people say that once you get married, it’s all downhill from there: the skies won’t be as blue, and the grass, somehow, not as green as they were during your boyfriend-girlfriend stage. The sweet, exciting love you once knew inevitably becomes a routine so predictable that each single day is no longer something you look forward to but rather an event you survive every day.

At an age where serenades are considered too cheesy and courtships now shamelessly take place in the cyber world, the following couples show that love can still be real every day. Moms and moms-to-be share their husbands’ most endearing gestures, which prove that chivalry is not dead, that manliness is not diminished when a husband gives his all to his wife, and that love only gets better through the years. We asked them, “What does your partner do that makes you feel loved the most?”

“It’s when he drives for me and waits for me for long hours while I attend activities that he’s not a part of.” – Lydia Villacrusis, married to Dante, mother of 5, grandmother of 7

“I feel that my husband and I have a stronger bond now that we have a baby. Even though we dont’t get to go on spontaneous dates anymore or buy each other expensive gifts just because, he makes me feel most loved by being a hands-on daddy – he helps me with EVERYTHING, from feeding the baby at midnight to doing the everyday chores to watching the baby so I can sleep in for a bit. I am spoiled that way, and because of that I appreciate and love him more each day.” –Margaret Hennies, married to Richard, mother of 1

“I appreciate my husband the most when he takes care of me, especially during a difficult pregnancy. I feel loved the most when he takes care of me at my weakest time.” – Twinkle Cepe, married to JC, mother of 2

“My hubby makes me feel most loved when he not only cooks my favorite food, but also cleans up and washes the dishes, too! I also appreciate how he takes care of the kids so I could sleep an extra hour or so. Basically, it’s those simple, everyday gestures that show me how much he really values me.” – Karen Bitanga-David, married to Chris, mother of 2

“I feel loved the most when my husband cooks food when I am not able to because of exhaustion, or when he gives me and the kids that look that says how lucky he feels for having us.” –Reena Rivera,married to Bong, mother of 3 (going on 4)

“When he shows that he worries about our family more than I do! It’s weird. I should be the worrier.” – Micmic Reyes, married to Mikey, mother of 1

“It’s the simple gestures, like asking me how my day went, or sending me thoughtful messages during the day. He goes out of his way to buy me gift, even if it is just a bar of chocolate or ice cream. He takes me out to a date at least once a week. He also never fails to say “I love you” every morning before he leaves for work and every night before going to sleep.” – Jamie Alvarez, married to Franco, mother of 1

“I’m not really the most affectionate person, but I find it sweet when my husband blocks my way when he won’t let me pass the hallway until I give him a hug and a kiss. I pretend not to like it and act a bit irritated, but in fact I really do. I think he knows it also.” – Sabrina Alleje, married to Chowie, mother of 1

“It makes me feel most loved when he offers to make me coffee in the morning, offers a massage after a long day of work & says I love you via text, email or a phone call.” – Maria LigayaCantiller, married to Jonathan, mother of 3

“He randomly holds my hand or steals a kiss, picks me up at the station after work when the weather is bad, helps out with chores… Little things count the most.” –Mau Palines, married to Nick, mother of 1

“One instance that really made me feel so loved was when, after a sleepless night because my two little ones were crying, Gian prepared breakfast for me the next day – but not the ordinary kind of breakfast: he prepared my favorite, eggs benedict! I appreciate these gestures … simple and yet so thoughtful because he too was up all night helping me with the kiddos.” – Jill Inductivo, married to Gian, mother of 2

“We’re not morning people and I get really grumpy in the morning. But everyday my husband leaves me coffee on my bedside table to wake me up. Best way to start the day.” – Diorelle Llegado, married Ton, mother of 1

These stories remind everyone that love does not die a slow and natural death; on the contrary, it inspires those who love, those who want be in love, those whose love had failed, and those who are looking for love or trying to make sense of what the whole fuss is about.

By: Jamie Ilao