MummySG Night Owls Club - MAY 2009

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I think so. I hv not tried the cake...hee..hee..but i know kids loved chocolate cake so i ordered chocolate. So cute seeing their having second helpings.

My daughter form teacher talk to me today regarding her schoolwork. Say her standard drop. She ask me what happened cos she noticed there's a change in my girl behaviour. I ask her is it these few months and she say yes. Then i say must be my MIL is the cause of it.
must be nice, so not enough....
ya... i always ordered chocolate cake too... cos my son only eat chocolate cake...

then you must monitor her liao...
I am already aware but no choice, wat to do hv to respect MIL. Anyway, she is moving out of the house soon so ok lah...just endure few more months. My husband and me all counting down.
Very tired tonight hv to go and nite
good nite & sweet dream ya :)
Spiralng and siongnelly are friends arh?


strawberry milkshake, mos burger used to serve them. now boh liao...... i find McDonald's one too sweet......... so sometimes, boh 'fish', 'hei' also can.... :tlaugh:
got still got

MOS at TOA PAYOH Still got

i bou last saturday go buy~~~~


good evening NOCS~~~

hows eberyone tonite?

today my boy hor

he super funny go sayang a big sized dog....den hor while he was busy chatting hor this big sized dog licked him lols

den he startled lols....


hi .... night still young :D

Super angry :realmad:with agt. He told me sure, cfm today definitely will sell at my price ... end up he lied again! Buyer came in to cut price. This agt really :9898:-->nuts! I seller, he expect me listen to him n sell low. His ears got prob:wideeyed:, told him many times cant sell at my price, dont waste my time.

Sigh, why valuer so nasty to me, gave such low valuation :eek:10:


Well-Known Member
unbelievable LOW as compared to other same model, same distance to MRT or even further than my blk, built same yr ...... $35k difference!!
u keen to buy meh?
No my dear i dun have $ to buy resale flat :( so urs is at bukit batok and 35k difference ? Tats alot leh , any COV from u ?


No my dear i dun have $ to buy resale flat :( so urs is at bukit batok and 35k difference ? Tats alot leh , any COV from u ?
the price diff in mkt price $35k .... end up as my cov ... still considered low, not even average price in my area!

I 看开. can't sell at reasonable price, dont move. Not so bad to carry on my stay at BB.

haha, clock ticking .... 12am soon
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