EDD Dec 2010


Hi xynthia18,

In fact, my hubby also find it difficult to find parking lot at TMC. So whenever we go to TMC, we will try to park our car at the HDB carpark opposite TMC. But of course the parking lots are limited too.


Dec MTBs, this thread has been quiet.

How's everyone getting along?

My EDD is end Dec and am in Week 14. Find that my face has puffed up and have to wear stretchy pants already.

Can you ladies feel your babies? I sometimes feel my baby 'swimming' around.
Hi Charline.. my EDD is also end of dec.. the last few visit gynae say its suppose to be 23rd Dec.. but the last one i went she told me its 27th Dec.. make me a bit worried y its pushed back.. issit the baby is not growing properly:elvis:

somemore my tummy is not showing a lot.. then cannot feel my baby.. makes me even more worried.. haiz... u can feel ur baby "swimming" at week 14 le ar?


Hi Charline.. my EDD is also end of dec.. the last few visit gynae say its suppose to be 23rd Dec.. but the last one i went she told me its 27th Dec.. make me a bit worried y its pushed back.. issit the baby is not growing properly:elvis:

somemore my tummy is not showing a lot.. then cannot feel my baby.. makes me even more worried.. sigh... you can feel your baby "swimming" at week 14 ar?
Jaschy, I am quite a sensitive person so I could actually feel movements a few weeks back. But now at Week 14, I don't feel a lot, in fact, for the last 2 days, not much movements felt, if at all.

I also wonder if it's normal not to feel anything. It makes me super worried. Any other mummies can advise on this?

23rd to 27th is not a long time difference, maybe you told your gynae a different LMP the second time? When is your next ultrasound? Whenever I see baby, I am more at ease.


Jaschy, I am quite a sensitive person so I could actually feel movements a few weeks back. But now at Week 14, I dont't feel a lot, in fact, for the last 2 days, not much movements felt, if at all.

I also wonder if it's normal not to feel anything. It makes me super worried. Any other mummies can advise on this?

23rd to 27th is not a long time difference, maybe you told your gynae a different LMP the second time? When is your next ultrasound? Whenever I see baby, I am more at ease.
my gynae didnt asked me for LMP during my last visit leh.. also dun koe how she derive at a later EDD.. the last visit my baby was sleeping with face facing down with not much movement.. then my gynae didnt let us hear the baby heartbeat.. so also dun koe how the baby doing.. but tink i worried too much also lar :p

My next ultrasound will be 2 weeks later.. hopefully baby is awake then si at least i can see him/her moves..:tlaugh:


my gynae didnt asked me for LMP during my last visit .. also dont koe how she derive at a later EDD.. the last visit my baby was sleeping with face facing down with not much movement.. then my gynae didnt let us hear the baby heartbeat.. so also dont koe how the baby doing.. but tink i worried too much also :p

My next ultrasound will be 2 weeks later.. hopefully baby is awake then si at least i can see him/her moves..:tlaugh:
Must get your baby to cooperate and wake up the next time. My gynae has never let me hear the baby's heartbeat. I hope that she would next week.

We're due almost about the same time. I'm on 30 Dec. I think you have a gd chance of getting a Christmas baby! :)


Must get your baby to cooperate and wake up the next time. My gynae has never let me hear the baby's heartbeat. I hope that she would next week.

We're due almost about the same time. I'm on 30 Dec. I think you have a good chance of getting a Christmas baby! :)
maybe can request if she can let us hear the heartbeat.. so will feel more at ease.. hehe

normally first baby will be born earlier rite? so dun tink mine will be a christmas baby ba.. hehe hope baby birthday will falls on my hubby birthday which is on 9 dec...

anyway seems to feel something from my baby yesterday.. dunno issit baby hipcup or baby is turning hehe.. so cute..:Dancing_tongue:


maybe can request if she can let us hear the heartbeat.. so will feel more at ease.. hehe

normally first baby will be born earlier rite? so dont tink mine will be a christmas baby .. hehe hope baby birthday will falls on my hubby birthday which is on 9 dec...

anyway seems to feel something from my baby yesterday.. dont know issit baby hipcup or baby is turning hehe.. so cute..:Dancing_tongue:
Baby hiccup sounds so cute! I also think I felt slight movements today. I agree leh, that 'cute' is the word to use, cos it's so funny to feel it sometimes.

Possible for bday to be same as your hubby cos gynae said 90% give birth before EDD.

I don't actually have a preferred date in Dec so Christmas/ Christmas Eve might be good!

Have you started on tonics?


Baby hiccup sounds so cute! I also think I felt slight movements today. I agree , that 'cute' is the word to use, cos it's so funny to feel it sometimes.

Possible for bday to be same as your hubby cos gynae said 90% give birth before EDD.

I dont't actually have a preferred date in Dec so Christmas/ Christmas Eve might be good!

Have you started on tonics?
yah..my mum and MIL say i can start to take a bit of tonic slowly le.. but not too much also lar.. dun want to get too heaty or put on too much weight also.. heheh :Dancing_tongue:


Hi Charline,

My EDD is on 14 Dec which was told by the Sonographer when I went for my detailed scanning yesterday. I'm so happy & excited to know that my baby is a girl. :tlaugh:


Hi Mummies,

Want to seek some views...

(1) Did anyone sign up any antenatal package from your gynae from 20 weeks till before delivery?

(2) How does Medisave Maternity Package works when comes to all the costs incurred during the pre-delivery?


New Member
Hi Charline,

My EDD is on 14 Dec which was told by the Sonographer when I went for my detailed scanning yesterday. I'm so happy & excited to know that my baby is a girl. :tlaugh:
I just had my detailed scanning and I learned that im going to have a little princess...My EDD is dec 9.

they can be playmates...




I just had my detailed scanning and I learned that im going to have a little princess...My EDD is dec 9.

they can be playmates...

Congratulations Sweety and inloveforever on having Princesses! Can do your shopping now. :) I will have my detailed scan 2 weeks later, can't wait to find out gender but of cos, a healthy baby is most important.

Sweety, I don't have answers to your questions but why don't you ask mums in their 3rd trimester? They might know better.

Do you guys have trouble sleeping? I have so much probs with sleep positions.


New Member
Congratulations Sweety and inloveforever on having Princesses! Can do your shopping now. :) I will have my detailed scan 2 weeks later, can't wait to find out gender but of cos, a healthy baby is most important.

Sweety, I dont't have answers to your questions but why dont't you ask mums in their 3rd trimester? They might know better.

Do you guys have trouble sleeping? I have so much probs with sleep positions.

Im also excited to find cute names...

I have trouble sleeping too. i use bolster pillow to help me lean to the side a bit. And I wake up in the early morning then I can't go back to deep sleep anymore. I'm not sure if this is normal. hopefully i'll get over this soon because I feel sleepy in the afternoon at work.



Hi Charline,

My EDD is on 14 Dec which was told by the Sonographer when I went for my detailed scanning yesterday. I'm so happy & excited to know that my baby is a girl. :tlaugh:
hi sweety ! congrats on having a baby girl ! my Edd is same as yours and mine is also a baby girl ! :wong19: now can go shopping already. haha. last few weeks have been stressful for me cus of the high risk tested out for down syndrome and waiting for my amnio results. luckily everything turn out fine :Dancing_wub:. can happily go for a short getaway this comin public hols to batam.


Hi Charline,

My EDD is on 14 Dec which was told by the Sonographer when I went for my detailed scanning yesterday. I'm so happy & excited to know that my baby is a girl. :tlaugh:
Congrats sweety and xynthia for having a princess.. i also waiting for my detail scan next week to see if can see the gender of my baby.. so gan jiong to know so can buy stuff for the baby but baby keep hiding..:shyxxx: hubby say s shy must be a girl! hahaha

hope can see the baby gender when i go for my detail scan.. hehe


Hi! We seem to expect more Tiger girls? hee hee :p.
Am going for detailed scan tomorrow at Mt. A but I will be having another princess coz just got my amniotic test results and confirmed the gender of baby. :)


Congrats Xynthia and Shespice! I'm sure you'll have fun dressing your girls up in future.

I am still waiting to know my baby's gender. Not buying stuff till I know.

Taka has a baby fair on from now till 22 Aug, maybe you ladies can go shopping already.


Congrats Xynthia and Shespice! I'm sure you'll have fun dressing your girls up in future.

I am still waiting to know my baby's gender. Not buying stuff till I know.

Taka has a baby fair on from now till 22 Aug, maybe you ladies can go shopping already.
Thanks Charline! Actually babies grow so fast so its a good idea not to buy too many also. But if there is a good bargain, I think you can still get some neutral colors like white, beige, light yellow or green so that your newborn whether gal or boy can still wear :).
If its your first baby I am sure lots of friends and family will even be more excited and you will surely get stuff from them so no need to go buy too many clothings.

Hope you know soon! :)