EDD March 2011


I went to see a GP and was given meds but no effect at all... :(
Just checked with my mum and surprisingly she said she had similar symptom abt 2 weeks before she gave birth to my sister...
Will check with my Gynae on Tuesday :)

What about cramps? Have any of you started to experience cramps besides the regular Braxton Hicks?
i dont feel any cramp at this moment...


I went to see a GP and was given meds but no effect at all... :(
Just checked with my mum and surprisingly she said she had similar symptom about 2 weeks before she gave birth to my sister...
Will check with my Gynae on Tuesday :)

What about cramps? Have any of you started to experience cramps besides the regular Braxton Hicks?
apparently diarrhea is a sign that you're gonna give birth soon (unless u ate something wrong)! my fren who is 37wks has been experiencing it like 3 times a day but not me at all. me no cramps either just BH contractions. its getting close! are u nervous?


apparently diarrhea is a sign that you're gonna give birth soon (unless u ate something wrong)! my fren who is 37wks has been experiencing it like 3 times a day but not me at all. me no cramps either just BH contractions. its getting close! are u nervous?

hi mummyhu :D
I Sure am getting jittery...
But realli very annoying with the diarrhea and cramps that disturb my sleep at night... It's been like that for the past 8 days. Sometimes the cramps even make me nauseous :(
Now the waiting game really starts!
I am seeing my gynae on tuesday, hope to hear good news to be able to deliver soon.
Lol I dunno about fresh pineapples at this stage, not sure if it's a prob. I had a lot of pineapple tarts during cny, Couldn't resist! Although my gynae just told me not to eat young papaya as can cause contractions.
LOL why not??? Sorry but I don't believe in food restrictions from the start. My gynae NEVER prohibited me from eating & drinking anything. It's the same thing as if we're not pregnant, everything should be taken in moderation.


New Member
Hi I'm new here. My edd is on 10 mar. But had gave birth on 13 Feb (36wks n 3 days)
My baby son had "Huang Dan". Any mothers knows y have it n how to cure? I can't hv a gd rest as my mil not well taken of baby n me


Hi I'm new here. My edd is on 10 mar. But had gave birth on 13 Feb (36wks n 3 days)
My baby son had "Huang Dan". Any mothers knows y have it n how to cure? I can't hv a gd rest as my mil not well taken of baby n me
i heard those old ppl said, give baby drink fresh green grape juice... just 1 or 2 tablespoon will do..
believe ornot, its up to you... if the jaundice too serious, better get back to doctor!


New Member
i heard those old ppl said, give baby drink fresh green grape juice... just 1 or 2 tablespoon will do..
believe ornot, its up to you... if the jaundice too serious, better get back to doctor!
Tnx. I also heard of drinking black sugar cane juice...
He in n out polyclinic n KKH for checking. Every check up get higher. Today back for checkup hopefully he will get lower than last visit.

Also check Tat, virag will take how long to get well? I Still got difficulty on sitting 


hi mtbs

just went for my 37th week appt tdy... only about 1 cm dilated...
Baby is healthy and gaining wt quickly already 3.3 kgs!
Gynae asked me to wait one more week :( Haiz...


New Member
hi mtbs

just went for my 37th week appt tdy... only about 1 cm dilated...
Baby is healthy and gaining wt quickly already 3.3 kgs!
Gynae asked me to wait one more week :( Haiz...
Don't sigh evie, you must be excited as well bahs! :) Enjoy yourself now and rest more..

Hoping tmr my appointment will turn out fine.. and it'll be my first time cervix check :O im quite scare..


Don't sigh evie, you must be excited as well bahs! :) Enjoy yourself now and rest more..

Hoping tmr my appointment will turn out fine.. and it'll be my first time cervix check :O im quite scare..
hi kaitokane :)

actually if ur cervix has effaced quite a bit , the dilation check is actually not painful...
hi mummyhu :D
I Sure am getting jittery...
But really very annoying with the diarrhea and cramps that disturb my sleep at night... It's been like that for the past 8 days. Sometimes the cramps even make me nauseous :(
Now the waiting game really starts!
I am seeing my gynae on tuesday, hope to hear good news to be able to deliver soon.
experiencing the same thing tonight! :(


experiencing the same thing tonight! :(
wah u guys are early! my baby is showing no signs of wanting to come out! i dun have diarrhea, his head is not engaged and not dilated, etc...but then again, my friend had none of these symptoms when her waterbag broke. she didn't even feel contractions, not even BH.
anxious to see wat the doc says on sat, whether i need c-section or not. this will change everything coz then i dun have to practice my breathing, pelvic floor exercises, count contractions, etc. its possible to choose the date (i heard c-sect they usually do it earlier, in case you go into labour)
actually my hope is that he stays in for as long as my calcifying placenta will allow so that he will be better equipped to face the world haha.


LOL why not??? Sorry but I don't believe in food restrictions from the start. My gynae NEVER prohibited me from eating & drinking anything. It's the same thing as if we're not pregnant, everything should be taken in moderation.
actually from the start, my gynae did say that too, eat everything but eat in moderation. but he'd drop hints here and there like dun eat too much grapes, etc. a retired gynae also told me off when i was in my 2nd trimester and he offered me coconut juice and i said no thanks....'who says u cant drink coconut juice!?' but i can't help but be anxious and worry whether i'm eating right.
family friend had a kid who is autistic. they sent samples of his hair to the US for testing and found it to have high mercury content, among other things and the mother admitted to eating a lot of seafood while pregnant. so it made me kinda paranoid, so i only eat salmon and some freshwater fish and some prawns here and there.


actually from the start, my gynae did say that too, eat everything but eat in moderation. but he'd drop hints here and there like dont eat too much grapes, etc. a retired gynae also told me off when i was in my 2nd trimester and he offered me coconut juice and i said no thanks....'who says you cant drink coconut juice!?' but i can't help but be anxious and worry whether i'm eating right.
family friend had a kid who is autistic. they sent samples of his hair to the US for testing and found it to have high mercury content, among other things and the mother admitted to eating a lot of seafood while pregnant. so it made me kinda paranoid, so i only eat salmon and some freshwater fish and some prawns here and there.
Hi mummyhu

Pls dont get so paranoid... I guess all the seafood if just taken in small amounts here and there is not too bad, I also eat alot of salmon and occasionally crabs.
But I totally avoid those shellfish. After reading your post also made me abit paranoid ...:elvis:. Lets hope we all can have a smooth delivery and healthy baby :)
BTW my EDD is 11 Mar, till now cervix also not even dilated.. gotta walk more and do more squats lol..


couldnt sleep for the whole night....
morning time try to sleep back, i just manage to sleep 3 hours..
now is like very very tired...

but, heard ppl say, those who wanna give birth liao, is like this....anyone of you experience this?


Hi mummyhu

Pls dont get so paranoid... I guess all the seafood if just taken in small amounts here and there is not too bad, I also eat alot of salmon and occasionally crabs.
But I totally avoid those shellfish. After reading your post also made me abit paranoid ...:elvis:. Lets hope we all can have a smooth delivery and healthy baby :)
BTW my EDD is 11 Mar, till now cervix also not even dilated.. gotta walk more and do more squats lol..
i din mean to scare ppl, tot id just share with u all how real all this pregnancy nutrition stuff is and its effects on ur baby. pregnant or not, if u eat a lot of fish, just remove all the skin and dark parts coz thats usually where the mercury leeches on to.
i think everyone here is so anxious for their baby to be out. the next 2-3wks is probably the longest of my life. I'm so so excited to meet my little one!


couldnt sleep for the whole night....
morning time try to sleep back, i just manage to sleep 3 hours..
now is like very very tired...

but, heard ppl say, those who wanna give birth liao, is like this....anyone of you experience this?
surprisingly i have probs sleeping too. normally, i can fall alseep anywhere, anytime, and real deep. now i pee like 5 times a night and have trouble falling asleep again even when im super tired. kinda sux, esp when u know u prob not gonna be sleeping much for the next yr or so haha.


New Member
hi all..

am in my 38 weeks & 4 days.. went for checkup today, no dilation at all..
plus i having diarrhea feel recently, plus can't sleep well at night..
dr say water bag level at border line (kind of decrease in volume).. went for some scan scan for bb heartbeat & contraction rates.. everything ok, dr advise to wait for another week..

anyone gt similar experiences??



Sleep is the hardest thing to get right now... got money also cant buy...LOL :D
I rushed now to the clinic just now cos after bad cramps and diahrrea last night, my baby's movement decreased drastically. I was very worried, only ard 10-15 movements over 5 hrs... :(
Then, was put on CTG, baby's heartbeat was normal, got contractions on and off. Dilation remained at 1 cm... The latest scan showed that my aminotic fluids suddenly dropped to abt 3.8. which according to dr is low and worrying :(

He wrote me an emergency admission slip to admit myself tonight for an induction ( which is a long process) and in event if it fails, It will be a c-section which I dread. Alternatively, he said I could wait and see for 3 to 4 more days to check if the aminotic fluids go up (rarely though)or remain the same , then decide how to proceed... :(

What do you all suggest?