EDD in Sept 2011

Erh.. my baby sounds so big… hope my baby is not too big…

I went for the OSCAR scan but waiting for doc give me results..

Took 2 hrs to go through the whole scan.. in and out of the scanning room..

Drink too little water as I went to the loo before the scan.. I was too nervous.. lol

Then they say its not enuff water to scan the baby.. I drink like 1 litre of water also didn’t help..

So it may help or not depends on the baby I think lol..

Mine was quite nottie I think.. didn’t want to be horizontal and keep spinning around..
Then I have to lay on my back and turn here and there to get a good scan.. overall I think not very good scan but the nurse comment should be alright.. I will update once I can get the doctor to confirm the results..

Well its just optional.. though I feel its quite ex, almost 300 to go through this 2 hrs…
But at least get to see baby more.. hands, fingers and nose too.. other stuff I don’t know what they measuring.. so haha my hubby enjoy it more than as I cant see too well on the sides..

To me, I am glad to pass through this 1st Trim. And hopefully baby is more stable and start to grow..


I will get my OSCAR scan tml.. Hope everythings are fine.. :)
I notices my baby is very naughty inside my womb too.. always make me cant slp well.. my hubby said once the baby is out he wanna to beat his butt.. Hahah..


i did my oscar 2 weeks back. results were fine. my hubby is thalassemia minor so tmr i gotta go for another blood test to check if i have thalassemia. hope i dont have it... sigh.


Erh.. my baby sounds so big… hope my baby is not too big…

I went for the OSCAR scan but waiting for doc give me results..

Took 2 hrs to go through the whole scan.. in and out of the scanning room..

Drink too little water as I went to the loo before the scan.. I was too nervous.. lol

Then they say its not enuff water to scan the baby.. I drink like 1 litre of water also didn’t help..

So it may help or not depends on the baby I think lol..

Mine was quite nottie I think.. didn’t want to be horizontal and keep spinning around..
Then I have to lay on my back and turn here and there to get a good scan.. overall I think not very good scan but the nurse comment should be alright.. I will update once I can get the doctor to confirm the results..

Well its just optional.. though I feel its quite ex, almost 300 to go through this 2 hrs…
But at least get to see baby more.. hands, fingers and nose too.. other stuff I don’t know what they measuring.. so haha my hubby enjoy it more than as I cant see too well on the sides..

To me, I am glad to pass through this 1st Trim. And hopefully baby is more stable and start to grow..
Actually, i was thinking if my baby is too small instead = ( u spend 2 hours only.. i spent 5 hrs = (
Ouch.. 5 hrs..

The results is out for me.. yeah! Baby is normal and growing well.. my EDD change to 20th Sept 2011 instead.
Blood test is normal, and Thank God everything seems fine.

Work wise, I am facing problem with my manager as I am not good enough for him, and small things he would just want to pick on me.
Why this don’t have, that don’t have, there is no fixed answers for the things I do here as no one does anything standardize here.
From my ex-colleague who just had lunch with him n their ex-boss, he praise so much on the other 2 gals and condemn me. He wish to fire me but
Because I am pregnant that it saved me from being fired and now he is trying to get rid of me by picking on me so I can quit this job.
I do wish so much to quit, but I don’t have any benefits, and I need money for the kid, confinement lady, massage lady?, part time maid to help to clean the house etc.. just 2 weeks we spend 600 plus on the medical bills and thyroid check-up, before I was pregnant, I was suspected with thyroid problem..
I just feel like crying and crying only. Every day I faced negatively from my manager, it’s really so drag to work but I need the money so much.. I am trying to stay positive and not be affected but everything I do, just feel so negative to him and I am like so repulsive to him.

Thanks for letting me post out here.. I feel so drowning inside..


Wow.. at 11 weeks ur baby already 4.4cm? I at 12 weeks was 3.6 cm !! :(

I predict your baby will move alot during the OSCAR scan.. Mine moved so much that the scanning took 5 hours to complete!! haha.. oh and remember ur water parade!! :D (drink lots of water)
omg.. how come u ladies' bb so small and mine so huge? its 6.5cm at 12 weeks loh!!! ZZzzz... shitt.. i better control some diet, else i'm so gonna hv a hard labour then!


just went for checkup today. 15weeks. my baby keep jumping around doc tried to peep at gender. but couldnt get a proper look cos baby keep turning and rotating, then baby use hand to cover below. haha. so gotta wait till 12th apr which is the detailed scan. my baby is 9.2cm. can't wait!
qian - Think baby grows at different rate for people..

I also try to control my diet more often, don’t want to have a hard labour.. :001_302:

Lydia – ur baby so cute, don’t want to let u see the gender.. I am still wondering whether mine is male or female.. Sometimes I imagine is female, sometimes male… :shyxxx:


Ya hopefully.. I'm most afraid of hard labour.. Not sure if u ladies tried bikini waxing anot, but me already screamed my lungs out during tt, can't imagine it's worse for giving birth..

I'm oso waiting for gender, hopefully by Nxt sat can tell me some percentage.. Lol.. My hubby kept thinking is a boy, and better to b one cos girl gg to cost alot in future.. In terms of the no of ways to doll her up. Lol


Ya hopefully.. I'm most afraid of hard labour.. Not sure if u ladies tried bikini waxing anot, but me already screamed my lungs out during tt, can't imagine it's worse for giving birth..

I'm oso waiting for gender, hopefully by Nxt sat can tell me some percentage.. Lol.. My hubby kept thinking is a boy, and better to b one cos girl gg to cost alot in future.. In terms of the no of ways to doll her up. Lol
Did you check your scan photos? my sister said she say something at the bottom sticking out... but my gynae haven't confirm anything.. the last visit i went, i saw something sticking out at the bottom also.. VERY Obvious.. but gynae don't want to confirm cos a bit blur blur (according to him) he don't want to give false hopes ba..

But since i became pregnant i'll always have dreams of lil boys.. 2 SOMEMORE!! but i'm not having twins :( i keep wondering wo is the other kid..

Actually girl or boy also the same.. being healthy is what i pray for.. but depending on boy or girl, my future responsibilities will also be different =x .. Boy : Daddy have to bring him go wee wee and wipe buttock <3 Girl : Mummy have to bring wee wee and wipe buttock <3 (this rule applies to age 3 and up and when we're shopping outside) haha


My Oscar scan and blood test are fine too.. so happy..
My EDD change to 23 Sept instead of 25 Sept. My gayne said more or less this date is cfm.. Libra baby now become Virgo baby.. lolz.. at 12W4D, baby is 60.7mm


Active Member
to draw the yang shui actually is not painful, doc will give u a pain killer jab before insert the needle into your stomach.
After the procedure, u r require to rest on bed for at least 3 days to aviod misscarriage.


Ya hopefully.. I'm most afraid of hard labour.. Not sure if u ladies tried bikini waxing anot, but me already screamed my lungs out during tt, can't imagine it's worse for giving birth..

I'm oso waiting for gender, hopefully by Nxt sat can tell me some percentage.. Lol.. My hubby kept thinking is a boy, and better to b one cos girl gg to cost alot in future.. In terms of the no of ways to doll her up. Lol
I've been to the wax b4.. ya really abit painful but after awhile shld use to it already..
Think only can noe the gender in Week 20 ba.. I also wanna to noe too.. me and my hubby wants gal..


New Member
Hi mummies,

Same as rabbitmummy, my EDD is 20th Sept 2011. =)

My Oscar test went well, low risk, and it was packaged together with 20th week detailed scanning, I paid $400 in total for the package. At TMC, in case anyone of you are giving birth there, do ask about the package prevent unwanted losses.
Cos my friend who is giving birth at TMC as well, she wasn't given the info of the package.

Now I am having headache looking for confinement lady. Real good ones are at high demand, the one I am eyeing is booked already.

Wish you all the best.


Hi mummies,

Same as rabbitmummy, my EDD is 20th Sept 2011. =)

My Oscar test went well, low risk, and it was packaged together with 20th week detailed scanning, I paid $400 in total for the package. At TMC, in case anyone of you are giving birth there, do ask about the package prevent unwanted losses.
Cos my friend who is giving birth at TMC as well, she wasn't given the info of the package.

Now I am having headache looking for confinement lady. Real good ones are at high demand, the one I am eyeing is booked already.

Wish you all the best.
How come ur oscar and 20th week detailed scan package so expensive? I paid $231 only.. Also at Thomson Medical..
Hi mummies,

Same as rabbitmummy, my EDD is 20th Sept 2011. =)

My Oscar test went well, low risk, and it was packaged together with 20th week detailed scanning, I paid $400 in total for the package. At TMC, in case anyone of you are giving birth there, do ask about the package prevent unwanted losses.
Cos my friend who is giving birth at TMC as well, she wasn't given the info of the package.

Now I am having headache looking for confinement lady. Real good ones are at high demand, the one I am eyeing is booked already.

Wish you all the best.
did u apply the T C M 1st born card?
wah mine 1st trim package just the scan and blood test is $270.00.. how come so ex.... lol.. sigh.. sometimes i dont know what i am paying also...

maybe we can be the next room with giving birth :D


New Member
Hi Carisella, since it is the same hospital, I don't think the OSCAR and 20th week detailed scan package is $200 plus.. it should be just OSCAR only. Check with the hospital again k? Cos all my friends were charged last year and this year $200 plus for OSCAR solely...

Hello Qian 1984, good for you that your clinic has the equipment for it, some of my friends can only do blood test at clinic and have to go TMC for NT scan.

Hi Rabbitmummy, yup I signed up for FBI and hence the package cost me $400+ after discount, it was orginally $450+.