EDD in Sept 2011

chocobaby, best to get organic raspberry tea leaves i feel.

better avoid cockles coz it is considered 'poisonuous' by TCM. my hubby's aunt gave birth a few years ago. her baby came out with alot of red patches on his face and body even til now n he is already 4 yrs old. his aunt said most probably coz she ate too much seafood during pregnancy that cause her son to have this skin problem. just lun for a few more weeks and then you can eat cockles already. hang in there!

me too! i once in a blue moon will eat sushi and limit to less than 4 pieces of sashimi. super can't resist the temptation. horrible me right!

my cousin told me to walk alot alot esp in last tri. she did that for her 2 pregnancies and both times, her labour was less than 3 hours and without epidural. now i try to stroll for an hr after dinner. hopefully it will helps. I hope by wk 38, my bb will come out. dun wait til wk 40.

btw, this coming weekend, there is a baby fair at expo! can check it out if you still have many items to buy!
Haha what I remember from madam wong class is to let loose for the 3rd trim…

She was asking the hubby to make the wife go shopping! Lol…

It does help in labour.. but don’t over do it and get pre-matured baby…
She told us one lady over did it and her baby was pre-matured..
She went to many different classes n stuff… it was funny the way she tells it

Cant wait for weekend! I want to see the baby expo fair.. hope to get cheaper combi stroller there..
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Charlottetan - i was thinking of Maclaren too, much lighter. But hubby say doesnt match him. So i think if go out without hubby i use a sling. Easier for me.

Dolphyant - omg! Red patches?! Ok nevermind, forget it. Yah i wait few more months... When to start drinking the tea? Now too early isit?


Haha what I remember from madam wong class is to let loose for the 3rd trim…

She was asking the hubby to make the wife go shopping! Lol…

It does help in labour.. but don’t over do it and get pre-matured baby…
She told us one lady over did it and her baby was pre-matured..
She went to many different classes n stuff… it was funny the way she tells it

Cant wait for weekend! I want to see the baby expo fair.. hope to get cheaper combi stroller there..
yeah, must slowly build up your stamina. some gynaes will only advise to start walking after wk 32. but if you have always been active pre pregnancy, it is okie to slowly start now.

hi all, jus checking out... will u all be going for the hospital tour? or all confirm the hosiptal already?
i dun intend to go for hospital tour. my gynae can only deliver at Mt E, Mt A and TMC. Mt E is out coz super expensive, i heard too many bad reviews of TMC, so only choice will be Mt A.

Charlottetan - i was thinking of Maclaren too, much lighter. But hubby say doesnt match him. So i think if go out without hubby i use a sling. Easier for me.

Dolphyant - omg! Red patches?! Ok nevermind, forget it. Yah i wait few more months... When to start drinking the tea? Now too early isit?
yeah, better lun for that few more months for seafood. occasional intake of prawns should be fine i think. but clam shell stuff are super poisonous so better avoid. but having said that, i intend to go and have crabs just before due date to satisfy the craving. hahaha... greedy glutton me!

to be on the safe side, i intend to start drinking the tea from wk 33 onwards. coz also must give the tea some time to strengthen the womb muscles to help with labour i guess. i most probably will get from this blogshop. anyone keen to share the big pack? Baby Dust Shop: Organic Red Raspberry Leaf some of my frens bought from this seller before and said the tea is good. they also said best to buy the tea leaves itself rather than those pre-packed in satchets as those in satchets, may have additional processing so not so good. i bought OPKs and some supplements from this shop previously, but never tried the raspberry tea. so i decided to give it a try.

prams wise, i already got mine, from baby kingdom. bought capella brand. was tempted by combi as it is lightweight but the pram looks quite small and duno can last til bb is 3 yrs old? so decided to get capella instead. slightly heavier but more spacious. plus the handle is reversible which allows me to shift to bb facing me in the initial months and subsequent months, can change to let bb face the other direction. read somewhere that for first few months, it is better to let bb face you while you push the pram so that bb feels more reassured.
Preloved medela single mini electric breastpump for sale

Dear mummies, I have a preloved medela mini single electric breastpump to let go at $80 including one set of brand new personal parts. I've only used it a few times and milk factory supply went low. If interested, SMS me at 84848583. Collection at CCK Mrt station. : ))



Mummies, my friend leaving SG wants to sell these. Anyone interested let me know.
Eh.... Why cannot load the pic?? Anyway this is what she selling :

Infant Car Seat (Brand: Gesslein (Made in Germany)**** S$ 50
Babycot incl. Mattress (IKEA) Height adjustable (2 Levels)** S$ 50

Why selling? Because moving back to Germany. Why I didnt buy? Because she just told me today & I buy already. Grrrrr.....

Had durians for dinner.... Again. Heheheheh.....
Hey all, I have some problem/issue bothering me.. I have lotsa yellowish discharge from the beginning of my pregnancy till now n
It's getting worst n worst..kinda itch n irritating feeling n it's making my private area very uncomfortable... Anyone with similar problems?:(


Hey all, I have some problem/issue bothering me.. I have lotsa yellowish discharge from the beginning of my pregnancy till now n
It's getting worst n worst..kinda itch n irritating feeling n it's making my private area very uncomfortable... Anyone with similar problems?:(
itchy can be due to too much sugary foods.. yellowish discharge i don't have.. mine is usually milky..


Can anyone familiar with the employment act confirm with me something? Today got emo email from boss

ALL annual and medical leave shall be pro-rated. That means you have to earn them as below;

Upon completion of 1st month of employment – 1 day annual leave and 1 day medical leave

Upon completion of 2nd month of employment - 1 additional day of annual leave and 1 additional day of medical leave….

2 days on every 6th month shall make up to 14 days annual leave and medical, no advanced leave. Take no pay leave if really necessary.

Annual leave not taken can be carried forward by one year. Not for medical leave pls.
Then they also say that additional MC taken even if your MC still have will deduct from salary. Can Meh? You cannot carry the MC forward then still can deduct meh? If never use finish the MC, company give back in cash? no right? Since implementation start from 1st July 2011, then those from 1st July the leave dont't have 7 days balance one , must deduct salary .. Can meh?

I got go read the employment act in MOM website , then it says

The employer can deduct an employee's salary for excess annual leave taken within the same month, i.e. excess annual leave may be treated as unpaid leave and deductions made from salary accordingly. Such deductions, however, must be within the same month in which the excess leave is taken. If the employer fails to make the deduction within the same month in which the excess leave is taken, he is not allowed to make the deduction afterwards. A deduction for excess leave taken after the month is past constitutes an unauthorised deduction under the Employment Act.
the one highlighted in red .. Means they cannot deduct my salary right, since now already July and plus, my leave also not say taken after date of salary, it's before date of salary and they implemented this like after salary was distributed for June but they only implement it in July.. so can they deduct our salary?
Can anyone familiar with the employment act confirm with me something? Today got emo email from boss

Then they also say that additional MC taken even if your MC still have will deduct from salary. Can Meh? You cannot carry the MC forward then still can deduct meh? If never use finish the MC, company give back in cash? no right? Since implementation start from 1st July 2011, then those from 1st July the leave dont't have 7 days balance one , must deduct salary .. Can meh?

I got go read the employment act in MOM website , then it says

the one highlighted in red .. Means they cannot deduct my salary right, since now already July and plus, my leave also not say taken after date of salary, it's before date of salary and they implemented this like after salary was distributed for June but they only implement it in July.. so can they deduct our salary?
from wat i noe, company cannot deduct your salary UNLESS U HAVE EXHAUST ALL VL/MC. how long have u worked in the company? quite some time already right? By right, they cannot deduct from ur pay...


from wat i noe, company cannot deduct your salary UNLESS U HAVE EXHAUST ALL VL/MC. how long have u worked in the company? quite some time already right? By right, they cannot deduct from ur pay...
more than 1 year.. some of the affected more than 2 years with the company..
more than 1 year.. some of the affected more than 2 years with the company..
MC N VL is your entitlement eh. somemore u worked there for more than one yr sure confirm liao right? I m a contract staff... n when i just got in the company I found out my first pregnancy.. MC n VL is still standard unless i taking them excessively. from my understanding they totally have no right to set this kind of rules... perhaps u wana go to ur hr straight n find out more... they are more expert ont this kind of leave policy de.


MC N VL is your entitlement eh. somemore u worked there for more than one yr sure confirm liao right? I m a contract staff... n when i just got in the company I found out my first pregnancy.. MC n VL is still standard unless i taking them excessively. from my understanding they totally have no right to set this kind of rules... perhaps u wana go to ur hr straight n find out more... they are more expert ont this kind of leave policy de.
my company no HR.. that's why the Accounts/Admin Manager anyhow complain then my boss also liddat say.. I think I'll go directly to MOM and ask in that case.. and if they dare to deduct our salary.. Will make big big and make sure MOM fine them!! I don't think the Accounts and Admin Manager (also in charge of our salary) knows anything about the employment act.
my company no HR.. that's why the Accounts/Admin Manager anyhow complain then my boss also liddat say.. I think I'll go directly to MOM and ask in that case.. and if they dare to deduct our salary.. Will make big big and make sure MOM fine them!! I don't think the Accounts and Admin Manager (also in charge of our salary) knows anything about the employment act.
yah.... in that case, mayb call up the MOM hotline n check.... if they deduct, COMPLAINT... but like this u got Maternity leave anot? is the Maternity leave affected also? hais... pregnant women always have this problem.... jobs n getting pregnant... no wonder singapore birth rate so low.. cannot blame...


yah.... in that case, mayb call up the MOM hotline n check.... if they deduct, COMPLAINT... but like this u got Maternity leave anot? is the Maternity leave affected also? hais... pregnant women always have this problem.... jobs n getting pregnant... no wonder singapore birth rate so low.. cannot blame...
according to his email.. only AL and MC affected.. the rest remains the same..

And i'll email MOM instead.. this type of things, need black and white one.. else cannot fight.. lol