EDD July 2012


I cant sleeeeeeep. The stitches too painful, I cant move my bum, which cause my bum to be painful as well. :((

Bb is not suckling well when she latches on.. End up she just went to sleep when she only suckled for a total of approx 5 mins in the 30-45mins that I was trying to feed her. Sometimes I see her mouth suckling, but I dont feel any suction at all. Seems like she only suckling the nipple, when she supposed to suckle the aureola (idk how to spell). Very tiring!! But i wont give up. Just that she keep crying, dont wanna suckle, tried changing breasts still dowan, then try to let her slp first lor. Slping so soundly now. Just now open her left eye slightly. Hehee. She looks like meeee. *happy*

i got no visitors yet. I dont think anyone wanna visit me. Hahahaha.

And i feel really very proud of myself, when the beds in my wards have visitors asking them how they gave birth. Beside me is a c-sect and another two is with epidural. The other bed empty. I feel very haolian, i cant wait for my visitors to come so that i can say i had natural birth without epi. Hehee. Of cos, no offense to those who take, cos if i accidentally have a second one (i told my hubby this one is enough, i cant stand the thought of the pain anymore), i will definitely opt for epi/c-sect to spare myself from the pain. Lol!!! I think for myself, perhaps i am lucky that when i went to hospital, i was alr so far along in my labor, dilated at 6-7cm. And the nurses also did mention that i am very fast, giving birth in such a short time, whereas most first time mummies took alooooot longer. So i am actually very fortunate. If not i might also have given up and opt for epi halfway if the labor is too long. Haha!!

Congrats engravedx.. Glad u went to hospital in time :) enjoy time with your girl :) u have been so brave!! My date closer to urs, so I will get prepared as well.. N hope to be as brave as u!!


Hi engravedx,

I always admire gals who are brave to go thru natural birth esp with no epidural. For me, I am lucky that I hv to go thru c sec due to low placenta, cos the pain & trauma I need to go thru is much lesser. God has made plans for me knowing that my threshold of pain is low. I can start walking today after taking pain killers. Feets still swollen. Little gal is latching very well. Just that my milk is still slow. Hv to give her ard 10ml of FM today.

Cheers Carol


My girl is not latching on well. I feel quite sad but I keep telling myself that I must not give up. She didn't drink much today, esp since we dont really have much bm on the first day. End up the nurse said have to top up FM for her. Actually I'm wondering if she doesn't want my bm is it becos her first feed was on FM? She's not interested in suckling at all. Suckles for like few secs and pushes away. When she doesn't latch on well, I can't feel the suction but can see her mouth moving. So I hve no idea whether she is getting anything at all. Hard to breastfeed her on my own w/o any help. ><"


The 1st few days will be colostrum hence very little supply. I also supplement with 10ml of FM yesterday. Cos felt that her wt going down so quite heart pain. She is already not too big so dun want her to lose so much. How heavy is your little gal?


Congrats carol80 and engravedx! Try to rest more in the hospital as once you go home will never get enough sleep as the bf at night is killer!

Also can consider a bf log to track your baby feeding schedule. Carol80 try to get a girdle to strap ur tummy. Will help on in reducing pain。


Thks catflying. I am using a binder now. It really helps a lot. So far milk flow is not coming much yet. I will be getting fenugreek to help w supply now.

Hi Engravedx, the wt is good! I hope my bb can grow bigger in a week's time.


Carol80, yes I heard from frends who breastfed that fenugreek helps a lot! Don't worry it will be ok soon.. How's baby doing otherwise? U going home today?


Sigh... feeling so restless recently. Any mummy facing the same issue? I cant zzz at nite and woke up very early... soo tired but cant zzz and nid to go work cant concentrate on my work, cant rest keep walking around the house like a lost soul

Went to gynae and forgotten to mention about my insomia & get him gimme something to make me rest!


madangel - they told me MOST probably tomorrow morning can discharge already. will keep me updated. hopefully bah. i miss my babygirl. i can stare at her and not feel tired at all. heeee.

If insomnia, try to take naps instead of forcing yourself to keep on sleeping. For myself, I will take my iphone and keep on reading forum, googling for information to prepare myself, till I fall asleep again. Doctor will not prescribe you anything becos most of the relaxants are not safe for pregnancy. However, the medication I took to reduce the itch (safe for pregnancy) caused drowsiness which made me sleep better as well. BUT I also wake up after about 3 hours or so, can't sleep much.


madangel - they told me MOST probably tomorrow morning can discharge already. will keep me updated. hopefully bah. i miss my babygirl. i can stare at her and not feel tired at all. heeee.

If insomnia, try to take naps instead of forcing yourself to keep on sleeping. For myself, I will take my iphone and keep on reading forum, googling for information to prepare myself, till I fall asleep again. Doctor will not prescribe you anything becos most of the relaxants are not safe for pregnancy. However, the medication I took to reduce the itch (safe for pregnancy) caused drowsiness which made me sleep better as well. BUT I also wake up after about 3 hours or so, can't sleep much.
U muz b missing her. Dun worry too much ya?

Trying to nap but can't too. Sigh...
Yah. Nurse will tell u not to shout and scream. Not dont allow u, is advising u to save ur energy for the pushing later. I got soooo tired from pushing, i felt like asking them to vac out. But i dun dare to say, so just push and push. Really like trying to shit the baby out, but need to hold the push damn long and it really drains ur energy..

Nurse kept telling me to endure, just breathe the gas, concentrate on breathing and dun scream. I was shaking and shivering in bed cos of the intense pain, and the gas cause my head and hands to be numb and giddy. Very terrible. I even vomited. But keep telling myself, contraction very short de. Just tahan awhile more, will go away one. Haha..

I'm having bedrest now. My back is aching terribly but i dont dare to move. Hubby just went home to zzz. :(( having terrible menses cramp now. Ughhh ~ jialat!!

My EDD is actually 12th July. I gave birth at 37weeks2days. Luckily full term alr. Just nice.. Haha.

congrats engravedx! I hope mine will cm out out 37 or 38 wks too! cant wait any longer liao, every morng wake up wif severed hip pain =s..the nurse nv keep asking u if u wan epi? or u tell them u don't want de?
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Dramaqueen- i told them i dont want.. Then they didnt ask anymore. Haha.

After giving birth, the hip pain will still persist cos of the stitches and u cant move much which will cause ur butt to be very very stiff. :((


Congrats carol80 and engravedx...

And how are the rest of July mummies doing ? Hope everyone is doing fine.. :D

I was lost in touch with this forum for so long due to renovation, moving house and changing new job, etc.
I couldn't slow down and rest much because of many things going on at the same time.. Now it's time to rest more and take good care of my body and baby :D

All the best to all mummies here who is about to giving birth and wanna read more of your stories how it goes with delivery and post delivery ..
