EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


EYA:714534 said:

yes im taking obimin / calcium and also fish oil.. and i do take in carbs for my meals.. i guess baby not taking in what i eat..

Hi Eya,
Are you taking maternity supplement for pregnant mother? It do helps if you are not taking lots of carb..
Stuff my gynae told me not to take to make baby too big: durian, cream puffs & desert, sweet stuff.
Maybe u can try cheese cakes. Yummy !


All articles about breast feeding are saying colostrum is enough for baby in first few days, but see all mummies' experience here are giving baby formula milk too...think I have to prepare one can as well.
hope my baby still willing to latch on after formula fed~
My bb is taking enfalac .. Was quite afraid with the case in Taiwan abt the iron thingie but they said Singapore n Malaysia stock should be fine. I'm a be drained these two days. Dunno whether is it cos I woke up to pump twice at night. Hmm...


I'm giving my baby Nan Pro coz I'm partially bf-ing, no need to give similac, too ex. My girl was drinking S26 in the hospital but I changed for her once we were discharged. S26 very heaty!

Shirix:714509 said:
Me too.. I'm mixing formula milk for my girl too.. Can't produce that amount of milk everyday coz it's only my 5th day..

What formula are you all giving? Initially my husband choose s26 and he never tell me. After that I told the nurse to change to Similac but she forget. Until now she is still drinking that, can I change now?
I'm giving my boy s26 as well. Did u feed from bottle? Our Lc told us to try from cup first else baby may not want breast milk after that.


No leh... Bottle feed.. That's why my baby cannot suckle well on my breast.. But hopefully can train her to suckle well on both bottle and breast so that it's easier when i go back to work next time..

I know if cup feed baby might not drink as much,..
hi katherine57

will eating durians really work?
and btw we are of the same due date right.... whats your current status? bb engaged??

Eya, eat more carbs and durian, baby will put on weight very quickly.
Yes durian will help because high in sugar. Mine ah, baby too fat, opp of yours. He's 3.1kg on Tuesday, gynae wants me to cut carbs again, otherwise if baby bigger than 3.4kg, very difficult to deliver naturally. I envy u.... Can eat all u want. I have to stop all my ice cream n chocolate n rice:(


New Member
Coz both me and hubby was on s26 last time? Ha the hospital din really recommend any milk in particular and we dunno which to choose so just took s26.
I just bought the S26 formula today too to standby. Hubby choose that because that is the most expensive and he say it means that is best out of the other brand...I also heard it might be heaty....hmm ^^ And I also drink that since young..will see how it goes


My baby can't suckle well too. She seems like she sucks for the fun of it, like 5-10mins only.

Shirix:714609 said:
No leh... Bottle feed.. That's why my baby cannot suckle well on my breast.. But hopefully can train her to suckle well on both bottle and breast so that it's easier when i go back to work next time..

I know if cup feed baby might not drink as much,..
I'm curious because it seems like different hospitals giving out different advices on breastfeeding. I'm Going to call mt alvernia lactation consultant on mon then update you guys on what she advice about breastfeeding.

Btw I read up on fenugreek. Seems like quite effective to increase breast milk amount, u ladies may want to try if the volume didn't increase after a week post labour


Oh more advice would be good! TIA!

My massage lady also told me fenugreek is good! But what's the ideal ml per pump on both sides, anyone knows?

Katherine57:714667 said:
I'm curious because it seems like different hospitals giving out different advices on breastfeeding. I'm Going to call mt alvernia lactation consultant on mon then update you guys on what she advice about breastfeeding.

Btw I read up on fenugreek. Seems like quite effective to increase breast milk amount, u ladies may want to try if the volume didn't increase after a week post labour


No leh... Bottle feed.. That's why my baby cannot suckle well on my breast.. But hopefully can train her to suckle well on both bottle and breast so that it's easier when i go back to work next time..

I know if cup feed baby might not drink as much,..
Want to know which kind of cup can feed the baby?
I also worried that if use bottle feed, baby dosen't want to latch on.