EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Ahwang my baby sleeps very long in the morning but not throughout the rest of the day. I think her bed time starts from 12 am and ends at 11 am! Coz after I feed her at 7 am she will just sleep till about 11 am. No matter how hard I try to wake her, expose her to sounds and sunlight, she will just sleep. Then throughout the day until 12 am, she will just take 45 mins naps.
Hey Yuen, my bb for past few days have been slping more in the morn too! But come afternn and evenings, she is super alert n cranky... hmm this morn after her 4.30am feed, she slept till 9am for next feed.. den bathed her n try to get her to slp till 12pm fed again.. after than she slept till 3.30pm.. maybe weather cooler today.. after 3.30 fees, she is now alert n don't wanna slp liao.. sigh.. maybe earlier slept too much.. hope tonight she won't bully me... :/ but after she bully me, she'll sleep for 5 hrs .... haha


Meltie.. teach me hw to bring bb out in the car alone! I dont dare first fear he'll cry in the carseat n I will panic! That's y till nw I dun dare to drive out w bb.. u dl her before gg out I Think? Then car ride max takes hw long? I Think I wouldn't dare go far. Mayb 15mins..afraid that he will fuss...


Active Member
Hi Erlina/Keatbear,

I will be joining the gathering. Pls add me in ya.

pinky if the carter's items hv arrived can bring along too and let me know how much i owe u! :D

reiann u r awesome!! reading in cafe and relaxing~ :D where r u having ur enjoyable afternoon break?


Yeah I do go out everyday cos I'd be so bored at home! And my baby naps in Manduca v well. She still somehow sleeps at night. Her naps are not that long in Manduca. She wakes and falls back asleep. But from 3 after her feeding she usually stays awake. Till bedtime at 7. Abt there. Sometimes cat nap at 4.30 but from 3-7 is her most awake period. Bath at 6.45. Feed. Then sleep. She usually fussed till she finally sleeps at 8. Dream feed at 11


Meltie.. teach me hw to bring bb out in the car alone! I dont dare first fear he'll cry in the carseat n I will panic! That's y till nw I dun dare to drive out w bb.. u dl her before gg out I Think? Then car ride max takes hw long? I Think I wouldn't dare go far. Mayb 15mins..afraid that he will fuss...
Hey justamom! I haven't done it alone w bb! So far always w hubby or mil driving and i'm behind coaxing bb in her carseat.. can't imagine if she has to sit alone at the back..maybe she has to go out more to get used to it... my mummy frens all can do it alone! Pei fu! They keep encouraging me to just do it.. cry den cry...


Heh I was at raffles city. But there was some gathering of mums and their babies I think - they were hogging the baby roOm at level 3 so I had no choice but walked as fast as possible to marina to feed baby and change diapers. Meltie - will gladly show you re Manduca when we meet up for me to pass you the carter stuff! Have you received my email?


That's cool reiann.. my boy also sleeps well in manduca but im just lazy to go out sometimes as I'm alone anyway frens are all working.ur schedule is similar to mine. First feed ard 6ish, 7 ish but I bathe him in morning ard 830 then sleep ard 9am. Morning nap is usually an hour. Wakes ard 10am play, feed at 11. Aft nap ard 12noon. This will usually be 1.5-2 Hr. Wakes play and feed at 3pm. After that he still sleepy so I let him sleep an hour before 5pm. After 5pm I try to keep him awake so that he goes down well for his bedtime at 7pm. 11pm df... Then I will pray that he doesn't wakes up at night but so far this doesn't happen! Omg. Daytime no more than 4 Hr, nighttime slp 10-12hrs. But sometimes He fuss and didn't slp for his morning or afternoon nap ! But at least I always get to enjoy good evening time and dinner with hubby. Was wondering shld I push back his bedtime so that he might not wake up at night ? But that might mean no peaceful evening. Think is a give and take situation. Cos I see some mummies babies slp well in day but bedtime was pretty late.


hm? you just said night time sleep 10-12 hours. that sounds good!

your schedule sounds wonderful. I used to fret when my baby sleeps very soon after feeding, as I think it's better for her to eat, stay awake, play etc, then sleep, and I'd get soooo worried that when she wakes she'd want her to eat, but it's not the case.

just have to be flexible, yes... my schedule is not rigid either! sometimes I dreamfeed earlier/later, sometimes I wake up later in the mornings, etc... but I'm just glad my baby is allowing me to sleep somewhat through the night.


Hey reiann, By right shld be 10-12 hrs of night sleep. So is 7pm-7am. But he still giving me night wakes despite df, which is what I'm frustrated with... I already ensure he is fully awake during his df so as to break the supposedly 10-12hrs of night sleep into 2 tranches . As baby don't slp 10-12hrs throughout. At most 5-7 of uninterrupted slp. Ur gal is so much better let u slp thruout at nit sometimes. I'm still wishing and hoping and praying for miracle to happen at night.

Ya I'm flexible too as realised Baby are not robot esp if they poo etc they wld get hungry earlier. Like earlier he cry for milk at 6pm so I feed. 8pm I give him a little milk but not too Much so he can last till 11pm df and can still drink more during df. as I don't want him to wake earlier for df and then in turn might wake up earlier at night to disturb me.


Hubby just told me to call the bb sitter to inform her that we will bring bb over to her starting 2 Jan 13.. I'm so depressed after the call! I've been taking care of bb on my own 24/7 (except the 3 weeks with CL) and now I have to go back to work! Even though it is still 4 weeks plus away but I'm feeling blue oredi! I miss my girl oredi! Gosh, tink I'm a possessive mummy.. I dun trust anybody but ME taking care of my girl.. But hubby says it is a 100% NO for me to be SAHM.. No pay leave oso can't.. Sighz.. Depressed!

And my milk supply is falling again! I oredi tried pumping every 3hr but each pump generate a pathetic amount.. Wat is wrong?! How can I start my milk bank for the bb sitter? After I go back work I can onli pump at most once during lunch time.. How to have enuff milk for my girl like tat? Sobz..


meltie for going out...i usually either go out 1 hr earlier then appt timing if it clashes with the feed timing...

if gng for dinner with friends if meeting them at 7pm...if he just feed at 4pm i will leave at 5.30 or 6pm...let him rest awhile..and coz his next feed is around 8pm...i try to reach the place before then...


ah wang sometimes my son sleep by himself...but usually is nite feeds will sleep after feed...day feeds usually need about 30-45mins


Yuen.. that sounds like My boy's schedule.. Zzz abt 12am..sometimes later 1-2am..if he fusses.. but nw better cos I gives him pacifier when he wants to Zzz... mornings will Zzz till abt 11 also if his last feed is 7-8am..m enjoying sleeping in..Aft gg bk to work Think won't have the luxury..
Ya I hope this isn't a permanent thing! I'll die if I have to stay awake till 12 am and have to go to work next day. Strangely enough my gal went down at 7 plus pm today and slept till now no noise! Woke her up at 9 pm to feed and she went straight back to sleep. Maybe coz she didn't nap well in the afternoon.


Hey Yuen, my bb for past few days have been slping more in the morn too! But come afternn and evenings, she is super alert n cranky... hmm this morn after her 4.30am feed, she slept till 9am for next feed.. den bathed her n try to get her to slp till 12pm fed again.. after than she slept till 3.30pm.. maybe weather cooler today.. after 3.30 fees, she is now alert n don't wanna slp liao.. sigh.. maybe earlier slept too much.. hope tonight she won't bully me... :/ but after she bully me, she'll sleep for 5 hrs .... haha
Meltie, with your baby's fussy evenings, I guess it's good that she can sleep in the morning / early afternoon! U better rest while she sleeps!


Any mummies baby able to slp by themselves without any coaxing, rocking, and use of pacifier ?
I always have to carry my bb to sleep unless she falls asleep at the breast. Tried to let her cry it out a few times but she is very prone to spitting up and a few times when I went to check on her after letting her cry, I found that she has spit up and need to change her etc. So looks like crying it out is not an option for me! she spits up A LOT!


lingz: it's normal to not have that much milk, as your breasts are regulating to normal amt. you'll probably need to pump several sessions to last one feed. ultimately, you do know that a baby suckles much more ffectively than you can pump! so what I plan to do, when I go back to work (ugh), is pump the day before, as much as I can when baby only feeds on one breast. then next morning, as usual, baby only feeds one breast during first feed, I'll also pump. that combined should be enough to last the day as the next feed is at 11am, and I'll pick baby up before 3pm, her next feed.

ahwang: I don't do much but somehow my baby sleeps. I never rock her or take her out of bed.. I just keep popping pacifier back into her mouth.. once she suckles, I leave the room. once she cries again I'll go back into bedroom, pop paci back, and leave immediately, no eye contact, no talking, nothing. then when she cries again, I'll do the same. I have a baby monitor which I use. after about 4-5 or 6 times, usually by about 8pm, she'll fall asleep. haha. this is becoming almost routine!! but she sleeps on .. till 11pm I wake her to dreamfeed, and by then she's already v sleepy so after that df, she'll go back to sleep very easily without any pacifier.

good luck tonight!!


Active Member
same... at night i carry her to slp or she latches to slp... only sometimes she can slp on her own and only for the morning nap... usually after bathing, latching, playing... she will make a bit of noise while lying in bed, found her thumb n then quietly suck her thumb until falls aslp. tried to make her do so at night but so far not successful... at night she's crankier.


Oh now i hardly carries or pat bb to sleep... Just put her on bed put paci.... Abt 15mins she'll fall asleep om her own
now daytime she naps at most 1hr. Will put her at playgym or just mattress... Luckily got ppl at home to help play with her. When meal times sometimes we put her at bouncer let her join in... Experience e family meal time tgt lol


My gal still need to coach, rock n pat before she sleeps, maybe I shd let her cry n sleep on her own.. I tried to pop paci but she can't suck it well always drop out n she will cry :(