EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


My girl oso can't get to sleep on her own.. Everytime she gets tired, she will cry to be carried.. And sometimes sheis so tired that 2 sec after I carry her, she drifted off to lalaland.. I noe this is not good, have to train her to fall asleep on her own.. But I can't tahan her wails.. Leaving her in her cot and patting her doesn't work.. The only way is realli to carry and rock her..

And yeah.. I super dread gg back to work.. Sighz.. But it is inevitable.. I just hope the bb sitter sites on my girl..

Erlina, ur girl will be ok! Though I dunno how they circumcise girls.. Hmm..

My girl's schedule went haywire too.. Now she's waking up at 3am in the morning wen she used to only wake up at 5am.. Sighz.. Dunno wat triggered it.. Hope this phase passes soon!
Hahahahaha reiann! I bring baby out everyday too! Even if its for an hour or too.. Stay at home face four walls will die of depression. :p

My girl always had to be carried and rocked to sleep. But recently trained her with pacifier and now it's much easier cause when she's showing signs of sleepiness, just pop her pacifier and she will sleep on her own. :) now she can sleep up to 8hours which scares the crap out of me cause I'm afraid she'll be hungry. But from time to time, I will still backside itchy carry her for awhile before putting her down to sleep cause I'm so used to it already. And I love her smell. Hahaha!


Camcam yes she will grow up dere.. I'm super nervous about the weather tho and environment too.. But ya lets see how it goes..

I just realised My baby has been on three flights already lol ... If they did have air miles for babies too I think I would start saving them for her already..


Anyone goin taka fair today? Im goin wif bb lol gonna get bargains :p good bargains! Hahaha. Getting xmas gifts for the kids and our exchange gifts!
I bring bb 3x a week or more. Every sat we go window shopping and supermarket so he is used to goin out if not he will be restless at home. Plus he sleeps more soundly outside can sleep 6 hours straight lol
Kary.. staying in UK so good!! if i were u i will estatic!! hahaha.. if we ever meet, ur gal will be speaking in fluent british english and ur gal has better chance of bonding with the royal baby too hahahhahaha.. who knows they will be bff in the future.. hahahhaha..

sighz.. i have missed out so many gathering from other mummy group and so sad that i have to miss out the gathering from this group as well.. darn working hours!!! huhuhuhu

anyway, if u still can go into this forum there, pls keep us updated!! hehehehe..


Finally it's over.. The doctor practically use scissor to cut a small piece of meat from there. I almost fainted. My girl didn't scream, she was biting her mittens in pain. So funny.. Then after it's done, she let out a big relief and smile.. Thanks god that she didn't really make me worry. Coz other babies were crying like mad, after her. Luckily we are the first, if not, I'll faint outside the clinic.. Hopefully, she will recover fast..


Ya, I really feel so much assured when she didn't cry that much.. But her way of biting her mittens really amused the doctor and my hubby. But, she cried really badly when she had her vaccination previously, so, was so worried for her. Luckily it's over!!! Now looking forward to 19th for the gathering.


Sucks my bb suddenly getting cranky and fussy these few days don't want slp don't want play . Just keep crying want to be carried n walk ard.


Updated List so far
19th dec (wed) @ one north residence (keatbear's condo)
Time: 11:30am

Myself (Erlina)
Nessa (Vanessa)
Meltie (Angel)
Keatbear (Jessica)
Rodorsany + 2 kids (Doris)
Yeoymp (Ally)
Lingz12 (Eline)
Lizzy2101 (Jenice)

Any more mummies? My hubby think I very bo Liao, go and record down how many mummies gg for the gathering.. Haha..
Not bo liao la, u tell him this is the unity of mummies... We are the SMF (sept mummies forum)
I heard recently that the October mummies had a gathering and 41 mummies and babies turned up.. So coolz...
yes indeed!! i was in the group but i couldnt join them that time.. sighz.. in smh sept group also they had a gathering of same no of mummies in ION..
Finally it's over.. The doctor practically use scissor to cut a small piece of meat from there. I almost fainted. My girl didn't scream, she was biting her mittens in pain. So funny.. Then after it's done, she let out a big relief and smile.. Thanks god that she didn't really make me worry. Coz other babies were crying like mad, after her. Luckily we are the first, if not, I'll faint outside the clinic.. Hopefully, she will recover fast..
woww... so cool!!


Active Member
kary! wow i've always wanted to go to UK but have not't got the chance! it's so cool to be growing up there~ yes i can imagine when if one day years later we are to meet up with our babies, ur little girl will be speaking fluent british english! how cool is that!! do keep in touch here or in facebook!! :D

erlina wow your baby is becoming braver! what a brave girl... *big hugs for baby*

n erlina you r being great n helpful! keatbear lol! i'm so gonna tell my hubby i'm gg for my SM outing~!! :D (sep mummies outing!!)

wah all the other groups very happening! my friend's group that time also... the one whose pic i posted in our facebook group... their baby only like 1+ to 2 mths old n so many of them met up! all the mummies so gungho!!

eeneyminey i also no schedule for baby... everything on demand. thank goodness she sleeps thru the night. however in the day is everyday different timing, different amount of napping, some days latch a lot and some days latch not that much. like ytd when i was out, i latched her at 9+ before gg out n the next feed was 1pm in nex! but today from 9am to 1pm already latched 3 times... so i go out also no follow any schedule or special timing, just go out. now already super trained, can latch her anywhere (but not in train yet) with the nursing apron, the dumex one that comes in goodie bags.

nessa, congrats on ur new job! so no issue on leaving after maternity leave? :) hope u will enjoy your new job!! :D
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Nessa congrats on finding a new job!

Kary... How I wished I could travel
... Do keep in touch!

Erlina.. Ur bb girl so steady.. I cant imagine e pain wor.... Tolerance level low keke

Now thunder storm.... Sounded so fierce... Kinda frighten my girl a little..


I went to taka fair too last night. Really good sale if u have DBS taka card as there is additional 10%discount, but the sale only till this Friday.

Nessa: congrats for getting new job. So will u go for the gathering? Shall we meet at bukit gombak mrt?

I usually bring bb out once a week but never alone always with mil and hb. Will try to bring her out alone next week. But how do u mummy bring bb out as u need to carry her as well as diaper bag?? My diaper bag is side carry one so maybe a bit troublesome to bring out :(

My bb always sleep around 9pm and if we go out, she can only nap 10min and wail so I gotta BF to make her quiet :( and no matter how late she sleep, she will still wake up around 330am, maybe it is her habit already. Wondering how to
Change it otherwise I will be damn tired when I start work in feb :(