EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Oh Kary - sad that you're going away but also glad for you. The weather in the uk sure beats SG as you can take baby out for walks and hikes! Cute that your babe is still on India time hehe. Perhaps no point changing it as she's going back to India again soon!

Camcam: where do you head out to? I'm usually go to raffles city marina area. I wish I could drop my baby off with somebody then I can go for a hair cut or try on some clothes. But it might be a good thing that I'm wearing my baby. Stops me really shopping. Ha.

Erlina : may I know why girls must be circumcised too? I presume you're Chinese? Can't you have a day in it?!

Eeney and meltie and pur pur. : just like pinky I'm sending babe to infant care when instant work in January. I worry. But what can I do? It's also v expensive. But it's still more worth it for me to work. Also, while I love my babe I think some time away from her also makes me more sane. I need some interaction with other people without the baby you know? I have a helper and she's great but infant care should be more professional I feel. If anything happens to bane under mmy helpers watch, who can I blame??

Uttmama. I try not to take baby out at night as it messes w her schedule and routine but sometimes no choice or nice for a change. What I do is to keep to same routine as much as poss once home. So eg. She usually bath at 6.45, eat at 7, sleep by 8. But if go out and back at, say, 9pm, I still bathe her, then feed and then put to sleep. If late enough, eg after 9.30 or so, I won't wake et for dream feed. Will feed et next morning at 7am plus as usual. She seems to do ok with this. But the next day I' won't take her out at night. So to get her back on schedule again. It works fine. Enjoy your night out!!


Active Member
lin my diaper bag also side carry. when i go out alone (so far twice) i put bb in my ergo carrier n carry the diaper bag on one shoulder. when we meeting up i'll probably push stroller along too. this sat will be gg out alone w bb n stroller for a gathering in queenstown so will be practice time! haha...

sign a lot of my friends also when start work or putting bb in infant care or childcare or nanny will be v depressed due to the separation anxiety n told me how much they wan to cry but trying to hold back :( esp when bb crying n so heartpain, but u know u hv to let bb adapt... so hv to bear with it n let bb cry as u send bb inside... i wonder how i will cope in future, now that i'll be with bb 24/7 most of the time all the way till next june.

sigh i discussed with some of my galfriends too.. most of us would really love to be sahm, esp my friends after experiencing all the separation anxiety, v depressed mood. but here, it is almost impossible. we need double income to be able to just live comfortably as hubby n i both middle income range plus other expenses like car n housing. my hubby already say no way i can stop working... i'm already pushing the limits when i insisted on taking unpaid leave. plus many of my galfriends still looking for childcare n some couldn't find so end up reluctantly hv to get maid to help out. all the woes just because we hv to go back to work. a friend once said, hv u ever seen a chimpanzee gave birth n pass the bb to the grandparents to take care (or throw to a nanny)? no, they take care of their offsprings themselves. this is maternal instinct to be there for own offsprings. as much as we want to, we hv to work. sigh. this is indeed a stressful place to live in.


Seeing how our forum progress shows how fast our children are growing. From all the excitement during pregnancy to birth stories to confinement woes to breastfeeding support to taking care of babies after gg back to work.. Time flies!

I'm just glad that my mum has resigned and can take care of my gal next year onwards and don't have to send to infant care. In fact, I've looked for one and has vacancy. But, nothing can beat leaving ur child with a trusted hand. And with my mum getting used to my girl will also give me some time to go for night gathering with friends or attend wedding functions. Can't wait for jan to arrive and my mum can help out.. Which means it's time to go back to work.. Now, I understand fully why mothers always want to be with their child coz they are simply unpredictable and hav different progress everyday.

In the day, my girl feeds every 3 hourly. And night is more unpredictable. Last night, she drank at 1am and she cried at 5am for milk. Woke up at 8am, not exactly crying for milk, just looked around and started murmuring. So, I bathed her first before feeding her at 9am.. Everyday, my girl will bath at different time, depending on her waking up time..

Raining so heavily.. Wanted to bring my girl out for walk walk in her stroller, to get her used to it..


Reiann, sad to say, I have no say in this coz my hubby is supportive of it and he kept assuring me is safe.. Luckily, it's over.. Has been dragging this for awhile as I kept worrying about it.


Yeah.. See how far we have gone.. From pregnancy to now.. Actualli I'm kinda glad that my bb's EDD is Sept! If not I would not have known u wonderful mummies.. I like the support we have! I see sme other months oso not as active.. Hee..

Felicity, exactly.. Separation anxiety.. Plus I tink I will miss out a lot of my girl's progress.. Her first flip (if she still hasn't flip before I go back work), first crawl, first stumble, first word and many other firsts! I'm so jealous that the bb sitter has a higher chance of seeing these firsts! Also, even though the bb sitter is recommended by a fren, I will still worry.. Sighz.. But hubby's stand is firm.. I guess I just have to get used to it.. Sobz!


Meltie.. I will try to bring lo out nx wk alone driving.. hopefully I don't freak out n panic if nt dangerous..

Btw mummies here what u Think of putting lo at infant care or letting My mum take cr? My mum currently working but intending to quit but hubby says that My mum always make My lo Zzz whenever she sees him ..n says he doesn't wan his son to only Zzz but learn n development.. but I'm worried at the infant cr.. So many bb n if My son cries he won't b attended to fast n don't have Individual attention as compares to My mum's place..we had some argument abt this issue..still in dilemma... any gd advices?


Kary, me too! My boobs become really big when breastfeeding, I can't wear all my pre pregnancy tops. It's not funny I really dislike it but what to do.. Think I would not mind it so much if were tall, but I am not :(

I don't wear underwired bras coz am afraid they might press on the milk ducts and cause blocked ducts. I use mark and spencers and this brand called amorelia (which I ordered from uk online). The latter has very nice bras but expensive.


Justamom, this is a tricky issue.. For me, I prefer my mum than infant care as she used to be babysitter before she works. So, she's quite experience in dealing with babies.. As for infant care, hmm, my hubby's relative work there. She did mention that they will not be able to attend to the baby that fast coz each teacher to 3 babies. Of coz, they are guided by mcys, still quite professional in dealing with babies..
For my mum, she tried to play with the baby as much till my girl is tired and want to sleep. Coz if sleep too much in the day, we will suffer at night also.. U might want to talk to ur mum about it.


Lingz: where'd you get contact of nanny from? Is she local?

And yes felicity: sad that we can't take care of baby and that we have to head back to work. I just wish there's more work life balance. Like, maybe work for three hours a day hahahaha! If there's such a policy, I'll gladly have more children!!


no problem...i called HR they said give 2 weeks notice thats all...

lin1 yup meet at gobak mrt :)...i have childcare leave still hehe...so can use...


erlina040:731143 said:
Justamom, this is a tricky issue.. For me, I prefer my mum than infant care as she used to be babysitter before she works. So, she's quite experience in dealing with babies.. As for infant care, hmm, my hubby's relative work there. She did mention that they will not be able to attend to the baby that fast coz each teacher to 3 babies. Of coz, they are guided by mcys, still quite professional in dealing with babies..
For my mum, she tried to play with the baby as much till my girl is tired and want to sleep. Coz if sleep too much in the day, we will suffer at night also.. U might want to talk to ur mum about it.
Erlina.. That's My concern abt infant care too..the one I called they say mcys already changed rule..nw can b up to 1teacher to 10! How to attend to My son n how long to let Him wail? The thought of it makes me heartache..but pros at infant care is that they can Interact n will adapt nx time if gg cc..
Ya I've already told My mum don't always make bb Zzz Nx time or everytime c My son..sigh..So fast four months gg bk to work..I'll miss My lo...


Reiann, the nanny is local.. Recommended by hubby's fren.. She is this fren's fren's mum.. Haha.. She was taking care of this 12 yr old since he's a baby.. He's starting sec sch next yr so no longer need the nanny so she's free to take care of my girl.. Now our concern is dunno whether she still noes how to take care of a baby since the last time she cared for one is 12 yrs ago!


If my mum has exp with babies I'd leave her w my mum. But no choice. My mum isn't confident and she's still working. Infant care - at least these are other babies.. Perhaps babe will be more independent. Also maybe immunity will be better? With time.

Kary: try allemom to get our nursing bras. The Bravado nursing bras are v good. I just bought them and wish I had them earlier. I bought some cheaper ones online before but they're no good. Really poor quality.


huh?? one teacher to TEN infants? impossible!! the rule is still 1 is to 5 infants no? most infant care usually have 1 is to 2-3 infants. the one I'm going to is 1 to 4, but no choice. can't find one near my house... sigh.

lingz: ha yes, I know what you mean. my mum - she brought us up but it's been 30+ years since she handled a baby. that's why I am choosing infant care. ah well :(


reiann:731156 said:
huh?? one teacher to TEN infants? impossible!! the rule is still 1 is to 5 infants no? most infant care usually have 1 is to 2-3 infants. the one I'm going to is 1 to 4, but no choice. can't find one near my house...
Yes apparently I called n asked they told me so ..1to10! Nt sure. .n when I was pregnant I went to visit. .no bb in at all in the morning. .they say bring the babies out on stroller to nearby park to walk..weird..
Headache ah...!


Finally it's over.. The doctor practically use scissor to cut a small piece of meat from there. I almost fainted. My girl didn't scream, she was biting her mittens in pain. So funny.. Then after it's done, she let out a big relief and smile.. Thanks god that she didn't really make me worry. Coz other babies were crying like mad, after her. Luckily we are the first, if not, I'll faint outside the clinic.. Hopefully, she will recover fast..
so scary that religion thingy.. Thought circumcision for girls only ear pierce? :-( poor bub


Reiann we can go haircut together lol take turns haha i hold your bb whike mine on stroller ;-) i badly needed a haircut and pedi! I think i can bring him for pedi cos only sitting? Lol have to ask :-D


I experience all e anxity.. Depression when i went back to work 4yrs back... That time dread gg back to work... Slwly got used to it.... Bb also will feel it.. Sometimes i go out n run errands for a couple my bb already wailed.. Wanting me to carry when im back.... Not to mention work

I also need a hair perm badly... Since preg only cut... Hair really in a mess.... Lol


Active Member
lingz, yup this forum really is great support for all of us, from pregnant till deliver, confinement till now... i dunno how i'll cope without all of you great mummies!! :D and sigh... i think most of us also would rather be taking care of bb ourselves... but hv to face reality... go back to work. :(

reiann haha i wish so too!! my cousin get to work from home so she works n take care of her two little boys... i'm super envious!!

nessa heehee great!! hope u enjoy ur new job!! :D

1 tr to 10 bb?! that's too over! my mum also, say too long nv take care of bb not confident, so end up the entire confinement i bathe bb myself n do everything myself... now i'm better than her! haha...

omg i need a haircut soooo BAAAADLY!! i haven't had any haircut this year!!! and now my hair is long and messy and hair dropping all over the whole floor! :(


i just recover then pass to my hubby my illness flu...nw it came to haunt me..flu / cough and fever :(...how to go work tml bodyache also...:(

hubby is taking over nite duties as i cant go near my son...