EDD December 2013


@littlemoomoo: yes I am! shld be going for wong boh boi classes but I think wont be signing up until nearing 3rd tri ba?


Hi mummies, just to check with you, is it ok / safe to take Redoxon, one tablet a day? The tablet containing Vit C and Zinc. Just wanted to check with you. My gynae appt is super far away.....
LilMissy: i'm taking GNC vit C.. My gynae mentioned try to take pure Vit C if possible.. i think abit of zinc sho be fine? or mayb can juz call gynae to check?

missA & littlemoomoo: what classes r u all planning to go.. the wong boi boi class is at TMC? How much it cost ah? i heard quite popular.. so mayb got to register in adv?

my 20th wk detailed scan will be on 5 Aug! *excited*
BB wan to stay mysterious during my check up ytd.. back facing us.. so cant see the gender yet.. got to wait 1 more month...
btw, will any of u is keen to go for 4D scan?
Chocoholic, I'm thinking of going for a short refresher course at KKH or just opt for home visit.
KKH also has a nurse home visit service which the nurse will visit you after birth for 3 days to teach us how to wipe, bath and feed baby.
I'm skipping pre natal exercise as I'm considered high risk for cant do exercise.

Yes I'm So looking forward to the detailed scan coz I still dun feel anything! The waiting till next month is so unbearable.. Lol
Wow mummies! Just back from a holiday and I was reading all the posts.. Seems like quite a few of you know the gender already?!! I'm sooooo excited! My gynae appt is tomorrow and I'm crossing my fingers and toes, hope to be able to know. Haha! Or I must wait till detail scan which would be in another two weeks.

Any mummies going for the expo baby fair this weekend?

By the way mummies, are your tummies obvious yet? I was literally flat until about a month back and now it seems I've got a bump showing! I'm wondering if its normal to show so early? Or maybe it just means I've been pigging out too much. Haha? I don't know why but I've been feeling ravenously hungry all the time!! Roarrrr.

Anyway mummies maybe sometime later on we could arrange a meetup! I think it'll be fun ;)
camcam: welcome back to SG!!hahah! Hope ur bb will show u his/her gender! update us! I have no luck.. bb is shy.. haha.. so got to wait till detailed scan.. my bb bump has been showing since the 3rd month.. getting v difficult to cover up.. :/

i dun mind a meetup! it should quite a sight, a grp of preggy ladies enjoying some high tea or brunch/dinner..


hey camcam! welcome back! my baby bump has been showing since 3rd month just like chocoholic! and it's getting more obvious now...i'm getting more stares. the daring colleagues will ask if i'm preggie. lol....

update us on the gender!! my next gynae appt is after my fa scan which is like on 2nd sep. boo hoo hoo..thinking if i should arrange for a gynae appt before the fa scan just to see if the lil one is ok....
Awww so I'm not the only one with a bump! Haha! Because I was reading up and it says that baby now is about the size of a sweet potato so I was wondering shouldn't it be still small to show a bump. Haha!

Oh I went for the checkup today and doctor says we're having a boy. :) time to go shopping! :p

Are you mummies still working?


@camcam: congrats!! :D u can finally go shopping!! LoL!! Yup! Still hard at work.

maybe we shud all take a pic and share cute bumps! LoL!
@camcam: congrats!! :D u can finally go shopping!! LoL!! Yup! Still hard at work.

maybe we shud all take a pic and share cute bumps! LoL!
That's a good idea!! :) I got a lot of stretch marks though.. From the first pregnancy.. Haha! Apparently they don't just disappear. :p

Mummies have any names in mind yet? :)
camcam: congrats on baby Boy!! u can start thinking of names too! hee.. Me & Hubby did run thru some names.. but we are also thinking whether to go to fortune teller to get a name for baby.. r u using stretchmark cream? I'm currently using Bio-Oil.. its quite good.. u can consider? mayb will help to fade away the scar..

LilMissy: not kiasu la.. its fun to think abt names! keke!