EDD Nov 2013


Hi estya.. how is ur massage? Most of the massage I tried is rubbing skin which I dont like. It is pain esp now that my legs are swelling. I prefer pressing like thai massage.


Ya. This is my first time..

Sigh.. I have problems sleeping. I cant sleep for long. Keep waking up and always feel sleepy.


New Member
Oic,this is my 3rd child,but the feeling is always like having the 1st child...Haha
Anyway me too have problems sleeping,same situation like you.During daytime feel so sleepy...lol
Guess 3rd trimester is always like this.Are you working or stay at home mum?


Active Member
Morning ladies, I m waiting at gynae for 30th week appt now. Wondering whether its the norm for gynae to just measure tummy and use doppler, no ultrasound for appt? Realised that my gynae don't do ultrasound unless necessary. Read that most ppl get an u/s at every single appt. o_O


Rav.. is your doc more traditional?

My mom also dont like raking scan everytime. She said not good.

I checked with my previous gynae before. She said a while is ok though.

Dont worry. U seeing ur baby soon. You are now in 31 weeks right?

I can't wait to hold my baby and wonder who she will resemble? Heard first baby look like father.. but I want her to look like me.. hubby not so handsome.. lol...


New Member
Hi all.. looks like we are all counting down!!! I am in my week 32 ald.. A couple more weeks and we will see our princes/princesses!!! Cant wait! How are your preparations running along? Gotten everything u need for the newborn ald?


Active Member
Thelay:828831 said:
Rav.. is your doc more traditional?

My mom also dont like raking scan everytime. She said not good.

I checked with my previous gynae before. She said a while is ok though.

Dont worry. U seeing ur baby soon. You are now in 31 weeks right?

I can't wait to hold my baby and wonder who she will resemble? Heard first baby look like father.. but I want her to look like me.. hubby not so handsome.. lol...
Hmm...traditional not too sure. Her advises were very straightforward when I have questions. Doesn't force ppl. Very calm and smiley lady.

As long as no problems or complications = no need unnecessary ultrasound, I think I can live with that. As u ladies said, our little ones will be here soon. My fetal scan will be in 2 weeks so guess wait abit to c bb again :) excited to know how big bb is. Hee
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New Member
Hi.all.. What is ur baby position now? I m now ald 33 weeks and my baby is horizontal. Head on right and legs on left..
last week i went appt, baby head is in the correct position already (head below) and weighing 2kg. im in week 32 last week.

we can count down in weeks now. less than 10 to go.. haha


I am 33 weeks now. This friday is my birthday.. I feel like hoping my baby to come out on the same day .. also worried for her to go NICU if premature...

lynnn.. your baby smart.. can find the exit already... That day i talked to my baby to move.. i think now she move from right to left horizontal position..


New Member
I am 33 weeks now. This friday is my birthday.. I feel like hoping my baby to come out on the same day .. also worried for her to go NICU if premature...

lynnn.. your baby smart.. can find the exit already... That day i talked to my baby to move.. i think now she move from right to left horizontal position..
ohh.. but i heard after week 37 then safer cos at least baby more developed..

by the way, have you bought any baby stuffs yet?

im feeling emo these days, dunno why.. :(


Hi thelay, I have just finished my session with MDM Mas last sat. I would say i can feel the strength, although she emphasized that she cannot use normal strength. After the session, I can feel the tightness in my calves disappearing. It helped my water retention in my feet too. She's also very caring, kept asking me to be careful when I lie down or get up. She also shared tips with me to prevent engorgement in future. But I don't really like the smell of the herbal oil that she uses. And I am used to do accupuncture massage, sometimes I just feel that she couldn't really find the accupuncture points. But overall I am quite happy with the session. For $40 of 75mins, I think you can give her a try.

I've just seen Dr Woodworth, he said my boy is also head down already. At 33weeks, he weighs normal at 1.8kg.

Any mummies experiencing bad mood swings lately? I am trying very hard to deal with my moodiness... Sigh...
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Happy birthday in advance, Thelay!

I am 33 weeks now. This friday is my birthday.. I feel like hoping my baby to come out on the same day .. also worried for her to go NICU if premature...

lynnn.. your baby smart.. can find the exit already... That day i talked to my baby to move.. i think now she move from right to left horizontal position..


Yes, it's only safe to deliver after 37 weeks, coz baby's lungs will be developed by then. Anytime before that, their lungs will not be able to support and will have to be on tubes. So hang in there, mummies! At least till week 37... :)

hi lynnn, hi-5 too, I get emo quite often lately too... Get very sensitive and affected by the smallest things.. Sigh.. Really dunno how to deal with it sometimes... Hope it's not prenatal blues or what....

ohh.. but i heard after week 37 then safer cos at least baby more developed..

by the way, have you bought any baby stuffs yet?

im feeling emo these days, dunno why.. :(


Hi esta, Can I have Mdm Mas contact? They all very hard to get booking.. I want to do weekly. and they also dont do evening time..

Oh.. I am so tired.. I am also very moody these days.. Angry with husband and dont feel like talking to him also.. I wish I can take leave anytime i want..


Hi esta, Can I have Mdm Mas contact? They all very hard to get booking.. I want to do weekly. and they also dont do evening time..

Oh.. I am so tired.. I am also very moody these days.. Angry with husband and dont feel like talking to him also.. I wish I can take leave anytime i want..
Hi Thelay, I forgot to mention, Mdm Mas only does prenatal massage from week 24 to week 32. Which week are you now?
I also took the opportunity to 'interview' her about her post natal massage service, she will honestly tell me what she does and does not, and how differently it will from other massage ladies.. I will be doing another prenatal massage with Suriani this sat, she can do for after week 32.. I let you know again?

Yah i get mood swings these days.. basically pissed off with the whole world... dont feel like working too... hope can take maternity leave soon... sigh...