Baby not sleeping soundly..


New Member
Hi mummies!! i just gave birth almost a week ago.. and my baby seems like he doesnt really sleep very soundly.. sometimes he will like wan to cry sound then fall asleep again.. is there any ways to make him sleep soundly? newayz.. he is like peeling.. izzit normal? hee.. thanks for advise..

Ping Guo


Well-Known Member
Hi there.. Congrats on ur newborn~! :)

Ya, it's pretty normal for bbs to be peeling.. So no worries.. :) Ways to make him sleep soundly? In the day or nite? If in the nite, jus make sure is cosy & quiet, so he knows it's nite time! In the day, let him get used to the sounds around.. Dun have to keep everything quiet... Heh.


congratulations, new mommy!!

dun kan cheong. peeling is normal. mayb ur newborn is still feeling insecure. u can try letting him listen to soothing music. or let him sleep next to u. but be careful not to suffocate him.


Hi Apple (PingGuo - izzit?),

Yes they will peel, normal because its the protective layer while they are covered in amniotic fluid and after a while it renews itself and starts to peel....mine was peeling since week 2 until 2 months??? Norm the areas covered by skin folds tat u seldom wash will have lots of dead skins...hahaha...happy peeling!!!

u can put a beansprouts pillow for him, coz babies are proned to be startled during sleep...or u pat pat him to assure nothing is wrong, can still sleep etc.


Active Member
hi pingGuo, welcome and congrats on your new arrival!

Peeling is normal, PD said can aply baby moistorizer.

Can put him to sleep on his tummy so he will sleep longer and feel more secure.


New Member
thank you so much all mummies.. hee.. thanks for the reply and wishes.. hehe.. but he seems like he's not sleeping well.. it makes me worry.. e peeling part.. i'm ok le.. but still heart pain to see him peeling.. *pout* today brought him to draw blood.. poke one hole n squeeze e blood out.. see le oso xin tong.... newayz.. thanks for all the replies.. hee.. very appreciated.. hopefully he sleeps better.. hee..


New Member
oooo .. okok.. thank you soo much.. e fish that ppl operation eat one right? newayz... my baby umblical cord juz dropped today.. do i need to do anything? like washing or wat?


oooo .. okok.. thank you soo much.. e fish that ppl operation eat one right? newayz... my baby umblical cord juz dropped today.. do i need to do anything? like washing or wat?
orrhhs...u want to buy tat fish to eat for post op right? Tot its sup to be "Sheng Yu"? My mum told me tat la.... It is long and thin something like eel....? And it has a stinky smell after cooked.. Not sure if carp is the one den....

u can get methylated spirit from your PD to clean it. Rem to keep it dry always, esp after bath apply some anti-wind oil to it before dressing him up.


New Member
Hi Ping Guo,

Maybe you can tried massaging your baby. I did for mine when she was 2 weeks old. Learnt the massaging skills from my post-natal massager. My child was colicky before that.

Hope it helps.


Active Member
oooo .. okok.. thank you soo much.. e fish that ppl operation eat one right? newayz... my baby umblical cord juz dropped today.. do i need to do anything? like washing or wat?
to keep the cord dry, clean with the spirit mentioned ny cancanmum, followed by the powder to keep it dry, you can get the powder in pharmacy or medical hall.


New Member
Hi Ping Guo,

Maybe you can tried massaging your baby. I did for mine when she was 2 weeks old. Learnt the massaging skills from my post-natal massager. My child was colicky before that.

Hope it helps.

Yes massage helps a lot. Some baby drink to fast and cry a lot. Though crying is good for lungs but sometimes ges to tummy caused bloatedness. Massage will reduce the wind. Also sometimes should let baby sleeps on side ways leaning on tummy. They like it. the feel comfortable like leaning against your body. Try it!


Actually dun really need to real massage....

Me last time after bathing my son, with him naked, put him on the bed, make sure airy but not cold as well as not too stuffy, i will play with him, touch him, pat him....put my warm hands on his baby soft skin...etc etc...Babies loved to be touched.


New Member
Yes massage helps a lot. Some baby drink to fast and cry a lot. Though crying is good for lungs but sometimes ges to tummy caused bloatedness. Massage will reduce the wind. Also sometimes should let baby sleeps on side ways leaning on tummy. They like it. the feel comfortable like leaning against your body. Try it!
Me too. My little girl has longer and better sleep while sleeping to one side supported by 2 long baby bolster filled with beansprout. 1 to support her back to prevent her from turning, and 1 to tummy to keep her safe from wind and sense of security - mummy smell. Then a pillow on top on the blanket to keep her side body warm at night. A little kiasu but once wind enters, it's endless night for me. That's why my girl released more wind at night. One full feed all through the night till dawn.

Actually the bolster was supposed to fill with cotton instead of beansprout which filled by mistake. Although teased by the elders, soon they realised the usefulness. Not sure about others, my girl will fake cry to hint that she need a short patting and pacifier in order to sleep. Then, I will carry her using both hands to pat and used the bolster to struck her pacifier from dropping out. Very effective !

For side sleeping, always remember to change side constantly to prevent bb's head and face from turning flat at one side. Now my baby is facing this problem. She love to sleep towards the left side since birth till now and ended with left head flatter than the right side. So now I keep adjusting her head to right side when she was soundly asleep for non side sleeping.

Hope this tips help too .


New Member
OH. Thanks for all e replies dear mums... hee... I hope tat i can find sheng yu here then.. wat is e english name of sheng yu huh? newayz.. i am in US.. tat's why its quite hard for me to find some things here.. hee..
can my baby drink barley? he's abt 2 weeks oni.. n my mum suggested to let him drink barley coz say he hot.. haa.. i dunno.. if can anot.. i think cun right?


ohhhh i c i c....

u r in us so chances r u be buying ang mo barley den, rite????

china barley is cooler la, based on wad the older pple says....

i first gave my boy drink barley around 2months old, before tat he drinks diluted glucose, helps to cool down body too.


I have found wad u wanted:

Snakehead Murrel


Common Name(s): Snakehead Murrel, Common Snakehead
Scientific Name: Channa Striata
Local Name(s): Haruan, [Md]生鱼(Sheng1 yu2), [Md]礼鱼(Li3 Yu2) , [Hk]Luui Heurr, [My]Aruan
Precaution: Harmless
Edible: Yes
CNR Time: 5 mins​
This fish is sometimes referred to as "local snakehead", because it is a native fish as opposed to the common Toman. The haruans are smaller in size but are a much hardier fish. They're very adaptable harsh conditions such as shallow waters, small enclosed areas and even tolerating brackish water. Like the walking catfish and walking gourami, the haruan can survive a long period of time without water and is able to find its way to another water body.​
Haruan are usually brownish to black in colour depending on their habitat. This colour freckles into its cheek and abdominal area which are white in colour.​
The haruans love to eat frogs. They often scour or wait patiently along weedy banks for frogs coming into the water to breed. They also feed on fishes, worms and insects. Haruans don't grow very big, although they're quite common throughout reservoirs, ponds, marshes and streams, it is uncommon to find one above 2kg. You can catch Haruans using any of its natural food as bait, lures will work as well.​
The haruan is often made a nutritious soup when prepared with herbs and are said to be good for those who are recovering from surgery and for mothers after labour.
Reference: Fishbase, RMBR


But i think its quite hard to get it unless u go SUPER EARLY coz last time i had surgery to my fingers and my mums friend, a kind soul went to the market at 5am to get the fish for me and boil soup for me somemore!!!! Just need to drink 2 times your wounds will be mei mei le.....
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New Member
ooo.. thanks cancan mummy.. so helpful of u .. hehehe.. hai.. i think here cun find tat fish.. i oso wan my wound be mei mei lehz.. *pout*.. newayz. i went for a natural birth.. but hor... i have been spotting n bleeding.. very scared lehz.. haiz..