breastfeeding and solids


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of following the super baby food book and giving 3 meals when she's about 8 months...

snowbear, do you really follow the book's suggestion of having super porridge and yoghurt as the 2 main meals?

The super porridge really sounds super! :)
No i don't coz alicia doesn't like yogurt...

Anyway when she was 6-7 months i fed her cereal coz it's iron-fortified. Only when she started on more meals then i gave her porridge as another meal (continued to give her iron-fortified cereal). Btw, Alicia also hates her egg yolk mashed into her porridge so that super porridge doesn't work for her... :tlaugh:

and , and , do you add breastmilk to the purees and cereals? If not, how do you thicken?

Sianzz, I so dont't want to start expressing again...
Like what annie said, adding bm will thin the puree, not thicken. If you're looking to thickening a puree, add more of the puree/cereal or add wheatgerm.

I used to express milk to mix with her cereal. Still do that sometimes. But very hard to get milk out from the breasts coz so long never express already. Nipples not used to the pump. If you're gonna express every day to put the milk into her food, the LC taught me to latch bb and pump at the same time to stimulate letdown. Do this for every feed for a week then your nipples will get used to the pump again. Alicia refused to let me do tandem pumping last time so i couldn't do it... she'd grab the pump, pull the wire, look suspiciously at the pump... :tlaugh::tlaugh:Now she lets me do it but she still eyes it suspiciously. She'd even help me hold the bottle. But i'm too lazy to do tandem pumping for every feed... plus i dun need to use so much milk...


Well-Known Member
As mentioned before, Super Baby Food Book is more 'vegetarian' & does not introduce meat. As such, they lack a critical source of iron & need iron drops.

You can start introducing pureed chicken at around 7mths. Progress to other types of pureed meat after that. Minced or finely chopped/shredded meat at around 8-9 months, depending on how advanced your baby's chewing skills are.

My son started pureed meat at around 7mths, started on minced/chopped/shredded meat at 9mths as he did not know how to chew until around 9mths plus.


Well-Known Member
don't think my dd will let me pump at the same time also cos she will get v distracted.

I tried pumping the other day and only got a pathetic 15 ml. Think may have to start pumping at least once a day just so that i have some spare just in case i need to leave dd with other caretakers.


Well-Known Member
ya i think the sound of pumping will make my girl curious! then cannot drink milk lol