detail scanning @ 20weeks


Hi all mummies, can i just asked if during the detailed scan at 20 weeks, did the sonographer let u see the baby's fingers and toes??

Cause when my wife and i went for the scanning, the lady did not show us the baby's fingers and toes to see for any abnormalities.

Or perhaps during their measurements taking, they already look at it??? cause when we got the report back, it states there are no extremeties, meaning no abnormalities.

therefore, would like to asked all mummies here for your experience. Thx!!


Yes , the nurse did show us the fingers and toes. i done mine at NUH. let ur gynae know if u worry .


My gynae didn't check during the detailed scan becoz he have already checked a few times during the routine monthly scan before I reached week 20.. is it possible maybe the sonographer did checked the baby's fingers and toes but she didn't point it out to u?


not too sure on the sonographer whether got check or not, thats why wanted to clarify with all mummies here....

Hi, I just done my 20weeks scan yesterday... sonographer didn't check my baby fingers or toes...

I was told I have low lying placenta... Hopefully by 28weeks, my placenta will move upwards... Haiz.. Worried worried...


New Member
Try not to worry too much Piggy08...I know it's difficult as you want everything to be perfect but a low lying placenta is pretty common and despite that, many beautiful healthy babies are produced!

At my 12 week scan I could clearly see the toes and hands (they were clenched into fists though!) so I don't see why they can't show you at 20 weeks, maybe because they are so busy checking for other things and unless we ask they won't show it. Or, it could be the position of your baby. I'm sure if there were things that weren't normal, the doctors would be obliged to tell us.

My 20 week scan is on Saturday and can't wait! Going to find out if it is a boy or a girl at last!!! :Dancing_wub:


Try not to worry too much Piggy08...I know it's difficult as you want everything to be perfect but a low lying placenta is pretty common and despite that, many beautiful healthy babies are produced!

At my 12 week scan I could clearly see the toes and hands (they were clenched into fists though!) so I dont't see why they can't show you at 20 weeks, maybe because they are so busy checking for other things and unless we ask they won't show it. Or, it could be the position of your baby. I'm sure if there were things that weren't normal, the doctors would be obliged to tell us.

My 20 week scan is on Saturday and can't wait! Going to find out if it is a boy or a girl at last!!! :Dancing_wub:
Hi sassandspice, thanks... :) I will try not to worry so much...
The lady told me that babies usually clenched their fists that's why she didn't count my baby's fingers...Think I will ask my gynae next Monday, ask him to count my baby's fingers and toes if possible...

My baby 90% girl... Baby princess.. Can start to shop for pretty clothings.. Hehe


I just went for my detailed scan and the nurse was telling me, that the scan will consist of checking the length and weight of your baby, the baby's 2 hands and 2 legs, the 10 fingers of your baby, the toes of your baby, the blood flow to and from the baby's heart (she actually showed us the monitor to assure us the baby's blood flow is fine), the frequency of the heart beat of the baby, the neck, the spine, the skull and both sides of the brain of baby, the skeleton of the baby, and even the kidneys and bladder of baby. The report will also have a chart to show you if your is big or small (weight) so that your Gynae can decide to put you on more supplements or not.

During the scan, the baby has to be in a good position, otherwise the nurse will shake your tummy a bit to move baby around. Or, she will move her scanner in a awkward position to get a better position of your baby but overall, your baby must cooperate. Luckily my boy was shaking all around so she managed to get the measurements in a rather short time but she was doing it very quickly cos my boy keeps moving.

My OSCAR and detailed scanning was done at Thomson Medical and I find the nurses there are really nice. Whenever we go for scans, they will explain to us what they are looking for and brief us on the proceduress first. My Gynae also always brief me before I go for the scanning.

The scan report was returned to us, and we have to bring it to the Gynae for her to do a photocopy of the report. My Gynae was very nice, cos during the detail scan, we are not given copies of the scan but my Gynae asked if I wanted the picture and I said yes, so she took another scanning at her clinic, and printed it just for my keeping.


New Member
I had my scan over the weekend and everything is looking good. They counted the fingers and toes without me asking them which was good.

Best news is that we found out the sex...a baby girl!!!:Dancing_wub:


I had my scan over the weekend and everything is looking good. They counted the fingers and toes without me asking them which was good.

Best news is that we found out the sex...a baby girl!!!:Dancing_wub:
Congrats! Baby girl same as me... Can start shopping now.. hehe...


New Member
Just back from Thompson, had my 20 week scan. All ok! Had a feeling it would be, but it was a relief to hear and see it never the less. Both boys are growing well..and placentas are where they should be.( something I was worried about)

It still seems surreal that I am having another set of twins!
I'll have 4 kids under 4!!!!!
(first set boy/girl), so luckily at least have 1 princess!


New Member
I love girl baby clothes because they are so cute Piggy08!

Wow two set of twins lulu8173! How lucky are you? :red:
sassandspice, yes I am lucky although I know I'm going to be exhausted!!!!

Congrats on your baby girl!

Exciting and fun times ahead!! :bbiggrin:


I love girl baby clothes because they are so cute Piggy08!

Wow two set of twins lulu8173! How lucky are you?:red:
sassandspice, u r right man...girl baby clothings super cute.. Now GSS, sales everywhere... Feel like buying everything for my baby girl... Hehe


Well-Known Member
counting down to detailed scan next week :Dancing_tongue: still dont know the gender :tlaugh:

hope everything is ok...


Hihi my detail scan will be on the 10th August.. from wat i read above.. seems like this 20 weeks detailed scan and the oscar scan we did earlier are very similar leh..

so do we still need to drink a lot of water for this detail scan at 20 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Hihi my detail scan will be on the 10th August.. from what i read above.. seems like this 20 weeks detailed scan and the oscar scan we did earlier are very similar ..

so do we still need to drink a lot of water for this detail scan at 20 weeks?
all ultrascan need to have a full bladder


my gynae told me can clear bowel for the detailed scan. I went for amino test beginning this week at TMC and they also help me do a detailed scan but bb is just 17+ weeks so certain things still cannot see clearly. I get to see my bb gender le! its a princess~ very cute~ hehehe

Although i sort of had my detailed scan.. but bb only 17+ weeks so i still got to go back end of the mth to complete my detailed scan lo.


Well-Known Member
my gynae told me can clear bowel for the detailed scan. I went for amino test beginning this week at Thomson Medical Center and they also help me do a detailed scan but baby is just 17+ weeks so certain things still cannot see clearly. I get to see my baby gender ! its a princess~ very cute~ hehehe

Although i sort of had my detailed scan.. but baby only 17+ weeks so i still got to go back end of the month to complete my detailed scan .
congra for having a princess
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