Dr Adrian Woodworth at Compass Point


Well-Known Member
hihi, i am interested to get Dr adrian Woodworth as my gynae. may i know how do i make appt with him? where is his clinic? the antenal package of S$550 is include GST as well? does it starts as soon as 6 or 7 week? thanks!!
U dun haf to make appt wif him coz his clinic is 1st come 1st serve basis so even if u make appt on tat day WHOEVER register 1st will see dr adrian 1st~

His clinic is at Sengkang n CCK~ including gst is $550++ if i nv rmb wrongly~

It start as long as ur pregnant BUT it is better to go when ur 6wks bcoz bb too small to see anything frm the ultrasound too so can only gif u vitmins only~


Hope my info r nt late.
I delivered my 1st boy (May 2007) with doc Adrian also, that time the charges r no GST but this time there is GST. Dun wori abt gg 2 early coz my fren was abt only 5-6 weeks pregnant and can only c the water bag when she went to him.


Well-Known Member
I am currently seeing Dr Adrian Woodworth. He is gd and talk super fast. I am having my 3rd child and as the baby is too big, he advice me to induce early and he try not to make it sound too serious. He is flexible and willing to listen to you.


I juz got the latest hospital package fr Doc Adrian.
Any 1 can advise if this is up to date? coz i saw some posting tat nw TMC deposit is $800 instead of $600.
And realise Doc Adrian only have TMC list, coz when i delivered my boy in 2007 thr was Mount.A, Mount.E, Genegles......

Deposit Required.
Medisave patient - $1k - 1 bedded, $800 - 2 bedded, $600 - 4 bedded.

2 days stay. 1 bedded 2 bedded 4 bedded
Normal delivery - $1988 $1378 $1108
Normal delivery with epidrual - $2218 $1608 $1412
Assisted delivery - $2078 $1468 $1192
Assist delivery w/ disposable
vacuum cup - $2163 $1553 $1277
Assist delivery w/ epidural $2308 $1698 $1498
Assist delivery w/ disposable
vacuum cup & epidural $2393 $1783 $1583
Re: Dr Adrian Woodworth


Anyone see this gynae at cck recently?

Would like to know if any mummies can help to answer the following questions below as I am finding out which gynae I should go to when I am preggy. Thank you

1) How is the waiting time like and do we need to make an appt first?
(Saw on other website they say don't need to make appt.)

2) What is his charges for anenatal package and delivery fee?

3) Which hospital does he delivered at?

4) Is he a good gynae?
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Re: Dr Adrian Woodworth


Anyone see this gynae at cck recently?

Would like to know if any mummies can help to answer the following questions below as I am finding out which gynae I should go to when I am preggy. Thank you

1) How is the waiting time like and do we need to make an appt first?
(Saw on other website they say don't need to make appt.)

2) What is his charges for anenatal package and delivery fee?

3) Which hospital does he delivered at?

4) Is he a good gynae?
1) How is the waiting time like and do we need to make an appt first?
(Saw on other website they say don't need to make appt.)
1st appt is walk in, after tat all the chk up is by appt.
Waiting time sometime depend on luck.
Mostly I went early so waiting time is short.

2) What is his charges for anenatal package and delivery fee?
Anenatal Package is $550 + 7% GST
Delivery charge is $800 - fully fr CPF, no upfront.

3) Which hospital does he delivered at?
Nw is only TMC coz i juz get the latest hospital charge which only shown TMC but if u have other preferrance u can ask him.

4) Is he a good gynae?
I like him very much, so is my DH.
Find him very exp n fast.
U May find him talk too fast or the chk up very fast but he is very exp, if u have question u can ask him n him will explain clearly to u.
If u have any question or problem u can call him oso, he very helpful.

So you mean the delivery charge $800 is paid from CPF? Then how about hospital stay? Also from CPF? What I know only can claim about $1300 from CPF right? Thank you for your reply.



So you mean the delivery charge $800 is paid from CPF? Then how about hospital stay? Also from CPF? What I know only can claim about $1300 from CPF right? Thank you for your reply.
From wat i knw, hospital charge claim is diff fr doc claim.
Fr the list i got fr doc adrian, max claim fr hospital for normal delivery is abt $1250, max claim for doc is abt $550 for normal delivery.
I think thr is 1 more claim for the anenatal package max abt $450.


Oh ya, i can see my cut is getting more n more beatiful as in, the cut normally will have an extra meat pop out when u feel it right?(not very sure how to explain). Mine at first the whole line is like that n recently both side the lump is fadding off. now if i feel both side is flat oni the centre still can feel the extra skin. Is it due to his skill or due to the cream that i apply? hmm... Anyone can share? Once i've taken photo of it will post and show you all wat i mean.

Hi Porky!!
I've give birth on Dec last year by Dr Adrian.
Ya , he talk very fast and last time i always forgot to ask him question and i write down on a book, bring the book wanna ask him but before i ask him,he saw my book and took it and straight away write the answer on my book . LOL
But once when he's knocking off i giddy wanna faint at his clinic he's very caring to me.
So can understand he tok very fast cause have alot of ppl waiting...

When i know my boi is under nutrience i was shocked,speechless when he asked me when i wanna go hospital induce!!My hubby asked me wanna C-sec or not i said i dont want and adrian says giving birth is really very painful one you know? (cause he know i dont't even dare to have injection,i scare.Haha)
After about 8hrs of contraction adrian came check and open only 3cm and boi's heartbeat very fast,he advise have to c-sec now or bear with the pain till 5-6hrs more but if halfway thru i cannot tahan also have to go c-sec then i c-sec immediately.
I got 4frens also c-sec was my stitches says it's beautiful so his handwork it good bah.


hi i'm thinking of seeing him but i tried calling his cck clinic a few times, no ans.. can i know what's e opening hrs like n is his charges still e same? wat abt 1st consultation? hw much is it? thks!


mon to sat morning from 10 to 12pm
night only mon n thurs from 6 to 9pm
call during their opening hrs sure gt ppl ans de..

his package is 550
i started package on my 1st visit ard 6 weeks..
if u taking his package, then 1st visit charges is included aso
cam pay half then another half on 2nd visit..
else 1st visit is ard 130 ba

i juz deliver natural by him
very nice gynae and i didnt hav to worry much during my preggy
can walk after 4hr of giving birth le..

btw, u dun hav to call to make appt
can juz go down to his clinic
is on 1st come 1st serve basis


New Member
Hi All,

I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I live overseas right now. Will be returning back to SIngapore next month and will deliver there. Am planning to see Dr Adrian Woodworth as I see from this forum that he's quite well-known for his experience and also his clinic in Sengkang is easily accessible to me. So I've shortlisted Dr Adrian and would like to know about his consulting charges.

I see that his antenatal package is $550 but I would be in my 15th week of pregnancy when I see him. Would there be a more flexible package for me since I would already be in my 2nd trimester when I start consulting with him?

Also for those who have delivered through Dr Adrian Woodworth, could you please share about his Delivery fee and when is it supposed to be paid? I understand that some gynaes require it to be paid upfront in cash and later claim from Medisave?

Thank u.


New Member
He is definitely a very experienced & caring doctor even though he is a man of few words. But if you ask him any questions, he will definitely have an answer for you.

Dr Woodworth just helped me to deliver my baby princess last Wednesday in Thomson Medical Center. Original plan was to have a normal delivery but in the end we have to opt for c-section because cervix did not dilate after 16 hours of induction.

He came in the labour ward at 10.30pm and check my cervix, but was only 1 cm open. Then he asked us if we wanted to wait or....

We decided to wait but at 6.00am the next day, the nurse checked the cervix and was only 2cm. At that immed moment, we told the nurse that we will do c-section.

As for the medical charges, we paid $2000 in cash (everything inclusive of baby charges in Thomson Medical Center) and Medisave deduction was max to $4400. If you are Singaporean, you will need to pay a deposit of $800 when you do your admission and settle the rest of your payment before your discharge.

That was because we needed to pay the additional charges for the extra night we stayed in the labour ward (with chargaes on all supplies & services) and also 2 times of anaesthetist fees because he came twice, once in the wee hour to have the epidural on for me and the other time is when I went for c-section. A big chuck of the hospitalisation fees goes to the "doctors fees". Doctors' fees for gynae, anaesthetist, paediatrician.

If you just opt for straight c-section, the charge is from is $1600 (exclude doctor's fee). Can't remember how much is for normal delivery.

Me & my husband both like him a lot and in our 10 mths of seeing him - we really felt very comforted and safe in his hand.

We will definitely go back to him again in future!
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New Member
Dr Woody is very good. I had spotting problems in my 1st trimester. Had to see him weekly to stablise my pregnancy. I did my OSCAR scan at week 11, then realised my baby have no skull, need to terminate the pregnancy. He immediately arrange to do the procedure the next day. I was given 2 pills +pain killers to be taken at night to dilate my cervix. Good thing he gave me pain killer to be taken together, if not I would not be able to sleep due to cramps.

I just did my d&and last week. He did a good job, he even tried to joke with me when in operation room, I know he is trying to make me relax. The procedure was done well, no cramps and no pain, I dont't even needs to take painkiller.

I will stick to him in my future pregnancy. He is really a Gem, his package is very reasonably price, and can start immediately.


i did experienced somewhat similar to stefie..his skills are good..after the d&c procedure, i had no cramps or pain at all..i didnt take any painkiller as well too :) I think his skills are good ;) And i remembered before the procedure in the d&c, he gave me a very assuring kind of pat on my shoulders..it was very comforting :)


Well-Known Member
Any mummies can ans my qns? When scan gender is it at Dr Adrain clinic or at Mt A? Thanks lot...........