EDD April 2011


Actually after waxing n when the hair start to grow, you will feel itchy de bcos the hair is coarse mah , so better think twice if u never try before.
yes i tried before and it was terrible! itchy and uncomfortable and the hair kinda prick thru ur panties lol.
i dont think i wanna be totally bare.. just trim neat and clean that's all.
i dont think everyone needs to shave there leh.. my sis was not shaved when she delivered at KKH.


for me, i will just trim it... so that it wont be so "messy" on that day and better during confinement period also..

finally its friday! looking forward to weekends! can rest... haha


for me, i will just trim it... so that it wont be so "messy" on that day and better during confinement period also..

finally its friday! looking forward to weekends! can rest... haha
i'm like super looking forward to the weekends.. i wanna zzzz. nowadays i totally cannot keep my eyes open in the morning!! its so super tiring and sleepy! especially since i cant have tea and coffee to perk myself up..zzzz...

btw i counted my baby's clothes yesterday. i have slightly more than 30 sets at the moment haha.. thanks to the hand-me-down given!


i think fatigue is coming back again.. but for me i'm still feeling okie.. after a break on wed..

do u sleep early and go home everyday after work? i'll try to sleep at 10pm latest 11pm.

oh ya.. i went to buy the raspberry tea yesterday! one box cost me $9.90 (16pkts).. started drinking today. feeling so happy drinking tea.. so long since i last drank!


i think fatigue is coming back again.. but for me i'm still feeling okie.. after a break on wed..

do u sleep early and go home everyday after work? i'll try to sleep at 10pm latest 11pm.

oh ya.. i went to buy the raspberry tea yesterday! one box cost me $9.90 (16pkts).. started drinking today. feeling so happy drinking tea.. so long since i last drank!
irene, u bought the tea from harbourfront? i'll shall get it this weekend! same as u, i'm so happy to drink tea cos really cut down to occassion indulgence only, when i used to drink daily! i've not touched coffee for as long as i'm preggie..

someone asked about benefits of drinking raspberry tea.. basically it is to strengthen uterus and helps in contractions. Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea During Pregnancy - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

i dont sleep so early. i sleep at 12+ (cos watching SCV HK drama loh!) haha. and i wake up very early, at 545am..



yup! u can go buy one packet and try...

maybe u can try to sleep earlier, must catch more sleep! nowadays i dun like to go out on weekends.. like to stay at home relax and take naps.. hehe.. so tat is why i like weekends!


Hi irenen, the tea u bought at HBF level 3. Wat the shop name. May be I go n buy after work. Hehe. Is there any places selling tat?

I do feel tired nowadays. But I can't sleep early too. I have to watch abit of tv
then will feel sleepy. I mostly sleep abt 1 n wake up abt 8 during weekdays. But every nite I also try to let my bb listen to music while I am
watching my show. Hahaha

as for going out, now even come to work I also hate it le lor. Coz my vargina part is getting more n more painful day by day. Today even the side of my bottom is getting painful too. Walking becum a prob to me now. Even my colleague can ask me wat happen due to my walking style. Haiz.


for me, i will just trim it... so that it wont be so "messy" on that day and better during confinement period also..

finally its friday! looking forward to weekends! can rest... haha
Haha me too I also will be trimming it. If not very messy after tat. Cleaner also :) but muz be careful coz we can't see from the top now. Use mirror may be will misjudge :)


huafen, sounds bad to have such pain! cos' still got abt 4-6 weeks to go.. your gynae mentioned the pain is due to baby engaged already?
i have pain on my left thigh but still manageable, like muscle ache that doesnt go off.. and last nite while having dinner, i had this sharp pain on my left tummy and my hubby thought i'm going into labour! but it doesnt feel like contractions, and after i try to change a sitting position, the pain goes off..
now still early, must talk to baby and tell them to come out after 37 weeks.


Hi luckymum,
How much did you get ameda pumps for? Actually my consideration to get Medela PISA initially is also cos the suction power is stronger but considering I wan something more portable to pump when i go back to work I decided on freestyle.

Last night I tried to squeeze also... to my amazement and shock also have one white droplet come out!! I had to massage and squeeze quite hard, so I can imagine the suction power required from the pump =p =p

I also went to count the baby clothes I've got.. total about 20 odd sets, for the ones that can wear when just born till about 3mths+ have just slightly over 10 sets. Should be enough I think...


i am still v active leh. i still go shopping, watch movies during weekends. and i try to walk as much as possible, climb stairs (not too much) and do housework as usual cos' i'm scared if i start to rest and rest, i might get even more tired and will be very hard to move around already.
the only thing is, i really find getting up from sitting position on the floor harder and harder. super clumsy!


Hi luckymum,
How much did you get ameda pumps for? Actually my consideration to get Medela PISA initially is also cos the suction power is stronger but considering I wan something more portable to pump when i go back to work I decided on freestyle.

Last night I tried to squeeze also... to my amazement and shock also have one white droplet come out!! I had to massage and squeeze quite hard, so I can imagine the suction power required from the pump =p =p

I also went to count the baby clothes I've got.. total about 20 odd sets, for the ones that can wear when just born till about 3mths+ have just slightly over 10 sets. Should be enough I think...
hahaha. mama_aki, ur baby also has alot of clothes lah! all pinky stuff? hehe.
i asked my hubby to bring out sterilizer and wash the bottles, but he thinks its a tad too early!

u managed to get a drop of colostrum out, same as me! i tried this morning for a short while, but i didnt get any then i gave up. lol. amazing rite to see the droplet..

how much is the ameda pump?


About the cramping and vagina pressure, I think it's normal.. I was having it quite bad .. I think also because of constipation and walking around quite a lot I realise when I don't walk ard a lot or have constipation, the situation improves.. maybe also after drinking raspberry tea =p

My feet size hasn't increased, neither has my hands.. but My thigh and calves definitely, also aching quite often. Worst of all is my back aches..


Hi irenen, the tea u bought at HBF level 3. Wat the shop name. May be I go n buy after work. Hehe. Is there any places selling tat?

I do feel tired nowadays. But I can't sleep early too. I have to watch abit of tv
then will feel sleepy. I mostly sleep abt 1 n wake up abt 8 during weekdays. But every nite I also try to let my bb listen to music while I am
watching my show. Hahaha

as for going out, now even come to work I also hate it le lor. Coz my vargina part is getting more n more painful day by day. Today even the side of my bottom is getting painful too. Walking becum a prob to me now. Even my colleague can ask me wat happen due to my walking style. Haiz.

yar i bought it from HBF level 3. cant rem the name.. but their shop name has the word "organic" .. if i am not wrong is beside raffles medical. this shop is recommended by other mummies.

for me.. when i sit too long and get up.. i feel pain at the lower back... walking will be difficult but after awhile will be okie.


I did call up KK n ask abt it. They says may be the bb head is pressing at the lower part n may be alreay engaged. Ask me
to push forward my Gynae appt. If not I have to monitor myself. As long as no contractions n no bleeding I am fine. N now my hubby is in reservist. So he ask me to relax. Dun think too much n dun give him surprises. Hahaha

The pain is bearable like muscle aching but like u say won't go off. Ya gettig up from floor is getting harder n harder. Need support in order to get up. I feel tat walking more makes me feel better. Coz think I will becum numb to the pain haha. Onli when I stay still too long n wan to move. Wow the pain is huge!!! Endure another few more weeks. N I will be relieve from this every sec pain. Hehe

my bb clothes mostly is hand down. Think got more than 30 sets more than I buy. Hahaha. The ones I buy also from 3 mths to
12 mths. Haha.


that's why ppl say "mummies r noble". have to go thru all these pain and endurances even before the little one is out.

must sayang ur boy and tell him not to press on u too hard!! i find it so weird that we have pain here and there and the pain disappear and then come back, then disappear and appear elsewhere again. haha. i think it all depends on baby's position.. i guess my baby is towards left side, that's why all my pain are on left side of body..
yest i sleep sideways, then my back starts to ache.


Haha ya now I really know mums r noble!!!

I already been not sleeping well for the past few weeks le. Sleep anyhow either bb kicks or backache. All I can tell myself to endure a few weeks more.


Hi luckymum,
How much did you get ameda pumps for? Actually my consideration to get Medela PISA initially is also cos the suction power is stronger but considering I wan something more portable to pump when i go back to work I decided on freestyle.

Last night I tried to squeeze also... to my amazement and shock also have one white droplet come out!! I had to massage and squeeze quite hard, so I can imagine the suction power required from the pump =p =p

I also went to count the baby clothes I've got.. total about 20 odd sets, for the ones that can wear when just born till about 3mths+ have just slightly over 10 sets. Should be enough I think...
I got my Ameda Lactaline dual breast pump sometime during Christmas at Robinsons sale for $290, usual price is about $390 I heard.. Now my office all 3 mummies are using this! It came with a simple hand pump and 2 boxes of milk storage bag too.