EDD April 2011


New Member
Hi ladies!

Went for a scan just now, my baby's head at the bottom already..thank God!! He has been a good boy listening to me and hubby :001_302:

Wow..seeing u all talk about drinking coconut juice, feels like having one now, esp in this weather...:eek:16:


Hi ladies!

Went for a scan just now, my baby's head at the bottom already..thank God!! He has been a good boy listening to me and hubby :001_302:

Wow..seeing u all talk about drinking coconut juice, feels like having one now, esp in this weather...:eek:16:
nadiahm! good for u! happy :)
u have a good boy heehee


yes huafen! its so difficult to walk when we are having braxton hicks. i've start to walk significantly slower already as my lower back starts to ache.
My lower back dun ache at all. Mine is pain at vargina part. Now spreading to the side of my thigh will ache. So walking is tougher for me now.

Going to see my Gynae this thursday n will ask him abt this.


Hi ladies!

Went for a scan just now, my baby's head at the bottom already..thank God!! He has been a good boy listening to me and hubby :001_302:

Wow..seeing u all talk about drinking coconut juice, feels like having one now, esp in this weather...:eek:16:

Hi nadiahm, gd for u :) hope when I go for my scan this thursday my boy head still down. Haha.
Ya weather these few days r bad. So hot.

U can Start to drink coconut too. But twice a week not everyday :)


My lower back dun ache at all. Mine is pain at vargina part. Now spreading to the side of my thigh will ache. So walking is tougher for me now.

Going to see my Gynae this thursday n will ask him abt this.
ya my lower back is actually my buttocks area.. i think its where our pelvic floor is. its painful but still bearable now. sometimes the pain is there, sometimes it goes off.. today going for yoga, hopefully it'll be gone!
How early can we start to drink coconut?

Was @ a ROM buffet last weekend under hot sun and they serve only lemon barley....I cannot resist man.

Tummy tightening while my boy is moving around....Wahhhh very 'shiok' @_@

Now week 31-32, going to see my little boy on Sat Yeah!

Chest of drawers just arrived over the weekend.
Bought Combi Urban Stroller from Baby Kingdom.
Signed up Kiddy Palace to get 10% discount on selected items.
New clothes from AMK Central, a shop specialising in baby stuffs. Their clothes are cheaper.

My friend's wife just give birth and they have been wrapping the baby quite snugglingly with a blanket. How long do we have to do this? I only just bought one hooded blanket!


I think 33-34 wks onwards can drink coconut. I think it's fine to drink lemonbarley.. I didn't really abstained from any food except pineapples in 1-2nd trim. Cny I ate pineapple tarts lol.

U mean swaddling ur baby? I think hospital will give u 1pc. I know TMC gives one receiving blanket.. I was wondering if we can use cloth diapers to swaddle our bb.


New Member
helo xiaobinbin are you delivering @ tmc? and if you r attending bb wong class, you can get the swadle cloth from her, it's quie nice..she ever say can wrap up to 2months.. some baby doesn't like it... i am 31+ week too.. seeing my galgal nxt mon..
oh you bot combi.. i am looking at Maclaren selection
I have the kiddy palace and mothercare disc as well! it's quite useful esp on big tickets item...
waiting for mothercare sale! gona get some more 6mth pajamas.. i like the material..

i think i will drink the coconut drink towards the end like 35+36w weeks.. i scare too liang not so good for bb lungs..


yes can use the cloth diaper to wrap bb but the have to wrap it quite tight cos the clothe dipaer not very very big so if bb struggle it will come off easily.
for my #1 i used the one Wong BB sells but then it's too hot for my #1..so in the end i used the cloth diaper..


For me I also only buy one of tat to wrap bb n kk I dun think they do give mr. May be when at home can use the cloth diaper to wrap bb.
@cseen - I'm delivering at Mt Alvernia. I read they give one yellow receiving blanket and heard it hard to wash @_@!

Hooded Blanket feels quite thick and I read we need enough flannels or swaddling blankets - like you said for up to 2 months.

Mummies, for the bedding - I only have 2 bedsheets and am going to get waterproof cover from Kiddy Palace.
Hmmmm how many more bedsheets shld I get....I have no idea how often I have wash them~! Haa

I bought some onsies from mothercare UK....so much cheaper than SG. Regretted not buying more tsk tsk


I bought my hooded blanket at isetan. It's 100% cotton n quite thin. It's easy to wash too. As for the bedsheets depends on whether will it get dirty often. If not every 2 to 3 days change once should be enough. May be u try first. If really not enough u can ask ur hubby to buy. Coz as of now we also won't jnow whether wat r the things not sufficient.


wow, i didnt buy any extra bedsheets.. didnt cross my mind. hmmm.. but i have the waterproof sheet. maybe i'll get the additional bedsheets from aussino.

i think cloth diapers are good, can use for so many purposes.. and i realised i forgot to wash the cloth diapers, so must wash it soon! only remembered to wash baby's clothes haha.

i have 1 hands-me-down hooded blanket, but its quite thick. think will use only if i bring her out. then i know TMC will give one when baby discharge.. then at home i'll use cloth diaper to swaddle her. dont think i'm buying anymore, cos only use 1-2 mths.

do u all get mood swings more frequently? i'm being hit by it these days like never before.. and i get moody and upset at nite :( i think i'm getting anxious about whether i can cope after my girl is out.


Dun worry Joanne. U still got ur family support. We muz stay postively. Coz they can help us in other matters but not our mentality. So we muz always tell ourselves to stay strong. When our bb is out, there will be bound to have times we will feel down as responsibility is bigger n our lifestyle has changed. Freedom won't be as per the past.

I also will feel moody as my hubby had went for his reservist for abt 2 weeks already. Tend to feel lonely at nite. But this will be his last week of serving it. Tend to look forward to it. N won't have lonely nites anymore. Hehe
Think I also get a pack of cloth diaper for multi-purpose usage.

Its getting harder for me to wake up on time for work + Indigestion/Heartburn is starting to kick in.

Body feels tired and somehow needs more than 8hrs of sleep.

Anyway wanna exchange FB contact?


u're really positive huafen, must really learn from u. i'm defeated by my own mind these days and become so upset.
i think i'm facing anxiety of coping with a newborn plus losing my freedom and sleep! and it doesnt help since my hubby is very busy these days and only come home late at nite after 1030 or 11pm, and i feel so alone as well. arrrrgh.
last few weeks of er ren shi jie, and i just want to spend quality time together, cos' i forsee we'll be busy with baby for next few mths but yet he's always not ard.

but yet when baby kicks or moves, i'll feel that she's always with me :) seems abit self-contradicting.


i also felt very lonely cause my hubby work late everyday.. feel so lonely at home.. wanted to talk to him but he is always not there.. makes me feel upset sometimes..

but after awhile i am okie.. i think as we approached our delivery, some of us are gettin more frequent mood swings.

agreed with xiaobinbin, getting up to work is a tough job now.. how i wish i can start my maternity soon. but then still got one more month.. i am practically like counting down the number of working days everyday. haha


My facebook email is huafen83@hotmail.com pls add me :)

Joanne, we only can stay postively. If not will go into depression. Tat will be worst. Ya trying to spend more er ren Shi Jie together but who knows at this moment he got his reservist. Gosh!!! Now only left with weekends to spend the time together. But my body also dun allow me to go out long. Haiz.

Haha me too at nite I will tok to my bb then he will move. When I feel upset he can sense it too n move himself n reminds
me tat he is inside n with me all the time. N makes me not tat lonely :)