EDD Aug 2011


Hello all mommies

I've been getting more difficult to sleep lately in my 3rd trimester. Do you experience that? I have to sit up to put myself to sleep n wakes up at funny hours. M planning to ask gynae to write me mc for a week before my EDD so i can rest and catch some rest before bb is born.

Hello all mommies

I've been getting more difficult to sleep lately in my 3rd trimester. Do you experience that? I have to sit up to put myself to sleep n wakes up at funny hours. M planning to ask gynae to write me mc for a week before my EDD so i can rest and catch some rest before baby is born.

welcome to the gang! I am awake from 8pm-8am...only sleep when its 9am or so. crazy timing. damn tired now.


New Member
Hi mummies so all shopping done?? ... Am I getting to anxious?? Btw kiddy palace hv 20% sale for member... Do enjoy shopping !
Hi mummies so all shopping done?? ... Am I getting to anxious?? Btw kiddy palace hv 20% sale for member... Do enjoy shopping !
lol... i haven buy a lot of things. cos i am holding baby shower end of the month. gonna sort out what they give and what i dun have to buy. plus hand me downs.


New Member
I dun hv bb shower :( must budget... Lolx.. But so far try to buy frm other mummies.. Will b cheaper some other stuff must buy new one..:)
Wondering am I too anxious already.. I'm like wanting to buy the stuff whenever I see dem..:( lolx!! My edd 8/8 wo... 2.5 more mths haaa!


welcome to the gang! I am awake from 8pm-8am...only sleep when its 9am or so. crazy timing. damn tired now.
Yea....very tired and sleepy Zzzz. How many weeks are you now? I was wondering, is that milk-feeding in training so that when our little is born then we are kinda use to those crazy timing? It's really tiring especiall gotta work the next day.


Any mummies like me?? Or you mummies have already finish shopping lolx!

I have bought some of the sales items like playpen around April......i just wanna get things bit by bit so I don't have to see myself spending a big bomb at the end of the day...heh.

Next Monday, am going for a wild shopping at Philips and that will be my final wild shopping. As for the little minor stuff, i can go Kiddy Palace to enjoy the 20% off. I also thought of going JB to buy infant clothes as I know baby changing clothes very often in a day.....so will not be enough if I will till baby shower.

Muz spend wisely :001_302:
Yea....very tired and sleepy Zzzz. How many weeks are you now? I was wondering, is that milk-feeding in training so that when our little is born then we are kinda use to those crazy timing? It's really tiring especiall gotta work the next day.
hahaha 30 weeks. i think its the training to train us to wake up at night to feed the baby la


My rashes at my ab subsided after powder + Hazeline snow. Now its in lighter shade.
Hopefully it will go away soon.

I gained ard 2 kg every month...from preg preg till now = total 8kg gained. I think it's ok bah, considering some of these weight is actually water. Now I try not to think too much, just eat when I am hungry. The only problem is I do not have food cravings....I trend to snack on fruits, and I must have a variety of fruits at home.

Your Ah Ma very nice. My ah ma already in her 90s, so cannot make anything for grand children already. Last time she uses to make those multi coloured patched blanket for us which I think is darn obiang....but now, if she make, I will definitely treasure it.

Hope your wish come true and you managed to go down for a dip/soak.

I signed up with Origins Jamu for 5x. They are more exp than freelance but alot of positive comments about them, so far. I wanted to try them instead of freelance cos sometimes freelance may not be flexible with time...blahx3. For me, I will definitely requesting for morning or early noon sessions.
Guess wat.. The pools was Closed for some crap maintenance...Ti Gong help me also no use :p I will not give up. Try again this weekends..
Btw Gers.. dun forget motherhood fair coming.. Good excerise for the the legs! :D


hahaha 30 weeks. i think its the training to train us to wake up at night to feed the baby la
Exactly!!! Reali tough for working mom......i was like yawning away half the time in office. Then my lovely boy is kicking happily in my tummy....lol. 3rd Trimester is the most tiring period....so let's remind ourself to rest as much as possible. Going to ask my gynae to write me MC this Sat to rest next week.


I am not sure if Jamu works cos some friends still as "bui"(like preg size) and some really slimmed down (pre preg size). I think it also depends on our body genetics.

I think I am not fated to go for motherhood fairs cos I somehow cannot be in crowds - get dizzy. Even when I get up from a seating position, I also need to slow down cos I get dizzy and see spots of black...

I think we will all start to get more and more tired. I am too!!!! I actually woke up in the middle of the night to pee like 3-4x per night...and by morning, I am like super tired! I cannot imagine if I need to do night feed for bb. Anyway peeing is a 2-3mins thing...night feed is like 0.5-1hr. I think I cannot tahan....so will probably feed bb with FM during the night. It's also a good idea so that bb will not be over-reliant on BM and have a hard time transiting from BM to FM. (this is not the most ideal mtd but i think it will suit me best).

I think we will nvr finish shopping for our bb...sometimes I think I have finished but then something else will pop up!! Like today, I just remembered I need to buy nail clipper for bb?!?!?!

I dun have m'ship card for kiddy palace and I went down the other day to do a comparison and find their stuff pretty exp compared to Spring. I find the stuff at Spring more fashionable (eg clothes) and newer.



Hey Pipilili,

Yar lor abt the Jamu. I got my own gym.. so thot maybe i will return back to gym if the body allows on my 2nd or 3rd mth bah..
U okay anot..?? You seems realli worn out...Take care
Normal to pee lar.. I also got sleep interrupted.. to think I am only 27 weeks :(

I also thot of FM in the night.. ideally.. I hope to sleep more since FM hard to digest, can keep bb full longer. At the same time, I can have my Dom in soup at night.. so with 3-4 hrs.. the alcohol shld be digest by then. By the next feeding time.. bb should not be taking too much alcohol. Bf, dun even know got milk anot.. I pray.. got enough for him.. or my pump will realli be a waste!

I'm all done with my shopping.. except those daily use stuff.. diapers lar, powder, ruiyi oil, shampoo and body wash. Baby body wash need those... PH type ones? Or any baby wash will do? MotherHood Fair.. I'm coming...LASt loading.. and off I am set to wait...for my kungfu fighter to be out.


Hi ladies

Dun get so stress of getting back in shape....give yourself 6mths time. If not, can sign up any of the slimming program which i am considering of signing up one if going back to shape unsuccessfully.

Baby is our main focus......to feed him well and develope well. Yea, really can't imagine to do feeding at night but it's a process we have to face it. I wanna bf and especially for the 1st 5 days is important for the baby as what was fed direct from our breast is colostrium which is the best nutrients for the bb. My friends advise me to feed direct for the first 5 days.......*faintz* So probably, will leave baby with me for the first 5 days then after pass on to the CL.

This is the final trimester that we better enjoy as much as possible and rest as much as possible. Take as much nap as possible over the weekends......if not when bb is born......no chance liao.

Yea....there are indeed lotsa minor little things we tend to forget. Thanks for the reminder of the nail clipper.....so many little things to bear in mind. Think i beta drop them in my shopping list. For baby clothes, i prefer to buy from JB thou coz they are alot cheaper and very fashionable. I am so suprised to find many nice infant clothe designs which i don't get to see in Spore. Really cute.


hmmm.. yar lor dun get stress over size.. hahha how else bad can it be... since we are already in 3rd trim (the balloon stage) :D
With some determination and heard BF.. shld be able to regain in shape soon.. If not ask hubby to PAY for slimming.. they got us preg.. hahah issit it? :p

First 5 days of exculsive BF.. is this wat u mean? Or I can give a mixture of BF and FM? U gers heard of mixing both breast milk and FM together? Does it work..? MiL say can leh...but i dun know if it's safe to?

Anyway first 5 days if realli exclusive BF, I think MiL will jump on me :(



I think it's fine to mix , but also depends on individual babies. Gave my first girl mixture of breast milk and complimented with fm when she appears to b still hungry. Was kan cheong then cause first child... Hahaha...

With 2nd girl , gonna have more determination to bf all the way...hopefully..:p

anyways breast feeding supposed to help u gain back figure faster....

Edd on 8/8.... Can't wait....:)