Edd dec 2012


Oh yah Momopeachgal, I did 2D scan... But it was quite clear to me that day when I went for my checkup ;) but my doc says can see baby got bit of hair grown but that one I cannot see leh...

Sze sze

Hi, I bought adhensive Kotex from ntuc, 10 pcs at $6.30; maternity loop is 10 pcs @ $1.70, huge difference right? I dont know which one good, just bought both... For disposable panties, I bought the cotton one from ntuc n Watson also, can get cotton wool from lots of place like John little, kiddy palace, ntuc, pharmacy, price range is different from each other also, i guess it is due to the size of packaging difference...

Going to buy two those waterproof mattress protector, one for me to use during confinement and one for baby to use... Heard can get from kiddy palace... May not use those disposable one... Whatif it is too heavy flow and leak thru to the mattress ??!! Hahaha... I worry too much...

Mreow mreow... Heehee... Me too, thought a girl but come out is a boy... dont know what will happen!!
But it really happen to my colleague 's friend in china, thought expecting a girl, but eventually is a boy...
Hee... It won't happen on us ... Our scan should be very clearly showing us it is a girl!

I have not packed my hospital bag, got the list to bring from the nurse in my gynae clinic.... May do it in the mid of nov...
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Mreow Mreow

Hmm, any mummies heard that ppl say cannot take the big green coconut and must take the small Thai white coconut instead?
i took both though.....
equally yummy! :)

Will it be uncomfy to sleep on the waterproof mattress protector?
Do u all mean the big white sheet that we put on top of our beds but under our bed sheets? :)


Hello Mummies

Sze Sze: wah really big price different leh.... I read from one of the thread suggesting to use adhesive one... Will waterproof mattress protector be very messy even when trying to clean it? :) hmmm I really scared of overflowing haha
How many pads should we prepare on average? 20pcs?

Mreow Mreow, we r talking about those like u see hospital bed, they put a piece of paper on top of the bedsheet, patient lie down and their butt is on top of the paper... Haha that's to prevent patient urinate or menses stain on the bed sheet. :) there's disposable paper type where u throw away if u really stain it and waterproof type where u can recycle :)


Oh and about the coconut, I read it somewhere we cannot take one of the type but I can't recall! Lol where exactly is that thread ah? Haizxxxx haha


Abt coconut I take Malaysian coconut fresh cut by uncle selling de. I heard must take young n green coconut from old topic in mummysg. The one sold at supermarket is usually cut into hexagon shape liao. Sometimes it's yellow already too ripe?


Good to know I am not alone in the sleepiness thing . I feel so bad dozing off at work. And yeah water retention has been there for me for over a month now. My hands and feet tend to swell up. But the feet are more swollen most of the time. My prenatal yoga instructor advised me to lie on the bed & put up my feet against the wall for a few min before I go to sleep .... Trying that now. I also found that soaking my feet in warm water with some sea salt also helps .


How do you feel now ? Did u speak with your doctor?
Thanks for info on booking hospital bed , will ask my doc when I visit him this Saturday !! Seriously he should be telling us these things !!!
About the undies , I read somewhere that it is a good idea to wear Mens underwear rather than the big granny ones, as the double layered crotch provides more support.

Where do you buy the wash proof mattress protector. I very afraid that what if my water bag burst when I am in bed, it will spoil my mattress !! :p
Also I am thinking of buying adult diapers , so if my water breaks at home I can still go to the hospital in a taxi, other wise the taxi uncle will be very displeased if I dirty his taxi !! Hee hee!! I guess I may be over thinking things :p


Hi all mummies! :D
I have gd news! I had delivered my lil princess last nite at 7.25pm thru c-section. It was a wonderful experience n both me n baby are fine. Juz dat baby is now in nicu to be monitored n to gain weight.

I had to deliver her ASAP as d blood flow from d placenta to baby wasn't going well n my doc was worried dat baby is not getting enough oxygen. Thankfully baby is well n strong enough to breathe on her own without any help.

I can't wait to go n see my lil miracle! Once they take off this drip I will go n see her wif my hubby. N amazingly I managed to produce almost 15ml of colostrum for her! I can't believe it juz now when d lactation consultant helped me to express d colostrum. Even her was surprised dat I managed to produce dat amount when I only had delivered thru c-sect last nite! :D

Hahahaa really didn't expect to be able to see my lil princess so soon! N to think dat I haven't complete d things dat I still need to buy. Hahaha already gave hubby a list of things to buy so hopefully he is able to get them.

Well have a long weekend mummies! Ur turns will come next to join d motherhood club! Hee hee take care all!


Lizasaifi!!!!! Congrats!!!! I am so happy for you that both mummy and baby are safe!!!!! Well done babe!!! :)
And wow u brought your pumps there or rent from the hospital? 15ml is wow!!!!!! Considering that it's the next day after delivering!
Do post pic of baby when she is discharged yah! U are the first dec mummy who has given birth! Coooollll! :D


Omg congratz Liza! Im really excited and happy for you!! It must be so wonderful to be able to see your little princess! I think dec mums here are pretty worried for you when you didnt update in the forum, and yet you gave us a good news! So you prepared your hospital bag like breast pump etc before you were admitted? How long was the c-sect? Anyway, take good rest and enjoy your precious moments with your loved ones!


Anyone going for the Babyexpo this weekend? Im planning to go later in the afternoon and Im still kinda undecided to buy a traditional pan/steamer for boiling of bottles etc or to buy an electronic steriliser. Hmm..

And also anyone intend to store baby's cordblood?


Hi MamaDT n allele!

Thank u for d wishes. Hahaha actually I nvr prepare anything cuz it's last minute emergency c-sect. Hahaha so was quite unprepared. Nonetheless all is well n I'm doing alrite.

D lactation consultant used a syringe to collect d colostrum. :) it's yellowish in color n very thick in consistency. Its so precious since it contains a lot of gd elements for baby. I'm really surprised I can produce dat much of colostrum after juz 1 day.

D c-sect took less than 1 hr from preparing me to be numbed half bodied until d time they finished stitching me up again. :) after dat I was sent to recovery room n by 9.30pm I was back at d ward on my bed.

I will write my birth story when I have d time mummies! :) thank u so much for all ur concerns n wishes for me. Supposed to be a December mummy but now I'm an October mummy! Lolz we can plan so much but God has better plans for us. Take care mummies!


Big congrats to u lizasaifi!!! :D Glad that all is going on well for u & ur little princess! Even me can feel ur excitement on becoming a new mum.

Meanwhile, do continue to take good care and rest whenever u can thou I know it's not easy. :)

My warmest wishes to u & family on ur new addition! Cheers!!! :D
Congrats to you lizasaifi!! So glad that you and baby are safe and healthy! So happy to hear good news here as more and more mummies give birth.. You being the first. Look forward to see your princess photos and meanwhile take care! :)


Good to know I am not alone in the sleepiness thing . I feel so bad dozing off at work. And yeah water retention has been there for me for over a month now. My hands and feet tend to swell up. But the feet are more swollen most of the time. My prenatal yoga instructor advised me to lie on the bed & put up my feet against the wall for a few min before I go to sleep .... Trying that now. I also found that soaking my feet in warm water with some sea salt also helps .
Hi Luckystar! Water retention can be reduced by drinking more water. This may sound funny but it's true. The more u drink the less u'll retain. By drinking at least 8-10 (8-ounce) glasses of liquid a day will help our system to flush out waste products. :) This could be the reason I don't have much swelling around my legs or hands. Give it a try! :)

Lifting up the legs help to improve the condition too. Which yoga center did u go to?
I have signed up mine at mother & child and after attendng a few lessons once weekly, i really feel more energetic and i can sleep better at night too. :)


ivyb: hello! Don't worry, 1.65kg is normal for baby at 32nd week :) and yes, for natural delivery, its better that the baby is not too big size if not the labor will b difficult =p and most impt is the baby is healthy! btw, i felt emo too.. actually for a few weeks already. and easily tears.. i think thats normal for us now.. but must remember to stay cheerful after the emo. lol.. I experience heartburn everyday especially when i m sleeping. its like something acidic lingering along e throat.. den when u burp, u can feel like the acidic thing stays there..the feeling is no good . and actually i not sure mine is heartburn or acid reflux or both r the same hmms..

today is eve of public holiday. :)
Thanks momopeachgal, the way u described heartburn seems to be what i've been experiencing on and off. Especially so when I ate too much food at one time or eating chocolates. I will feel very gasy and keep burping and i can a burning sensation along the throat area when i burped. Awful feeling indeed. :(

Sze sze

Congratulation, Lizasaifi!!
Today is a blessing day too~~ Hee...
So surprise that you gave birth already!! Happy that both of you are safe n healthy!!
Not too worry about the list u yet to complete, I m sure your husband will take care of it...

Rest more while you can, your busy days start soon...
Looking forward to heard your birth story later ya?
Take care & congrat!!!
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Sze sze

Mreow mreow, i guess I am going to buy something like waterproof cot sheet, it is main for bb to use... I also not sure... Haaa
The main idea is not to leave stain on the mattress, because there is no way for me to wash n dry the mattress.... And save trouble to change bedsheet again n again... Imagine how many times I need to change if unfornaturely kena every alternate day?

Went to search online, saw there is one type that one side is cotton and the other is pvc waterproof.... Sleep on the cotton surface should be fine right? I am not too sure.... Guess if the product made good for bb, it shouldn't be too bad for adult also? And it is washable by hand or machine.... Think will to place order online...

Those disposable one, I saw them selling in kiddy palace, guardian, it is light green or blue color, a very big sheet but fold into a rectangle size, ard 5-7 pieces in one package, but cannot remember the price (i guess less than $10)... I recall them using in hospital was placed above the bed sheet....

MamaDT, ya, agreed... I bought 20 pcs adhensive which is two packs plus 10 pcs maternity loop... In case, not enough, will ask my husband or mil to buy, because can get it at the ntuc that near my house; if too much, keep for normal menses ba....
Btw, will stock up some pads for normal use, as I read in some other threads saying that if flow not heavy after 1st two weeks can use the normal pads instead...

Luckystar, I think you can find the waterproof mattress protector at kiddy palace or robinson too... But not sure which type you want, you might need to ask ard before you got it... For me, I am buying the same type for bb but for myself to use during confinement....
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