Edd dec 2012


Yup, im enjoying every single second with her. Although im zombified but worth it to see Clara growing process.. as what sze sze said, i do also snap photos of her every few days.. esp those :O faces, plan to make an album so next time when she grow up, can let her see.. haha..

1) yup, her face will turn red n legs will start to kick kick.. den i will make the "mmm" sound for her..

2) Usually will apply baby powder to baby's butt.. but currently only apply nappy cream.. coz got rashy -_-


How come ur son very hard to poop? Do u still breast feed?

Hi mummies,
Anyone know where I can get spectra M1? I heard only available in Korea. :( anybody going Korea soon lol


I saw somewhere got a table for feeding baby. Let me share in our fb group cos I'm on mobile n can't share in forum.
Baby stomach is small n can tolerate max 2.5-5oz. Do not over feed cause stomach burst.


Lovepixie, serious stomach will burst? Thats so scary..

Momo, u stopped BF? FM.. i usually follow schedule, around 2:30 - 3hours apart from every feed.. but sometimes when shes asleep, i wont wake her till she woke up herself den i'll prepare..
Clara just up her milk abit due to growth spurt. Shes taking 130-140ml currently..

Mreow Mreow

My gal is 7Dec! :)

Momo, I do put powder on bAby's body.
I try not to put so much & I'll always block Baby's face when applying! Haha.

And I feed on demand.
My gal hardly sleeps more than 3.5h at 1 go. So I dun needa wake her up to feed on schedule!

BFeed her lying down then let her sleep straight after doesn't seem Gd.

Firstly, Somehow I feel that she will get gassy cuz she didn't Burp.
Nowadays when she tries to fart, like Gek fart, She might cry..
Seems lk alot of gas!

Secondly, she Seems to associate sucking to sleeping Nw!
sometimes wanna suck for fun to make herself slp.


I am somewhat on between feed on demand and on schedule . I try to feed every 2 to 3 hrs, but if rhea is sleeping or not in the mood , I don't force her, just express and keep .


Hello mummies! Wow! Been so long since I come in to d forum. Hahahaa somehow I feel like as if I dun fit in here as I became an oct mummy. Hahaha

So how's u mummies doing wif ur babies? Hope all is well for mummies n babies ya. :)

Hubby n me brought princess to Vivocity yesterday for some shopping. Hehehe first time ride on d mrt together as a family. Princess was well behaved n only cried when she wanted milk. D rest of d time she was cooperating n was juz looking ard exploring wif her eyes for now. :D went to cotton on kids n I went crazy! Lolz bought 2 pairs of leggings n a lil dress for princess. So many other nice n cute dresses n clothes. Had to resist buying more. Hahaha will surely go back there next mth. I recommend u mummies to go check it out. :)


Hi Liza. U r always a dec mummy as counted baby in corrected age :) glad to see u happy shopping. I haven't gone anywhere with bubs yet cos my strict mum who doesn't allow me bring our her fave grandchild except to visit my grandma


lovepixie hahaha yeah dats true also :) but then my Nurin doesn't seem like a prem baby. Juz dat she's small at 13 weeks 4 days (corrected age 7 weeks 4 days) or 3 mths old by her actual birthdate. She's very active n alert n now will coo, smile n give something like a shriek when we talk to her. Hands n legs punching n kicking. Hehehe it's ok. Take ur time to bring ur bubs out. Babies have immature immune system. Better not expose them too much n too often to other human beings. Yesterday we went out also cuz I feel dat me n Nurin need some fresh air. Hahahaha so told hubby since we have nothing to do at hm why not we bring Nurin out. It was fun n juz have to be careful not to go to too crowded places. :)

Mreow Mreow

Uve not gone out yet?!
Waa. Ur mum so strict ah..

My gal has seriously gone alot of places.
My mum doesn't lk the idea of us bringing het out when she's under 3months but I didn't really heed her advice.. :p

On sat we did her Delayed 1month baby shower.
She was passed around so many ppl for a Pic.

But now she seems to have caught a Flu bug!
When she juz wakes up from her nap, can hear all d flu symptoms.
A lil cough.
Some running nose.

It's the 2nd tym she Kenna already..

Really regret bringing her out alot.
It's either due to that or she juz happen to be sick again.

Haiz :(


Hi mummies, when u bring ur bb out.. is it just both of u alone or with hubby? I bring her out too, but duno go where to walk..
Any advice on bring bb out?

Mreow Mreow

So far I've gone with either Hubby or Mum.

Haven't been out alone with her yet! :p

For me I'd rather baby is asleep when out.
So when she wakes, juz feed her & she'll be ok.

If gg out when She's awake, she'll entertain herself for awhile then after that scream for attention, cry to be carried or for boob to suck!

How bout u all?
Prefer to bring Baby out when they're asleep or awake?


I took my baby out with my mum . It is easier to handle when there is an extra pair of hands , coz she is not used to the pram. So of she wants to be carried , one of us can carry her and the other push the empty pram . Like today when I brought her out she started crying , so I picked her up , and my mum pushed the pram.

I also prefer to bring her out when she is sleeping , so easier to strap her into the pram . Also I carry some drinking water for her , so if she cries , I can give her some water to calm her down .