Edd feb 2014

mummy dee

New Member
Is it cos he falls asleep while feeding? Try rotating the teat when it's in his mouth or stop to burp him when he falls asleep. If not, change diaper to wake him up.

mommies who pump their breastmilk, whether to feed when baby demands or to store and feed later.. take note not to push yourself too hard by over-pumping otherwise breasts may get inflammation.

my son is now 3 weeks 1 day old. initially still okay but these few days he's been fussier. he'll sleep halfway and wake up crying :(
when we feed him, he doesn't finish his milk and always have leftovers. since he's not a drinker (requires a lot of coaxing), we're at our wits end trying to have him finish his feed so that he can last longer. any good suggestions?


Latched baby on during evening... After a while, she vomited whole lot out. Dunno Izit suckle too much or what. Now I so scared to latch her on. See baby vomit, my heart-break le.... :(


New Member
Hi mummies,

My baby girl is abt 2 weeks ago.. I managed to get her to latch on from day 3 then I started bottle feeding her because she bites n my nipples were very sore. Now she refuses to latch on. Any idea how to train her again? She cries very hard when I offer her my breast.
rcty ... wat hot pad are u using?

rtcy:858608 said:
Doing total breastfeeding now.. So totally have no clue how much baby is taking in ml..
Last night my right breast got engorged, hand express out 20ml only. Couldn't get it down.. In the end baby slept too much in the day, was very awake at night. Kept feeding her my right breast to get it down..

Do cold cabbage really work for engorgement?
U try to use hot pad on ur breast. It's work for me. I'm expressing milk for my bb as he don't know how to suck out the milk he only like latching :confused:


R u doing Jamu massage? I find that warm towels dun work as well as massage when the engorgement is terrible. I did Jamu 7 days. And after hot bath I will pump then latch. It helped to clear. Oh and I was using angel baby booby tubes.

Anyone using the avent hot/cold compress for the breast? Is it useful?
No. I din do any massage. I dun hv engorgement actually ... jz hoping to simulate milk flow coz my supply coming in slow. Day 6 and so far hand express max abt 40ml.

Rye:859333 said:
R u doing Jamu massage? I find that warm towels dun work as well as massage when the engorgement is terrible. I did Jamu 7 days. And after hot bath I will pump then latch. It helped to clear. Oh and I was using angel baby booby tubes.

Anyone using the avent hot/cold compress for the breast? Is it useful?


rcty ... wat hot pad are u using?

rtcy:858608 said:
Doing total breastfeeding now.. So totally have no clue how much baby is taking in ml..
Last night my right breast got engorged, hand express out 20ml only. Couldn't get it down.. In the end baby slept too much in the day, was very awake at night. Kept feeding her my right breast to get it down..

Do cold cabbage really work for engorgement?
U try to use hot pad on ur breast. It's work for me. I'm expressing milk for my bb as he don't know how to suck out the milk he only like latching :confused:
I'm using the tradition water bag which I can pour in hot water into it and I used cold cabbage for engorgement which really works.


Sigh sigh. My baby seems to be attached to CL. Whenever husband/I carry her. She will cry. But the moment she hear CL voice or CL carry. Her crying stop. I'm so sad :(
Most of the time is the CL handling the baby?

Gabrielle86:859947 said:
Sigh sigh. My baby seems to be attached to CL. Whenever husband/I carry her. She will cry. But the moment she hear CL voice or CL carry. Her crying stop. I'm so sad :(
Sigh sigh. My baby seems to be attached to CL. Whenever husband/I carry her. She will cry. But the moment she hear CL voice or CL carry. Her crying stop. I'm so sad :(
Mine is like dat :( she like CL a lot n only cl can calm her down when she fusses. Everyone else is not as bad.. I'm the worse.. Every time I carry her she wouldn't stop crying n will stick her face n mouth onto my breast, seems to be looking for milk :(


New Member
Hi - dont't think need to be too worried about baby being close to CL. You will have a lifetime to bond with baby after CL leaves :)
Think this time I am super hands-off, just let CL carry cos he will want to latch if I carry him. I am almost exclusively pumping....just latch once a day for bonding. With my no.1, I latched every 1-2hrs and it was tiring. I feel more rested this time.

Curly Star - can I ask about your post-natal massage experience? Did you think it helped? Did she massage the abdomen area? I had a c-sec this time too and have not engaged a massage lady yet cos when I did it the last time, the abdomen area was left alone as it was still tender and honestly, I wouldn't be comfortable if she wanted to massage that area too. So in the end, it felt like a normal massage of back, legs, arms.
Hi - dont't think need to be too worried about baby being close to CL. You will have a lifetime to bond with baby after CL leaves :)
Think this time I am super hands-off, just let CL carry cos he will want to latch if I carry him. I am almost exclusively pumping....just latch once a day for bonding. With my no.1, I latched every 1-2hrs and it was tiring. I feel more rested this time.

Curly Star - can I ask about your post-natal massage experience? Did you think it helped? Did she massage the abdomen area? I had a c-sec this time too and have not engaged a massage lady yet cos when I did it the last time, the abdomen area was left alone as it was still tender and honestly, I wouldn't be comfortable if she wanted to massage that area too. So in the end, it felt like a normal massage of back, legs, arms.
so far I only had 2 sessions. This massage Aunty v good. I Was v worried initially as I had c sec and fibroid but she still go ahead to massage the tummy area without touching the wound area. She told me my tummy got lots of wind n even ask if I had cold food. I think it's necessary to massage tummy area if not the tummy will not go down and it's not good to hv winds in there too. I do wish she can massage more on my shoulder n back though... I'm really tired from
constant latching and pumping. V stressful to stick to the 3 hourly schedule and just getting 40ml per yield each time :( but her massage did also hrl
Her massage did also help with my yield. I'm always getting 40ml. After massage I can pump 75ml. Was so happy but after that go back to 40ml again haha