EDD Jan 2013


Active Member
yah and see your baby smile your heart will melt haha :D

lets all look forward to jan ~~~

come fast fast..

hope later i reach my mom's place the food are ready~~ haha. so hungry..


thank u all :) so glad to know you all.. just when i am reading the posts which you all encourage me to stay positive, be happy all that .. my little gal is kicking me.. HAHA


Active Member
mybeautyrights: no lah nv type those at work. but now i looking at deal.com on those food deal..haha. so hungry~~

tweety04: see your ger wants you to be happy.. keke.. she is also supporting you.. so u must support her wor.. :)

yeah 530 soon. i wanna go pick my #1 and go home makan ~~ hungry.. keke food make me happy.


Active Member
yah buffet~~ food.. i still go and read the menu.. till my colleagues all bth me.. haha :D
how i wish my table is full of food now..feel like having sambal petai now.. yum yum~~~


Active Member
not worth lah unless the preg lady can eat alot..
me now preg eat lesser than before i preg lor..
no one dares to ask me go buffet these days.. all said wait till i give birth then ask me go lor.. coz said i wast money.. wah liew sian lor..
buffet i wan to go to the line.. whack the oyster and sashimi haha.
but now i wannt eat sambal petai


omg, shall now pinch my baby girl's cheek aiyah poor thing.
I shall be a good mum.

Yours is a girl too, same!
I have facebook, you can add me up if you want nqd_13@hotmail.sg
We are staying nearby!

Same i cant eat much in a buffet place, cause i have my own preferences and some food smell disgusts me.
So thats the reason why.
But during my first tri i love sambal petai, now thinking of it, i got no appetite.
asphere: haha... nooo.. the line.. dont remind me...

tweety04: buffet town nice? i haven try before.. my FB: joyful_84@hotmail.com

Diydee: haha.. when i tell my sis last time. she dont dare touch much of her bb face.. bb drooling very messy.. lucky my niece didnt..


New Member
Hikari: yes my 28 weeks now. Rem my gynae was telling me that the glucose test is sort of blood test... Not sure the whole process.
will let u gers know in two weeks time. I guess I had too much chocolate n Ribena!!


Good morning mummies ;)

Good morning mybeautyrights ;)

Tweety04: we eat buffet where got worth it? We cannot eat raw food. We cannot eat seafood. There is a lot of things we cannot eat. Only that we will hve bigger appetite isn't it? I feel like eating buffet. But come to think of the sashimi sitting there waiting for me yet I cannot eat. I'm already moodless :(


Morning all my dear pretties!

Twinnie:eek:h i think they will draw ur blood first than make u drink liquidated sugar.after that they will wait and draw ur blood again..to compare and check the blood sugars and insulin levels..in order to not affect the results,we are advised not to eat/drink 9 hours before the test.Hahah I have a sweet tooth too.Every day chocolate n ice cream..i think I have to be good and control until after my test on 6th Nov(my 28 wks)

Aksoh:yeah Im always thinking of food but shhh u dun nd say out ma!Hahahaha..jialat so greedy later my ah boy come out greedy like me.His ah pa will pok gai buying food to satisfy us all!

tweety04:hey girl..being pregnant is not easy.we are all on the same journey here so you are not alone.Things might be hard now,me and my Hub also always quarrelling over money all that cos we are young and have no savings plus baby was unplanned..but i never regret my decision to keep this miracle.And trust me when you hold yours in your arms,everything else will not be important anymore.We all have our down days and everyone has their own problems...but fret not,we are all in this together ok?

Wah I go eat buffet is not worth it one.Cos I tend to drink alot of water(bad habit) than eat one round full already.Haha!But after I breastfeed I want to go eat all the sashimi I can get my hands on!


Syiok :(
I wish i can head back to sleep too. But ill need to wait till 5.30pm.

True, being pregnant is never easy, but fret not we are in our last trimester , last lap.