EDD Jan 2013


Morning all.. diydee : i have added u in face book.. apshere and mybeautyrights : base on your email i cant find you in fb .. HAH
Askoh: true also.. those seafood looks very tempting.. sitting there nicely yet we cant take.. :( Hikari: i am in the same situation as u .. money issue and baby is unplanned also.. but my parents not very understanding also.. they dote more on my bro so every thing happen will blame on me instead of my brother.. i still have to see their faces cos my house is not ready yet...
Diydee: think most of us now wanted to rest in bed nowadays.

Asphere: which meal will be ur bao??

Tweety04: I check it's correct.. U want give us urs or we wait till Diydee cfm then we add from there...


I accepted 2 request last night, but dont know which account is yours. Hehe.
Be opstimistic okay :)
Its our final lap, we should be able to make it thru!
Which hospital you at?


Active Member
tweety04: you cant find me? weird haha email bo sala leh. aspheretze@yahoo.com.sg or you give me yours after6 i add you. keke i cant use hp now :D

my this 2nd round of breakfast got bao.. yeah.. but that colleague still not here yet lor..

and my boyboy is aangry with me i guess haha.. giving me attitude. haha.. petty boy :D


Morning ladies :) Last friday i was looking forward to the weekend, but at night vomited so many times in a row. had to be admitted to hospital to be put on the drip, was so worried for baby. stomach virus. now i'm so scared to eat any outside food :(

now trying to eat regularly to stop the gastric pain. given leave for a week, but will probably go back earlier if i feel better. company not happy. dread to see their faces when i go back. will kanna cold shoulder

oh yeah, the ward was full over the weekend. lots of ladies gave birth :)


Active Member
hi Joy33, aiyo ur company so mean de? preg leh moreover sick also not you want de.

rest well and dun anyhow eat wor..
Asphere: haha.. Later at 6, you will see ur nickname pop up when u log in..

Joy33: wah that bad. What did u eat?? Virus need at least 2 weeks to flush out coz ur body still weak.. Don't eat too many sweet stuff, gastrics will worsen....


joy33: get well soon... :)

yup all: we are at 3rd trimester already................ jus hope every unhappiness will go away when i see the baby.. just feel bad that the baby haven born out have to stress the problems with me


Everyday you talk abt bao. Haha obssesed huh?

Dont say like that, just look at the positive side.
A baby is a blessing, whatever difficulties you are facing now, i am sure with the baby luck you will overcome it.


Active Member
not i like bao. is all LeeTham's fault. she started the bao and make me crave for bao since then. and i dun have chance to eat it lor till today :D anyway now i am satified haha..

I like those dim sum bao best haha coz taste better :D


ya hor.. dim sum bao hot hot come out in the tray dam nice.. i think after your craving for bao .. now my turn HAHHAHAHHAhA but my work area nth to eat one lo >.< which area you all wrking at?


We know what to get for you already, we come visit you after your delivery all bring bao.
Hahaha, by then i think after giving birth to your boy you sick of bao.


Diydee:hahah yup first 6 mths alrdy pass us by in blink of an eye..well no worries u can check with ur hubby and let me knw.me and my hubby very flexible one.

tweety04:I think u need to give me ur email so I can add you.My account is very private.hahah!Well I know how you feel,but dont worry let nature take its course..every problem has a solution.I always think that things will be fine in the end.My parents at first also upset that I so fast got preggy but no matter what still their grandson..im just glad that now things are so much better.I learn that things that u cant control you just got to lun!For baby's sake..everytime I feel down,my boy will kick me as if to let me know he is fighting with me.Than I will feel strong enough to face anything.Im sure u are like that too..keep positive,enjoy the journey.Some pple try so hard to get preggy but never had the chance to feel what we are feeling now,so we are very lucky=) and Im even luckier cos I have all these ladies with me on my journey!

Asphere:better eat a bao everyday!I think ur boy angry with u cos u promise him bao frm last week till now nv feed him.Haha.I also cant wait for 5.30pm.But i want friday 5.30pm la.Haha!Think too much right?

joy33:woah girl i get how u feel.A month ago I was in that state.I cannot keep any food down.Right after I eat or even just drink milo,I will retch and everything will come out immediately,happened few times in public and my poor hubby got to clean me.At first i thought my MS was back but when I went to doc,he told me i got gastric flu..bad virus that took few weeks to recover.I am still thrwing up on and off but no so often anymore..do take more 100plus to rehydrate urself after u throw up!


thanks ladies :) i dont know what it was that caused it either. might have been my lunch at the coffee shop, but with this kind of virus can be passed many ways. not just contaminated food, but also the cutlery, human contact. think i will ta pau food to work till i build up my imune system.

all this talk abt bao, makes me want one for lunch hahah... think i will be having soup instead though


Hikari: yup have been drinking 100plus. taking those with flavour cause the natural taste makes me feel like throwing up heh


Active Member
Diydee: no way. no more bao haha :D my craving comes and goes very fast :D

Hikari: no lah i eaten the bao wont want to eat everyday already. haha tonite i am having petai haha. ask my mom to cook :D I also hoping for fri 530 too haha.. lets look forward haha.

joy33: i dun think you can eat bao. soup is the right choice keke..


joy33: you got to get used to us.we always tempt each other with food.Haha!For me I always thinking of food..at work mind also nt here.Good girl,drink more water and no oily food yeah!